A library for recreational number theory in MIT Scheme.
By "recreational number theory" I mean facilities for playing around with various properties and sequences of integers, such as factorials, fibonacci numbers, primes, triangle numbers, etc.
The Integer Sequences library is, surprise surprise, organized around the concept of an integer sequence. Every integer sequence can be viewed as a property that an integer might have, namely whether that integer is in that sequence or not; and every property of integers can be viewed as a monotonically increasing sequence of all the positive integers that have this property (note that these two reinterpretations are only mutual inverses when restricted to monotonically increasing sequences and properties, respectively, of positive integers). Monotonically increasing sequences can also be inverted, that is, the index of an element is well-defined and can be computed.
Just git clone
this repository,
(load "integer-seqeunces/load")
and hack away.
If you want to develop Integer Sequences, you will want to also get the
unit test framework that Integer Sequences uses. Type git submodule init
and git submodule update
Every sequence defined by Integer Sequences provides the following operations:
Operation | Name | Returns |
generator | (foo k) |
The kth foo (1-indexed) |
inverter | (foo-root n) |
Integer Inverse of foo at n (see below) |
tester | (foo? n) |
Is n a foo? |
counter | (count-foos l h) |
How many foos in l <= foo < h |
streamer | (the-foos) |
Stream of all (positive) foos |
up-streamer | (foos-from n) |
Same, starting from >= n |
down-streamer | (foos-down-from n) |
Same, but <= n going down |
up-ranger | (foos-between l h) |
Stream of foos in l <= foo < h |
down-ranger | (foos-between-down l h) |
Stream of foos in h >= foo > l going down |
For example, (perfect 3)
returns 496, (factorial? 8)
returns false,
returns an infinite stream that starts with 2, 3, 5, 7,
11, 13, ..., and (squares-down-from 70)
returns a (finite!) stream
whose contents are 64, 49, 36, 25, 16, 9, 4, 1. There are plenty more
examples in test/properties-test.scm.
Inversion is a very useful concept when working with anything that looks like a function (namely, from indecies to sequence elements). In the case of integer sequences, this means, given an element of a sequence, computing its index, and given an integer that is not an element of a sequence, computing the indecies of the two adjacent elements it falls between. To be precise:
Define an integer inverse of a monotonic function f: Z+ --> Z+ to be any function g: Z+ --> Q+ such that, for each n, either
- g(n) is an integer and f(g(n)) = n, or
- g(n) is not an integer and f(floor(g(n))) < n < f(ceiling(g(n))), where we formally take f(0) = 0 to cover the case where n < f(1).
The function g is not itself unique (because it can return any non-integer within the desired bounds when its input is not a member of the sequence), but by monotonicity of f, floor(g(n)) and ceiling(g(n)) always exist and are unique.
Note that such a g can be defined to always compute with and return exact Scheme numbers, thereby avoiding all problems with roundoff error (which can be very significant when dealing with large integers, as for instance testing whether 5^200 is a square).
The integer inverse of each sequence foo
is implemented by the
function (foo-root n)
. In this library, I choose to return the
half-integer between the two answers if there is no exact integer
inverse; so for instance (cube-root 8)
returns 2, but (cube-root 10)
returns 5/2 (as does cube-root
of anything else between 9 and
26, inclusive).
The following sequences are provided with Integer Sequences, and implement all the sequences functions described above.
Singular Name | Brief Definition |
integer | the integers |
even | even numbers |
odd | odd numbers |
factorial | product of the first k consecutive integers |
catalan | (choose k of 2k)/(k+1); the Catalan numbers are magic |
fibonacci | 1, 1, ..., fib(k-1) + fib(k-2), ... |
prime | integers > 1 divisible by no other |
composite | integers > 1 divisible by another |
semiprime | integers with exactly two prime factors, counting multiplicity |
twin-prime | primes that differ from another prime by exactly 2 |
square-free | integers divisible by each prime at most once |
powerful | integers divisible by each prime at least twice or not at all |
perfect | n = sum of all proper divisors of n := aliquot(n) |
abundant | n < sum of all proper divisors of n |
deficient | n > sum of all proper divisors of n |
amicable | not perfect, but n = aliquot(aliquot(n)) |
aspiring | not perfect, but aliquot^m(n) is perfect for some m |
mersenne | 2^p - 1 for prime p. If also prime, called a Mersenne prime |
primorial | product of the first k primes |
compositorial | product of the first k composites |
square | number of objects in some k by k square = k*k |
cube | number of objects in some k by k by k cube = kkk |
triangle | same for triangle with k objects on a side = k*(k+1)/2 |
pentagon | same for pentagon = k*(3k-1)/2 |
hexagon | same for hexagon = k*(2k-1) |
heptagon | same for heptagon = k*(5k-3)/2 |
octagon | same for octagon = k*(3k-2) |
nonagon | same for nonagon = k*(7k-5)/2 |
decagon | same for decagon = k*(4k-3) |
tetrahedron | same for tetrahedron = k*(k+1)*(k+2)/6 |
pronic | k*(k+1) for some k |
lazy-caterer | maximum number of pieces of pizza makable with k straight cuts |
cake | ditto for planar cuts of cake |
lucky-number | survivors of the "sieve of Josephus Flavius"; see Wikipedia |
automorphic | decimal expansion of n^2 ends in n |
pandigital | decimal expansion uses all 10 digits |
evil | binary expansion uses an even number of 1s |
odious | binary expansion uses an odd number of 1s |
multidigit | decimal expansion has more than 1 digit (i.e., n >= 10) |
narcissistic | sum of kth powers of its k digits |
palindrome | reads the same forwards and backwards in decimal |
emirp | non-palindromic prime which is also prime read backwards |
emirpimes | same, but both semiprime |
strobogrammatic | reads the same normally and upside-down in decimal (e.g., 609) |
apocalyptic-power | n such that 2^n contains "666" as a substring (in decimal) |
smith | a composite whose sum of digits equals the sum of the digits of its prime factors |
hoax | same, but distinct prime factors |
happy-number | summing squares of digits eventually leads to 1, not a cycle |
repunit | every digit (in decimal) is 1 |
repdigit | decimal expansion uses only one distinct digit (e.g., 333) |
undulating | decimal expansion follows pattern ababababab (e.g., 212) |
All of these are strictly monotonic except the Fibonacci numbers, so
their integer inverses are well defined. By special dispensation,
(fibonacci-root 1)
returns 1 (as opposed to 2); and
(count-fibonaccis 1 4)
returns 4 (as opposed to 3), on the gounds
that 1 is a Fibonacci number twice.
The sequence operations are mutually interdefinable: if you have any one of them, you can construct all the rest mechanically (these contructions depend on monotonicity, in general). Integer Sequences provides a facility for doing this for user sequences. For example, if you have a formula, you can make a full sequence out of it like this:
(define (my-number k)
... ; your code to compute the kth "my-number"
;; Defines my-number?, my-number-root, count-my-numbers,
;; the-my-numbers, my-numbers-from, my-numbers-down-from,
;; my-numbers-between, and my-numbers-between-down for you, in terms
;; of my-number.
(integer-sequence my-number generator)
The other common pattern is to turn a tester into a sequence:
(define (my-other-number? n)
... ; your code to check wether n is a "my-other-number"
;; Defines my-other-number, my-other-number-root,
;; count-my-other-numbers, the-my-other-numbers,
;; my-other-numbers-from, my-other-numbers-down-from,
;; my-other-numbers-between, and my-other-numbers-between-down for
;; you, in terms of my-other-number?.
(integer-sequence my-other-number tester)
You can, however, predefine however many of the operations you like
and ask integer-sequence
to define the others in terms of them.
Doing this can lead to substanital speedups: the only general way to
compute the kth foo if all you can do is check whether something is a
foo is to test all integers starting at 1 until you've found k foos.
Needless to say, an explicit formula would be much preferable.
Figure 1: A summary of how operations are derived from each other. The full description is in numbers-meta.scm. |
(integer-sequence name available-operation1 available-operation2 ...)
Completes the definition of a sequence named name
(which is not
evaluated and must be a symbol) from the given available operations,
defining all the missing ones. Input operations must be given by
procedures that follow the naming convention,
and new operations are defined to follow it also. Each
must be one of the (unevaluated) symbols
, inverter
, tester
, counter
, streamer
, down-streamer
, up-ranger
, or down-ranger
There is also a procedural interface to deriving sequence operations and accessing the results; see numbers-meta.scm.
Since lazy streams are not standard in Scheme, but it can be natural
for many purposes to view an integer sequence as an infinite stream of
its elements, Integer Sequences includes a library for creating and
manipulating streams. Programmatically the streams come up because
the operations the-foos
, foos-from
, foos-down-from
, and foos-between-down
for each sequence return
streams. I note for connoisseurs that this library implements even
This is not the place for an explanation of the idea of streams or the interesting phenomena that arise in their implementation in a strict language like Scheme, so I will content myself with a summary of the available procedures. Except where noted, they are entirely analagous to the like-named procedures operating on lists.
(stream-cons first rest)
Unlike standardcons
, this is a macro, since the point is to delay evaluatingfirst
until needed.(stream-pair? stream)
(stream-null? stream)
is the empty stream(stream-car stream)
(stream-cdr stream)
(stream-map procedure stream)
(stream-filter predicate stream)
(stream-filter-map procedure stream)
, but exclude elements on whichprocedure
.(stream-for-each procedure stream)
note that this differs fromstream-map
in that it actually forces evaluation of theprocedure
on thestream
, instead of simply returning a new stream. It also differs fromstream->list
in that it does not retain the stream as it goes. In contrast with a list, a stream produced computationally, transformed bystream-map
, etc, and consumed bystream-for-each
need never be stored in memory all at once.(stream-append stream1 stream2)
(stream-concat stream-of-streams)
is not likeapply append
of lists because it returns the answer stream immediately, and the backbone argument stream is only forced as far as necessary to compute as much of the answer as requested.(list->stream list)
(stream->list stream)
does not terminate if the stream is infinite.(stream x y ...)
analagous to the procedurelist
, but a macro because the point is to delay evaluatingx
, ...(stream-take stream n)
(stream-take->list stream n)
convenience procedure; returns the firstn
elements ofstream
as a list.(stream-drop stream n)
(stream-drop-while predicate stream)
(stream-take-while predicate stream)
(stream-reverse stream)
does not terminate if the stream is infinite(stream-count predicate stream)
does not terminate if the stream is infinite(stream-unfold seed generator #!optional stop? tail-generator)
Return a stream ofseed
,(generator seed)
,(generator (generator seed))
, etc, until(stop? (generator^k seed))
is true. Iftail-generator
is supplied, the stream ends with(tail-generator (generator^k seed))
, which, if notstream-nil
, will cause the stream to be improper. Ifstop?
is not supplied or never returns#t
, the stream will be infinite.
Some of the helper functions used in defining sequences are useful in their own right, for thinking about numbers and their properties. In addition to the operations implied by the provided sequences, Integer Sequences provides
(increment n)
(decrement n)
(sum list-of-numbers)
(product list-of-numbers)
(choose k n)
How many ways are there to pick k objects out of a set of n, without replacement?(distribute n k)
How many ways are there to distribute exactly n identical objects among k buckets?(divides? divisor number)
(smallest-divisor n #!optional start-from)
If the optional argument is supplied, only divisors>=
to it will be considered.(prime-factors n)
The prime factors ofn
, by multiplicity, as a list in increasing order. For example,(prime-factors 24)
returns(2 2 2 3)
. The factorization algorithm is not fancy.(divisors n)
All divisors as a list, in increasing order.(proper-divisors n)
(sigma n)
The operator that generates the Aliquot sequence: the sum of the proper divisors ofn
.(number->digits n #!optional base)
The digits in the basebase
(default 10) expansion ofn
as a list (most significant first).(digits n #!optional base)
Alias fornumber->digits
(binary-digits n)
(number->bits n)
Alias forbinary-digits
(digits->number list-of-digits #!optional base)
Inverse ofnumber->digits
(assuming the samebase
). Defaultbase
is 10.(bitcount n)
Number of 1s in the binary expansion ofn
.(upside-down-glyph digit)
Returns the digit that the given one reads as upside down, of#f
if there is none.
The developer documentation is the source code and the commentary therein. In particular, each source file has some discussion at the beginning of what that file is about and what the salient things in it are. Here's a table of contents (and suggested reading order):
Interesting stuff
: The actual definitions of the sequences, as well as the supporting facilities.numbers-meta.scm
: The sequence completion machinery and theinteger-sequence
: The diagram of the sequence operations and the transformations from one to another.todo.txt
: The "issue tracker".
: Iterative forcing a la SRFI 45.support/streams.scm
: The streams library.support/auto-compilation.scm
: Automatically invoke the MIT Scheme compiler, if necessary and possible, to (re)compile files before loading them. This has nothing to do with Integer Sequences, but I figured copying it in was easier than making an external dependency.load.scm
: Orchestrate the loading sequence. Nothing interesting to see here.Makefile
: Run the test suite, build a local copy of this documentation, or render diagrams fromnumbers-meta.fig
. Note that there is no "build" as such; source is automatically recompiled at loading time as needed.LICENSE
: The AGPLv3, under which Integer Sequences is licensed.
Test Suite
- Run it with
make test
. - The
directory contains the actual test suite. - The
directory is a git submodule pointed at the Test Manager framework that the test suite relies upon.
- Run it with
Integer Sequences is written in MIT Scheme with no particular
portability considerations in mind. On the one hand, it is purely
computational, relying on no external resources whatever; on the other
hand, it does liberally use MIT Scheme extensions that are not
standard Scheme. Of particular note is the syntactic-closures macro
system, whose controlled non-hygiene enables the integer-sequence
macro to implement the naming convention for sequence operations.
I expect Integer Sequences to run unmodified on any platform MIT Scheme supports, and I expect Integer Sequences should be semantically fairly easy to port to other Scheme systems, provided they offer a macro facility with controlled non-hygiene.
The Aliquot sequences of some integers, the smallest of which is 276, have not been fully computed, and are not known not to grow without bound. It is therefore not actually known whether 276 (or other such integers) is aspiring or not. Integer Sequences uses a heuristic to guess whether an Aliquot sequence appears to be growing without bound and reports "not aspiring" if so. This is arguably a bug.
Integer Sequences presently only operates on strictly increasing, infinite sequences of positive integers. These restrictions could perhaps be relaxed, allowing operation on various other kinds of sequences:
Nondecreasing (as opposed to strictly increasing) sequences should be easy. In fact, everything probably already works as well as can be expected; the work would consist of ironing out the semantics of, e.g., integer inverse. N.B.: The Fibonacci numbers are already nondecreasing at the start: 1,1.
Sequences of negative numbers (i.e., functions from Z+ to Z) probably work out of the box (or almost out of the box) too, modulo care with the semantics. Are there any interesting ones?
Finite sequences shouldn't be too hard either. The main effort would be pinning down the semantics of, e.g., (foo k) for k larger than the end of the sequence.
Decreasing (as opposed to increasing) sequences become a possibility once negative or finite sequences are introduced. Handling them should not be difficult, but they would need to be distinguished from increasing ones. Are there any nontrivially interesting decreasing sequences?
Bidirectional sequences, that is, increasing functions from Z to Z (rather than Z+ to Z+) are another possibility. This is mildly problematic because requiring a sequence to be monotonic over all the integers is a stricter requirement than over positive integers only (e.g., squares), so any two-way sequences would have to coexist with one-way sequences, and care may need to be exercised to distinguish them. It is also not clear whether there are any bidirectional sequences that are nontrivially more interesting than their unidirectional counterparts.
Non-monotonic sequences are significantly more of a problem, because a lot of the automatic transformations from one operation to another rely on monotonicity.
Parametric sequences (for instance, powers of k), are a tantalizing possiblity. The main impediment is that the current naming convention implies that any given procedure operates on exactly one sequence (because there is no room for an argument to the procedure that could serve as the parameter determining the sequence). Given an appropriate extension of the naming convention to admit parameters, the derivation machinery should be easily adaptable.
Alexey Radul, [email protected]. The streams library was written primarily by Taylor Campbell, maintained and modified by Alexey Radul and Joyce Chen.
This file is part of Integer Sequences, a library for recreational number theory in MIT Scheme. Copyright 2013 Alexey Radul.
Integer Sequences is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Integer Sequences; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.