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A pipeline that uses read-level features and extra trees/random forest algorithms for accurate and fast detection of somatic mutations in next generation sequencing data


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A pipeline that uses read-level features and extra trees/random forest algorithms for accurate and fast detection of somatic mutations in next generation sequencing data.


  1. Installation
  2. Quick usage
  3. Docker options
  4. RFcaller options
  5. Examples
  6. Outputs


If you don't have docker already installed in your system, please follow these instructions.

Docker pull

We have created a docker image with all dependencies installed:

docker pull labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0

The image has the following structure:

  • databases directory contains dbSNP, ploidy files and a panel of normals.
  • RFcaller has the scripts used by the pipeline.
  • output is the working directory.
 |-- databases
      |-- dbSNP
           |-- UCSC_dbSNP153Common_hg19_combined.vcf.gz
           |-- UCSC_dbSNP153Common_hg19_combined.vcf.gz.tbi
           |-- UCSC_dbSNP153Common_hg38_combined.vcf.gz
           |-- UCSC_dbSNP153Common_hg38_combined.vcf.gz.tbi
      |-- ploidy_files
           |-- GRCm38.ploidy.file
           |-- GRCm39.ploidy.file
      |-- PoN
           |-- PanelOfNormals_hs37d5.tsv.gz
           |-- PanelOfNormals_hs37d5.tsv.gz.tbi
           |-- PanelOfNormals_hg38.tsv.gz
           |-- PanelOfNormals_hg38.tsv.gz.tbi
 |-- RFcaller
           |-- scripts
           |-- training

Docker build

In case you want to build your own RFcaller image:

git clone [email protected]:xa-lab/RFcaller.git
wget -O
cp -r databases/dbSNP RFcaller/databases
rm -rf databases
cd RFcaller
docker build -t labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 .

Quick usage

Here is basic configuration, for more information see docker and RFcaller options.

# Single case
docker run --rm -v /BAMS_PATH/:/bams/ -v /GENOME_PATH/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -@ INT -nb /bams/NORMAL.BAM -tb /bams/TUMOR.BAM -o OUTPUT --genome /genome/GENOME.FA --dbSNP hg19

# Multiple cases
docker run --rm -v /BAMS_PATH/:/bams/ -v /GENOME_PATH/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -@ INT -i INPUT.LIST --genome /genome/GENOME.FA --dbSNP hg19

Docker options

Among all the options offered by docker (docker run --help), we recommend:

  • --rm: Automatically remove the container when it exits.
  • -v, --volume: Mount local volumes in the container.
    • With the option -v $(pwd):/output/, RFcaller results will be in your current directory.
  • -u, --user: Specify the user ID and its group ID. It's useful to not run the pipeline as root.
  • -i, --interactive: Keep STDIN open even if not attached.
  • -t, --tty: Allocate a pseudo-TTY. When combined with -i it allows you to connect your terminal with the container terminal.
  • -e, --env: Set environment variables.

RFcaller options

Required inputs

RFcaller has the following required inputs:

Single case

  • -nb, --normalBam: Path to normal BAM.
  • -tb, --tumorBam: Path to tumor BAM.
  • -o, --output: Output file name.

Multiple cases

  • -i, --input: The input is a TSV (tab-separated values) file with five required columns and an optional extra one. This last column is used to specify the file with the positions you want to analyze.

    Normal name Normal BAM
    (CRAM supported)
    Tumor name Tumor BAM
    (CRAM supported)
    Output name VCF/BED

  • -g, --genome: Reference genome in FASTA format (bgzip supported).
  • -p, --dbSNP: VCF file provided by the image with common SNPs (MAF ≥ 1%) to eliminate these positions from the analysis. In case you want to use your own VCF (bgzip supported), use also the --ploidy_file argument.
    • Choices: [hg19, hg38, your_dbSNP]

Optional inputs

RFcaller provides additional configuration through the following optional inputs:

Only for single case

  • -n, --normal: Name for normal files.
    • Default: normal
  • -t, --tumor: Name for tumor files.
    • Default: tumor

  • -@: Max number of threads to use.
    • Default: 20
  • -b, --bamsDir: Main directory where BAMs are located inside the container. By default, the program will look in the /bams/ directory and that's why we set the docker option -v /BAMS_PATH/:/bams/. However, if you mount your BAMs in other directory inside the container, you have to use this option to specify it.
    • Default: /bams/
  • -r, --regions: List of regions in which to make the call in VCF, BCF or TSV format.
  • --PoN: TSV (CHROM, FROM, TO) with positions appearing in a Panel of Normals. Use RFcaller --PoN ? for more information.
    • Default: Same version as dbSNP
    • Choices: [hg19, hg38, None, your_PoN]
  • --ploidy_file: bcftools call --ploidy_file to use in variant calling. Use RFcaller --ploidy_file ? for more information.
    • Default: Same version as dbSNP
    • Choices: [GRCh37, GRCh38, GRCm38 (mouse), GRCm39 (mouse), None (consider all sites as diploid), your_ploidy_file]
  • --includePatches: Tag used to analyze both canonical chromosomes and patches.
  • --keep: Tag used to keep intermediate files.

Additional parameters

RFcaller has some extra parameters to use as filters:

Parameter Description Default
contamination Percentage of tumor contamination in normal sample. For example, if you expect that 10% of reads in normal comes from tumor (10% contamination),you have to set "contamination": 0.1. This argument is used to increase the maximum number of mutated reads allowed in normal sample 0.05
TD_cov_SNV Minimum coverage for tumor sample (SNVs) 7
TD_cov_INDEL Minimum coverage for tumor sample (INDELs) 7
ND_cov_SNV Minimum coverage for normal sample (SNVs) 7
ND_cov_INDEL Minimum coverage for normal sample (INDELs) 7
TD_mut_SNV Minimum number of mutated reads for a position in tumor sample to not discard it (SNVs) 3
TD_mut_INDEL Minimum number of mutated reads for a position in tumor sample to not discard it (INDELs) 4
ND_mut_SNV Maximum number of mutated reads allowed for a position in normal sample (SNVs) 3
ND_mut_INDEL Maximum number of mutated reads allowed for a position in normal sample (INDELs) 2
ND_window Window size around a position to look for mutations in normal (INDELs) 10
SNV_threshold Minimum QUAL value to consider a SNV as good 10.1774
INDEL_threshold Minimum QUAL value to consider an INDEL as good 32.1418
polyINDEL_threshold Minimum QUAL value to consider an homopolymerINDEL (mononucleotide microsatellites) as good 0.7723


Writting input file

Imagine that you have the following configuration:

  |-- example.metadata
  |-- normal.bam
  |-- normal.bam.bai
  |-- tumor.bam
  |-- tumor.bam.bai
  |-- hg19.fa
  |-- hg19.fa.fai

If we use the following command to run RFcaller:

docker run --rm -v /home/RFcaller/example/:/bams/ -v /home/genomes/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -i /bams/example.metadata --genome /genome/hg19.fa --dbSNP hg19

The example.metadata file should be:

normal  normal.bam  tumor  tumor.bam  example

This is because thanks to the -v command, the files inside the container are located in the following way:

Computer Docker
/home/example/example.metadata /bams/example.metadata
/home/example/bams/normal.bam /bams/normal.bam
/home/example/bams/tumor.bam /bams/tumor.bam
/home/example/genome/hg19.fa /genome/hg19.fa

A more detailed explanation:

  • We use -i /bams/example.metadata because inside the container, we are working in the /output/ directory, but we have mounted the metadata file in the /bams/ directory.
  • We have said before that the default directory for the BAMs inside the container is /bams/. In this sense, as our BAMs are in this directory, we don't have to specify the full path in the example.metadata file, just write where these BAMs are located inside this folder.
  • In the case of genome, we have to specify the full path inside the container, that is why we use --genome /genome/hg19.fa.

Changing default paths

To make it clear how to use the Docker options together with RFcaller, we have prepared a more complex example. For this time, we start with the following directory structure:

  |-- example.metadata
  |-- bams
      |-- normal_dir
            |-- normal.bam
            |-- normal.bam.bai
      |-- tumor_dir
            |-- tumor.bam
            |-- tumor.bam.bai
  |-- hg19_genome
      |-- hg19.fa
      |-- hg19.fa.fai

In the event that we were working in the /home/ directory:

docker run --rm -v /data/bams/:/example_bams/ -v /data/hg19_genome/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -i complex_example/example.metadata --bamsDir /example_bams/ --genome /genome/hg19.fa --dbSNP hg19 

The distribution of the files will be:

Computer Docker
/home/complex_example/example.metadata /output/complex_example/example.metadata
/data/bams/normal_dir/normal.bam /example_bams/normal_dir/normal.bam
/data/bams/tumor_dir/tumor.bam /example_bams/tumor_dir/tumor.bam
/data/hg19_genome/genome/hg19.fa /genome/hg19.fa

Thus, the metadata.example file should be:

normal  normal_dir/normal.bam  tumor  tumor_dir/tumor.bam  example

A more detailed explanation:

  • As we are using -v $(pwd):/output/ and our working directory outside the container is /home/, the example.metadata file in the container is inside the folder complex_example. This is why we use -i complex_example/example.metadata.
  • We have mounted the BAMs directory in /example_bams/ instead of /bams/, so we also have to changed BAMs directory for RFcaller with the -b, --bamsDir option. Now, for the example.metadata we have to write the full BAMs path removing the main directory because it is defined with --bamsDir.

Changing TimeZone

The time zone of the docker image is Europe/Madrid and it's used to set the time for the log file. To change this, add the -e option to set environment variables:

docker run --rm -e "TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone)" -v /BAMS_PATH/:/bams/ -v /GENOME_PATH/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -@ INT -i INPUT.LIST --genome /genome/GENOME.FA --dbSNP hg19/hg38

Or set it manually (to know your TZ visit: TZ database)

docker run --rm -e "TZ=America/Toronto" -v /BAMS_PATH/:/bams/ -v /GENOME_PATH/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -@ INT -i INPUT.LIST --genome /genome/GENOME.FA --dbSNP hg19/hg38


For each case three directories and a final file will be created:

  1. calling: bcftools basic call results
    • ${name}.vcf.gz -> Original calling from bcftools
    • ${name}.norm.vcf.gz -> After normalizing the indels
    • ${name}.filter.norm.vcf.gz -> After removing SNPs and very low quality mutations
    • ${name}.SNVs.filter.norm.vcf and ${name}.INDELs.filter.norm.vcf -> Separate SNVs and INDELs into two files
    • polyIndel.pos -> BED file with those positions which contain an homopolymer INDEL
  2. somaticSNV: RFcaller results for SNVs
    • reduced.positions -> All positions to analyze in ${name}.SNVs.filter.norm.vcf
    • reduced_*.bam -> A small bam with just the reads overlapping positions in reduced.positions
    • *.mini.pileup and ${name}.mini.pileup.vcf -> Filtered mini.pileup and its VCF for the positions in reduced.positions
    • common.positions -> File with the positions in ${name}.mini.pileup.vcf with the format CHR \t POS
    • ${tumor}.read.names, ${name}.mutations.interval, ${name}.sequence, ${name}.stats, ${name}.cigar and ${name}.mapq -> Intermediate files with read-level features
    • ${name}.prepare_muts.csv -> File generated from gathering the above features and filtering them
    • regression_results_SNVs_${name}.txt-> Regression algorithm result for SNVs
    • mutations_SNVs_${name}.vcf.gz -> Final set of SNVs
  3. somaticINDEL: RFcaller results for INDELs
    • reduced.positions -> All positions to analyze in ${name}.INDELs.filter.norm.vcf
    • short_reduced.positions and long_reduced.positions -> Positions separated by the size of the INDEL (short < 7 and long >= 7)
    • reduced_*.bam -> A small bam with just the reads overlapping positions in reduced.positions
    • *.mini.pileup and ${name}.mini.pileup.vcf -> Filtered mini.pileup and its VCF for the positions in reduced.positions
    • short_common.positions, long_common.positions and common.positions -> File with the positions in ${name}.mini.pileup.vcf with the format CHR \t POS
    • ${name}.features, ${name}.mutations.interval, ${name}.sequence, ${name}.distribution, ${name}.stats, ${name}.cigar and ${name}.mapq -> Intermediate files with read-level features
    • ${name}.prepare_muts.csv -> File generated from gathering the above features and filtering them
    • regression_results_INDELs_${name}.txt-> Regression algorithm result for INDELs
    • mutations_INDELs_${name}.vcf.gz -> Final set of INDELs
  4. mutations_${name}.vcf -> Final VCF with the mutations from SNV and INDEL pipelines

If the tag --keep is not set, all above directories are removed and only the final VCF file mutations_${name}.vcf in conserved.

Two additional global files are created:

  • RFcaller.log -> Log file with the commands that have been executed for each case and their results
  • .stderr.log -> A file with errors and warnings that have occurred during the pipeline

Citation: If you use RFcaller in your publication, please cite us:

Ander Díaz-Navarro et al., RFcaller: a machine learning approach combined with read-level features to 
detect somatic mutations, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2023, lqad056,

Authors: Ander Díaz-Navarro, Pablo Bousquets-Muñoz & Xose S. Puente -- Universidad de Oviedo


A pipeline that uses read-level features and extra trees/random forest algorithms for accurate and fast detection of somatic mutations in next generation sequencing data







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