Kainote edytor napisów podobny do Aegisuba, ale może także odtwarzać wideo, używając DirectShow i obsługuje więcej formatów napisów i ma wiele innych użytecznych funkcji.
Lista poprawek od buildu 1057 zamieszczona została w pomocy.
Kainote subtitles editor similar to Aegisub but can also play video using DirectShow, can work with more subtitles formats, and have more useful features.
English should turn on automatically after first launch.
If it not work to change language go to menu "Plik" -> ustawienia and in "Edytor" tree tab change it on first list.
Changelog in short:
- Added small colorpicker in edit field and style manager opened right mouse button.
- Added load last session saved before close program.
- Ffmpeg Source 2 video seeking optimization.
- Fixed automation crash after closing tab.
- Added possibility to use multiple version of VSFilter, works only with Ffmpeg source 2.
- Fixed bad playing of dialogue line.
- Fixes for system font size higher than 100%. Mostly used on 4k monitors.
- Fixes for Subtitles preview and crash after close.
- Fixed resize of subtitle resolution.
- Added possibility of resize in font picker window.
- Fixed selection of the same words in text field.
- Updated Ffmpeg Source 2 and fix for video with chroma 4:4:4.
- Added possibility to load more languages.
- Added languages Chinese and Thai.
- Fixed bad calculating of CPS and characters in line.
Edit: uploaded missing Csri files.