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Important Files and Directories

beechfuzz edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 7 revisions

All E2Guardian files are contained within the /app and /config directories in the container. This makes managing it very simple.

E2Guardian files/directories:

Path Description
/app/ Contains all E2Guardian non-configuration files and directories
/config/ Contains all E2Guardian configuration files and lists
/config/e2guardian.conf Main E2Guardian configuration file
/config/examplef1.story Storyboard file for the default filtergroup
/config/e2guardianf1.conf Config file for the default filtergroup
/config/lists/ Contains all of the E2Guardian lists
/config/ssl/ Contains all of the SSL certs and keys for SSL MITM
/config/ssl/generatedcerts/ Contains all of the upstream SSL certs used for MITM
/config/ssl/servercerts/ Contains all of the CA SSL certs used for MITM

My added files/directories:

Path Description
/app/sbin/ A tool I created that lets you easily toggle SSL MITM on/off
/app/sbin/ Container entrypoint script that prepares the environment and starts E2Guardian



This script is responsible for toggling SSL MITM on/off without the user having to directly edit any configuration files. Only can use this script to toggle SSL MITM on/off (via the -d, -D, -e, or -E flags). The user can use this script directly to backup and/or generate new MITM SSL certs via the -b and -g flags, respectively.

Usage: [options]

-b         Backup any certs that are present before overwriting/deleting them
-d         Disable SSL MITM; can't be used with -e, -E, or -g flags.
-D         Disable SSL MITM and delete any certs that are present; can't be used with -e, -E, or -g flags.
-e         Enable SSL MITM
-E         Enable SSL MIT and generate new SSL certs (same as -eg)
-g         Generate new SSL certs (overwrites previous ones); can't be used with -d or -D flags.
-h         Display this help menu

To backup the MITM SSL certs located in /config/ssl/servercerts, use the -b flag. When using the -b flag, a .tar.gz file is created in /config/ssl/backup/.

To generate new MITM SSL certs in /config/ssl/servercerts, use the -g flag. This option will overwrite any certs that currently exist in that directory.

To use this tool when directly inside the container: [options]

To use this tool from the host: docker exec -it e2guardian [options]

Example uses:

Backup MITM SSL certs that exist in /config/ssl/serverscerts -b
Generate new certs into /config/ssl/servercerts/
(will overwrite any existing certs) -g
Back up MITM SSL certs and generate new ones -bg



This is the Entrypoint for the container; it's the first thing that is ran when the container is started and is responsible for:

  • Setting the UID/GID of the e2guardian user account
  • Ensuring the /config directory is not empty
  • Removing any existing .pid file that could prevent e2guardian from starting
  • Ensuring correct ownership and permissions of all files in the /app and /config directories
  • Starting E2Guardian