Research about web3 wallets while being incognito 🥷
Web3 Incognito is a research tool where you can research web3 wallets while being incognito
- ETH-USD-BTC price conversation
- List wallet owned names (lens,farcaster,ens for now)
- See ETH the user holds (ETH value can be seen as BTC, USD and ETH)
- See user's last 10 transaction
- EtherScan: Used for transactions,Fetching eth-usd/eth-btc/eth-usd prices
- Web3 Bio Used for fetching accounts linked to a address
As this the first version of our project we need a lots of help! If you want to help us here is somethings you can:
- Open PR & Edit: You can help us by adding community-suggested ideas to our app or your own ideas
- Have a suggestion? Open a issue: It doesnt matter what it is.We are looking to every single feedback/feature idea we got.Maybe you can change the future?
Build by berke-volkan with ❤️