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IIIF Linking Properties Usage Survey

Ben W. Brumfield edited this page Jul 19, 2017 · 13 revisions

A survey of linking property usage among IIIF content providers, conducted on most providers with top-level repositories listed at the IIIF Top-level Collections Spreadsheet on 2017-07-15 as research for the next version of FromThePage's IIIF Presentation API service.


The IIIF Presentation API lists linking properties for pointing to external content, including web pages listing catalog records, PDF files containing text, machine-readable information services, and many other things. The properties provided for this are related, rendering, seeAlso, and service. See the relevant section of the IIIF Presentation API 2.1.1. Other linking properties (like within) are provided but were not surveyed.

Survey Results

Not all content providers are using linking properties, and of those which are, not all are using them consistently. (Note that no effort was made to evaluate which version of the Presentation API was implemented at each provider.)

Content providers not using linking properties

Use of related


George Washington, lettre au comte Louis-Marie de Noaillesau comte de Noailles, Princeton,

  "related" : "",

Target is the Gallica page viewer for this item.

Villanova University

Francis Bolton Elwell Scrapbook: 1917-1919.

    "related": {
        "@id": "",
        "format": "text/html"

Target is the Villanova Digital Library viewer with the item loaded.

Wellcome Library

Fermented liquors : a treatise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manufacturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors, including cider and vinegar. Also, hundreds of valuable directions in medicine, metallurgy, pyrotechny, and the arts in general

  "related": {
    "@id": "",
    "format": "text/html"

Target is Wellcome's instance of the Universal Viewer with this item loaded

Yale British Art Collections

Added 2017-07-17 Joseph Farington, 1747–1821, British, Caernarvon Castle, ca. 1780, Oil on canvas, Yale Center for British Art, B1976.7.118, Paintings and Sculpture

      "label":"catalog entry at the Yale Center for British Art",

Target is a web page for the catalog record, featuring a thumbnail and links to viewers.

Use of rendering

Harvard Art Museums

      "label":"Full record view",

Target is the catalog record webpage and viewer for this item.

National Library of Scotland

Travels of Cyrus At the default sequence level

            "rendering" : [
                    "@id" : "",
                    "format" : "application/pdf",
                    "label" : "Download as PDF"

Target is a direct link to a PDF of the scanned images, with a text layer supporting search-within on OCR.

University College Dublin

The Re-Conquest of Ireland, A. D. 1895.

   "rendering": {
         "@id": "",
         "format": "application/pdf",
         "label": "Download as PDF"

Target is a direct link to a PDF of the scanned images, with no text layer.

Villanova University

Francis Bolton Elwell Scrapbook: 1917-1919. This is a member of the default sequence:

            "rendering": [],

This is a member on each canvas:

                    "rendering": [
                            "@id": "",
                            "format": "image/tiff",
                            "label": "Original source file - 148.38 MB"
                            "@id": "",
                            "format": "text/plain",
                            "label": "Raw OCR Data"
                            "@id": "",
                            "format": "application/xml",
                            "label": "Technical Metadata"
  • Target 1 is a direct link to a TIFF of the page image.
  • Target 2 is uncorrected, plain-text OCR output for this page.
  • Target 3 is a "FITS Output" XML file containing information about image size, sampling/scanning parameters, tools used, etc.

Wellcome Library

Fermented liquors : a treatise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manufacturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors, including cider and vinegar. Also, hundreds of valuable directions in medicine, metallurgy, pyrotechny, and the arts in general

Note that this is a member of the default sequence, not the manifest

      "rendering": [
          "@id": "",
          "format": "application/pdf",
          "label": "Download as PDF"
          "@id": "",
          "format": "text/plain",
          "label": "Download raw text"
  • Target 1 is a direct link to a PDF of the entire work, apparently with a text layer only on the cover page, but not on the work contents itself.
  • Target 2 is a plaintext file containing OCR output for the entire work, without page or line-break formatting.

Use of seeAlso


George Washington, lettre au comte Louis-Marie de Noaillesau comte de Noailles, Princeton,

  "seeAlso" : [ "" ],

Target is an XML response to an OAI-PMH query for this item.

Bodleian Library

Added 2017-07-29 MS. Barocci 197

  "seeAlso": "", 

Target is the catalog entry web page, containing the item in an embedded viewer.


Livre des Assises de la baisse Court, c'est de la Court dou Visconte dou Reaume de Chipre - BSB Cod.gall. 51


Target is a web page for the catalog record for this item, with links to viewers.


Bulle, Mus\u00e9e gru\u00e9rien, 383


Target is a web page for the catalog record for this item, including a thumbnail, link to a viewer, list of annotations, IIIF manifest icon, and reference images.


Fragment of Laudes?

  "seeAlso": {
    "@id": "",
    "format": "application/mods+xml"

Target is an XML MODS record.

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg


   "seeAlso" : "",

Target is an XML METS record.

University College Dublin

The Re-Conquest of Ireland, A. D. 1895.

   "seeAlso": [
         "@id": "",
         "format": "text/xml",
         "profile": "",
         "label": "MODS metadata describing this object"
         "@id": "",
         "format": "text/rdf+n3",
         "label": "RDF n3 serialisation of metadata describing this object"
         "@id": "",
         "format": "application/x.europeana-edm+xml",
         "label": "EDM (Europeana Data Model) RDF metadata",
         "profile": ""
         "@id": "",
         "format": "application/rdf+xml",
         "label": "RDF-XML metadata describing this object"
      }   ],

Wellcome Library

Fermented liquors : a treatise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manufacturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors, including cider and vinegar. Also, hundreds of valuable directions in medicine, metallurgy, pyrotechny, and the arts in general

  "seeAlso": [
      "@id": "",
      "format": "application/json",
      "profile": ""
      "@id": "",
      "format": "application/ld+json",
      "profile": ""
      "@id": "",
      "format": "application/ld+json",
      "profile": ""
  • Target 1 is item metadata in a Wellcome-specific JSON format.
  • Target 2 is item metadata in JSON-LD.
  • Target 3 is item metadata in Dublin Core JSON-LD.

Use of service


Bulle, Mus\u00e9e gru\u00e9rien, 383

         "label":"e-codices Webmention Service"

Target is a REST endpoint for posting webmentions

Wellcome Library

Fermented liquors : a treatise on brewing, distilling, rectifying, and manufacturing of sugars, wines, spirits, and all known liquors, including cider and vinegar. Also, hundreds of valuable directions in medicine, metallurgy, pyrotechny, and the arts in general

  "service": [
      "@context": "",
      "@id": "",
      "profile": "",
      "accessHint": "open"
      "@context": "",
      "@id": "",
      "profile": "",
      "label": "Search within this manifest",
      "service": {
        "@id": "",
        "profile": "",
        "label": "Get suggested words in this manifest"
      "@context": "",
      "@id": "",
      "profile": "",
      "trackingLabel": "Format: monograph, Institution: Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Identifier: b21051951, Digicode: digmhl(francis), Collection code: n/a"

Yale British Art Collections

Added 2017-07-17 Joseph Farington, 1747–1821, British, Caernarvon Castle, ca. 1780, Oil on canvas, Yale Center for British Art, B1976.7.118, Paintings and Sculpture


Client Survey

After discussion on the IIIF Community Call on 2017-07-19, I surveyed how viewers present the linking properties covered by this survey. To my knowledge, only Mirador, the Universal Viewer, the Bodleian Manifest Editor, and FromThePage are clients which consume IIIF manifests, although individual customizations of clients may present links differently, as with the Harry Ransom Center's change to place related links above metadata in their installation of Mirador.

Bodleian Manifest Editor

The Manifest Editor prompts users to change related and seeAlso if they are present in the manifest, but it is unclear whether this functionality is fully supported. It does not expose rendering in the sequence metadata editor.

Editor displaying related/seeAlso properties


FromThePage does nothing at all with the four linking properties surveyed.


Mirador presents seeAlso and related links under the metadata block in the information pane.
Mirador's information view It does not appear to filter out links based on human readability.

No support for rendering or service (at least the Search API) was visible.

Universal Viewer

The Universal Viewer does not appear to display related properties.

The rendering property for a sequence is displayed on the pop-up a user sees when they click on the Download icon:

Download pop-up in the Universal Viewer
No support for the rendering at the canvas level was apparent.

The service property is supported for the Search API: Search field

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