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Opal CI/CD workflow

To run using Docker:

Build the image and run the image in a container using

docker build -t opal -f server/ .; docker run -t -d -p 8080:8080 --name opal opal

This will open our remote server at localhost:8080. After running this once, you can use Docker Desktop to manage the container.

To delete the container and image, use

docker rm --force opal; docker rmi opal

To open the container in VSCode, open the Command Pallette ctrl + shift + p and run Dev Containers: Attach to Running Container (this requires the Dev Containers extension).

Open the folder /app/Opal/server in the Dev Container.

When opening the first time, VSCode will think every file has been changed (potentially line-termination inconsistencies, not sure). Discard all git changes before starting any work. You should only have to do this once after creating the container.


The server must be handled inside the Docker container.

To reattach your terminal to the gunicorn process, use

screen -rd opalserver

To scroll inside the screen (enter copy mode), hit ctrl+a, then hit esc. When you are in copy mode, you can't see new logs. So, once you are done looking, hit ctrl+c to exit copy mode. To detach, hit ctrl+a, then hit d.

There are helpful .sh scripts you can run with the bash command in server/scripts. The script will restart the gunicorn process to allow you to view changes to code. The script will run the gunicorn process in a screen. Behavior is the same as when you run


The frontend must be handled outside of the Docker container.

Helpful commands

All of these commands must be executed from inside /frontend.

Install all node dependencies from package.json

npm install

Run the local test server

npm run dev

Open the Prisma database view

npx prisma studio

Push schema changes to database (all database migrations should be done in /frontend)

npx prisma migrate dev --name "<insert migration name>"

Pull schema changes from database (must be done in /server after creating a migration in /frontend)

prisma db pull

Generate Prisma Client

npx prisma generate

To create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the current version of the database, copy and paste the contents of the schema.dbml file in frontend/prisma/dbml to: DB Diagram