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Installing Rails FtP on Fedora 20 64 bit
benwbrum edited this page Nov 23, 2014
6 revisions
The instructions below need to be modified slightly for MariaDB 10.01.
- When creating the database, rather than
CHARACTER_SET="utf8" COLLATE="utf8_general_ci"
, useCHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
- When creating the rails user, specify the host explicitly in the password:
set password for rails@localhost = PASSWORD('rails');
(You may also need to set the password forrails
as well.)**
yum install zlib zlib-devel zlib-static
yum groupinstall "Web Server"
yum install gcc
yum install make
yum install ruby
yum install ruby-devel
yum install ImageMagick
yum install ImageMagick-devel
# can probably use bundler to do this without extra work.
#gem install hpricot oai will_paginate rmagick
#gem install -v 2.3.5 rails
# 1 hour
gem install bundler
# we need a database
yum install mysql
#yum install ruby-mysql
#ruby-mysql doesn't exist anymore
yum install git
gem install passenger
yum install gcc-c++
yum install curl-devel
yum install openssl-devel
yum install httpd-devel
yum install apr-devel
#cd /usr/local/src/ruby-1.8.7-p302
#cd ext
#cd openssl/
#ruby extconf.rb
#make install
# Follow the instructions displayed for editing your /etc/conf/httpd.conf file
yum install mysql-devel
yum install mysql-server
gem install mysql
# start MariaDB
service mysqld start
# create the database
MariaDB [(none)]> create user rails;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> set password for rails = PASSWORD('rails');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> create database fromthepage_development character_set='utf8' collate='utf8_general_ci';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on fromthepage_development.* to 'rails'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> create database fromthepage_production character set='utf8' collate='utf8_general_ci';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on fromthepage_production.* to 'rails'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
# not sure this is still required
yum install ncurses-devel ncurses-static
yum install readline-devel readline-static
yum install ncurses ncurses-libs ncruses-devel ncurses-term ruby-ncurses
#create the fromthepage user
adduser fromthepage
# cd into the location you want FromThePage installed, probably /home/fromthepage
cd /home/fromthepage
#get the code
git clone "git://github.com/benwbrum/fromthepage.git"
# edit the database.yml to change the development db to fromthepage_development and update the password appropriately
# also had to comment out the "socket" line and add a "hostname" value
# WE ARE HERE (not sure the last worked)
cd fromthepage/config
vi database.yml
# socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
host: localhost
#load the schema definition into the database account.
rake --trace db:migrate
# modify your httpd.conf to point at the fromthepage/public directory as its DocumentRoot
DocumentRoot "/home/fromthepage/fromthepage/public"
# Modify Directory stanza in httpd.conf location to match the DocumentRoot
<Directory "/home/fromthepage/fromthepage/public">
apachectl restart
yum install graphviz