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beechfuzz edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 7 revisions

This Docker image comes pre-installed with a web-GUI called Filebrowser, which will allow you to edit E2Guardian /config files directly from your browser. You can also restart the container from Filebrowser by deleting the _DELETE_ME_TO_RESTART_E2G file. This makes it very easy to immediately apply changes you've made to the E2G configuration or lists since you don't have to issue any docker commands to restart the container.

By default, Filebrowser listens on port 80.

Enabling Filebrowser

To enable Filebrowser, include the following arguments when creating your container:

Argument Meaning
-e FILEBROWSER=on Turns on Filebrowser. Default is off.
-p HOST_PORT:FILEBROWSER_PORT Port forward HOST_PORT traffic on the host to FILEBROWSER_PORT on the container. Replace FILEBROWSER_PORT with the port number that Filebrowser will be listening on. Replace HOST_PORT with the port number that you want the host system to listen on. By default, FILEBROWSER_PORT is 80.

Optional Filebrowser arguments include:

Argument Meaning
-e FILEBROWSER_ADDR="IP_ADDR" Makes Filebrowser listen on the container interface associated with IP_ADDR. Default is (all interfaces).
-e FILEBROWSER_PORT=PORT Makes Filebrowser listen on port PORT. Default is 80.
-e FILEBROWSER_ROOT=/PATH/TO/DIR The top folder (/PATH/TO/DIR) that Filebrowser will start displaying files from. Default is /config.
-e FILEBROWSER_DB=/PATH/TO/database.db Location of the database.db file. Default is /config/filebrowser/database.db
-e FILEBROWSER_LOG=/PATH/TO/filebrowser.log Location of filebrowser.log file. Default is /app/log/filebrowser.log.

Your complete docker run command could look something like this:

docker run -d --name="e2guardian" \
    -v /opt/docker/volumes/e2g/config:/config \
    -v /opt/docker/volumes/e2g/log:/app/log \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 8675:80 \
    -e FILEBROWSER=on \
    -e PUID=1234 \
    -e PGID=1234 \
    --restart=unless-stopped \

The example command above maps 2 different volumes, forwards port 8080 from the host to port 8080 on the container, forwards port 8675 on the host to port 80 on the container, turns on Filebrowser (listening on default port 80), maps '1234' as the UID and GID, and causes the container to restart if it's not explicitly stopped by the user.

Filebrowser Files

When enabled, you will have the following Filebrowser-related files:

Path Description
/app/log/filebrowser.log Filebrowser log file
/config/_DELETE_ME_TO_RESTART_E2G Deleting this file from the Filebrowser interface will immediately restart the container
/config/filebrowser/database.db Default Filebrowser database file

Accessing Filebrowser

To access Filebrowser, simply open up an internet browser and navigate to http://IP:HOST_PORT. Replace IP with the IP of your system running the Docker container; replace HOST_PORT with the port number on the host that is configured to listen for Filebrowser traffic.

For example, if the IP of your host is and you ran the container with -p 9999:80, then you would go to in your browser.

The default username and password is admin/admin.

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