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IIIF Text Image Linking Survey
*A survey of providers exposing text in their IIIF manifests conducted April 29, 2022 based on manifests included in Johannes Baiter's (@jbaiter)'s Mirador Text Overlay code
The IIIF Presentation API lists several ways to refer users to textual content, including rendering
elements, seeAlso
blocks, and annotation on canvases. But how are content providers actually implementing these properties to expose human-transcribed text, ALTO OCR, or other formats?
Sample manifest: https://iiif.europeana.eu/presentation/9200396/BibliographicResource_3000118436165/manifest Presentation standard: 2
Manifests link to text by using annotations referenced by otherContent
"label":"p. 7",
"attribution":"Journal historique et littéraire - 1788-09-01 - https://www.europeana.eu/item/9200396/BibliographicResource_3000118436165. National Library of Luxembourg. Public Domain Mark - http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/",
All canvases contain an otherContent
element; some links return 404 codes (presumably for canvases containing no text).
Example AnnotationList: https://iiif.europeana.eu/presentation/9200396/BibliographicResource_3000118436165/annopage/7
The AnnotationList for a canvas contains a resources element with references to text at all levels of text granularity. This is indicated by a dcType
element with values of Word
, Line
, Block
, and Page
. All text contents are external.
"value":"i\nï, Septembre 1788.\n» rencontra, furent témoins de fes tranf-» ports & entendirent fes fermens. Mais le » comte de Murray étoit devenu l'objet n d’une haine fi générale , que perfonne ?» n’entreprit ni de calmer la rage du jennC si Hamilton, ni d’en prévenir l’elfet. Lé » 23 Janvier 1570, les députés d’Elifabetli « avoient reçu à Linlithgow une audience » de Murray, pour traiter de l’échange de «s Marie avec le duc de Northumbérland. s» Murray fe croyoit au moment d'un triom-31 phe complet. Il falloit pour fortir de la ville, pafl’er par une rue, au haut de la-« quelle étoit une galerie de bois, oit Ha-» milton l’attendoit. Il l’apperçut qui ve-m noit lentement à cheval ; le pafl’age étoit » refferré & rempli de peuple , il lui tira » un coup de moufquet qui l’étendit mort. 11 Hamilton ne fut point pourfuivi ; on lui 31 laiffa tout le tems de la retraite , & il n pafla aifément en France. Marie donna » des larmes à la mort de fon perfécuteur, « & demanda pour lui, à Dieu, miféricorde « & clémence. La douleur d’Elifabeth fut si différente ; elles’écrioit qu’elle avoir perdu « le meilleur ami qu'elle eût au monde, & » le plus dévoué à fes intérêts. Bien loin » de rendre la reine d’Ecofle au peuple qui si la redemandoit, Elifabeth envoya des »i troupes pour réprimer leur zele, & ce9 » troupes marquèrent leur route par une 11 défolation générale, en détruifant, par le n fer & par le feu, cinquante châteaux S? » trois cens villages. >1 Après l’infairfie dont le bâtard Murray s’eft couvert , il n’y en a pas qui égale celle qui a rendu Elifabeth odieufe & mé‘ A 4\n11"
All resource URIs referenced in the AnnotationList return identical contents, regardless of dcType
value specified in the annotation. In order to identify the word-level or line-level portion of text referenced in each annotation, clients must parse the URI fragment of the textual resource, much as they would need to parse the fragment of a canvas garget to identify the rectangle of a canvas on which to display the text.
Sample manifest: https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/v2/b19956435 Presentation standard: 2
Manifests link to text by using seeAlso
elements in canvases pointing to METS ALTO XML URIs, and also otherContent
elements pointing to annotations.
"label":"METS-ALTO XML"
"label":"Text of page 2"
All canvases contain an otherContent
element; pages with no OCR text return valid (but empty) documents.
Example AnnotationList: https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/annotations/v2/b19956435/b19956435_0007.jp2/line
"chars":"The Commissioners of Baths and Washhouses have"
"chars":"furnished a statement of their Receipts and Expenditure,"
"chars":"and the same having been duly audited will be found"
Each annotation appears to be at the line level of granularity, as specified in the URI. Changing URL parameters does not return annotations at a different text granularity.
Characters are embedded within the AnnotationList, rather than referenced.
Example: https://api.wellcomecollection.org/text/alto/b19956435/b19956435_0007.jp2
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/standards/alto/ns-v2# http://www.loc.gov/standards/alto/alto-v2.0.xsd">
<softwareCreator>Planman Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.</softwareCreator>
<softwareName>Book Flo</softwareName>
<processingAgency>Planman Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.</processingAgency>
<processingStepSettings>ABBYY Fine Reader Engine 10.0</processingStepSettings>
<softwareCreator>ABBYY FineReader 10.0, Russia</softwareCreator>
<softwareName>FineReader 10.0</softwareName>
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<String ID="P7_ST00030" CONTENT="annexed." HEIGHT="39" WIDTH="185" HPOS="61" VPOS="573" WC="1" CC="00000000"/>
Sample manifest: https://purl.stanford.edu/fg165hz3589/iiif/manifest Presentation standard: 2
Manifests link to text by using seeAlso elements pointing to XML files
"label":"Page 3",
"label":"Original source file (1.49 MB)",
"label":"OCR text",
All canvases contain a seeAlso link to an ALTO file. These elements contain a label
, format
and profile
, making them easy to parse.
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/standards/alto/ns-v2# http://www.loc.gov/standards/alto/alto-v2.0.xsd">
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<softwareName>ABBYY Recognition Server</softwareName>
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Sample manifest: https://scta.info/iiif/graciliscommentary/lon/manifest Presentation standard: 2
Manifests link to text by using annotations referenced by otherContent
"label":"by line"
otherContent links to transcript annotations, uses a label.
Example AnnotationList: https://exist.scta.info/exist/apps/scta-app/folio-annotaiton-list-from-simpleXmlCoordinates.xq?surfaceid=lon/3r
"label":"3r(6),a - line: 1",
"chars":"\n planta\n facilior\n et\n extensa\n situationis\n operosae\n in\n 2o\n in\n scala\n sub\n "
"label":"3r(6),a - line: 2",
"chars":"\n limior\n e\n protensa\n elevationis\n amorose\n in\n 3o\n quia\n ascendit\n aula\n "
"label":"3r(6),a - line: 3",
"chars":"\n libior\n non\n offensa\n praemiationis\n gloriosae\n in\n 4o\n quia\n domus\n Exercitium\n "
"label":"3r(6),a - line: 4",
"chars":"\n magistrale\n altae\n intelligentiae\n quia\n petrus\n aedificium\n mundiale\n temporale\n late\n "
AnnotationList is by line, and contains the text contents rather than referencing them.
Sample manifest: https://iiif.europeana.eu/presentation/9200396/BibliographicResource_3000118436165/manifest Presentation standard: 2
Manifests link to text by using annotations referenced by otherContent
All canvases contain an otherContent
element; some links return 404 codes (presumably for canvases containing no text).
Example AnnotationList: