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Added by Sean McKay
namespace Boo.Compatibility.Python
class Dict(Hash):
def constructor():
def constructor(h as Hash):
def Update(h as Hash):
for key in h.Keys:
self[key] = h[key]
def Get(key, default):
return self[key] or default
def SetDefault(key, default):
if self.Contains(key):
return self[key]
self[key] = default
return default
Recipe 1.1: Swap values without a temporary variable:
a = 4
b = 5
c = 6
//DIFF FROM PYTHON ---> print is a fxn, although can be a macro
//Use print macro.., no ending comma
print a, b, c
a, b, c = b, c, a
print a, b, c
Recipe 1.2: Construct a Dictionary without excessive quoting
/*Recipe welcome
data = {'red':1, 'green':2, 'blue':3} #"excessive quoting"
data = makedict((red=1, green=2, blue=3)) //Gives warnings about unused variables
print data["red"]
Recipe 1.3: Getting a Value safely from a Dictionary
d = {'key':'value'}
//DIFF FROM PYTHON ---> Contains or ContainsKey instead of has_key
if d.Contains('key'):
print d['key']
print('not found')
//DIFF FROM PYTHON ---> No get with a default value.
#print(d.get('key', 'not found'))
//Boo equivalent because not found hashes return null
print d['key'] or 'not found'
//DIFF FROM PYTHON ---> No nested fxns
Recipe 1.4: Adding an Entry to a Dictionary
def addword1(theIndex as Hash, word, pagenumber):
// As of 1/7/05 , autocompletion doesn't work on theIndex in SharpDevelop
if theIndex.ContainsKey(word):
//DIFF FROM Python ---> List instead of list
//DIFF FROM Python ---> ArrayList value must be cast for compiler to work (1/7/05)
//DIFF FROM PYTHON ---> Add function instead of append function.
(theIndex[word] as List).Add(pagenumber)
theIndex[word] = [pagenumber]
def addword2(theIndex as Hash, word, pagenumber):
(theIndex[word] as List).Add(pagenumber)
except AttributeError:
theIndex[word] = [pagenumber]
//DIFF FROM Python ---> No setdefault.
#def addword(theIndex as Hash, word, pagenumber):
# theIndex.setdefault(word, []).append(pagenumber)
def wordcount(theIndex as Hash,word):
//theIndex[word] = 1 + theIndex.get(word, 0)
i as int= (theIndex[word] or 0)
theIndex[word] = 1 + i
theIndex = {}
addword1(theIndex, "keys", 1)
addword2(theIndex, "job", 2)
//DIFF FROM Python ---> Hash instead of dict
//DIFF FROM Python ---> Able to declare types of variables.
Recipe 1.5:Associating Multiple Values with Each Key in a Dictionary
//Recipe 1.5:Associating Multiple Values with Each Key in a Dictionary
key = "email"
value = "[email protected]"
#Allows duplicates
d1 = {}
//d1.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
if not d1.ContainsKey(key):
d1[key] = []
(d1[key] as List).Add(value)
#Doesn't allow duplicates
d2 = {}
//d2.setdefault(key, {})[value] = 1
if not d2.ContainsKey(key):
d2[key] = {}
(d2[key] as Hash)[value] = 1
print d2[key]
Recipe 1.6: Dispatching Using a Dictionary
//DIFFERENCE FROM PYTHON --> Referencing global or module variables not allowed.
//Globals class per Doug Holton feedback.
class Globals:
public static number_of_felines = 0
def deal_with_a_cat(animals as List):
print "meow"
Globals.number_of_felines +=1
def deal_with_a_dog(animals as List):
print "bark"
def deal_with_a_bear(animals as List):
print "watch out for the *HUG*!"
animals = []
tokenDict = {
"cat": deal_with_a_cat,
"dog": deal_with_a_dog,
"bear": deal_with_a_bear
//Doesn't work in boo.. seems like dict (since it is a hash table) loses the type..
//Casting as callable is necessary to simulate the Python effect.
for word in ["cat", "bear", "cat", "dog"]:
functionToCall = tokenDict[word] as callable
(tokenDict[word] as callable)(animals)
Recipe 1.7 : Collecting a Bunch of Named Items
//Modified from Bill Woods Expando example at http://svn.boo.codehaus.org/boo/trunk/tests/testcases/integration/duck-5.boo?view=auto
import System
class Bunch(IQuackFu):
_attributes = {}
def constructor(attributes as Hash):
self._attributes = attributes
def QuackSet(name as string, value):
_attributes[name] = value
return value
def QuackGet(name as string):
raise "attribute not found: " + name if not _attributes.Contains( name)
return _attributes[name]
def QuackInvoke(name as string, args as (object)) as object:
data = {'datum':2, 'squared':2*2, 'coord':5}
point as duck = Bunch(data)
print point.datum, point.squared, point.coord
if point.squared > 4:
point.isok = true
point.isok = false
print point.isok
Recipe 1.8: Finding the Intersection of Two Dictionaries
#Bad way..
def badslowway(some_dict as Hash, another_dict as Hash):
intersect = []
for item as string in some_dict.Keys:
if item in another_dict.Keys:
return intersect
def simpleway(some_dict as Hash, another_dict as Hash):
Globals.lastName = GetMethodName()
intersects = []
for k as string in some_dict.Keys:
if another_dict.Contains(k):
return intersects
#Using List Comprehension
def listcompway(some_dict as Hash, another_dict as Hash):
Globals.lastName = GetMethodName()
return [k for k as string in some_dict.Keys if another_dict.Contains(k)]
#Using Filter
//def filterway(some_dict, another_dict):
// return filter(another_dict.Contains, some_dict.Keys)
class Globals:
public static some_dict = { 'zope':'zzz', 'boo':'rocks'}
public static another_dict = { 'boo':'rocks', 'perl':'$'}
public static lastName as string
def doNothing(a as Hash, b as Hash):
Globals.lastName = GetMethodName()
return ''
def GetMethodName() as string:
st = System.Diagnostics.StackTrace()
sf as System.Diagnostics.StackFrame = st.GetFrame(1)
return sf.GetMethod().Name
def time(fun as callable, n):
//Determine fxn call overhead
a = []
start = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks
for i in range(n):
end = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks
overhead = end-start
a = []
start = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks
for i in range(n):
end = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks
duration = end-start-overhead
print Globals.lastName, System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(duration)
for f as callable in [simpleway,listcompway]: //,filterway,badslowway]:
Recipe 1.9: Assigning and Testing with One Statement.
//In python the following isn't easy:
//If x=fxn():
// doSomething()
//In boo, it is. Remember == is the test for equality for boo.
def inc(x as int):
return x + 1
if y = inc(5):
print "Passed"
print "Failed"
//returns "Passed"
Recipe 1.10: Using List Comprehensions instead of map and filter.
//Python provides some builtins to do functional programming: map, filter.
//Boo provides only a map builtin.
//In any case, using list comprehensions is often a more readable approach.
def square(v as int):
return v*v
print "Using map:"
results = map((1,3,5,6),square)
for r in results:
print r
print "Using list comprehensions"
results = [square(x) for x in (1,3,5, 6)]
for r in results:
print r
//list comprehensions can also filter the results in a way that map by itself can't (but python could using filter).
print "Return only the squares of evens"
results = [square(x) for x in (1,3,5,6) if x % 2 == 0]
for r in results:
print r
Recipe 1.11: Unzipping Simple List Like Objects.
//A recipe to provide the unzip counterpart to the zip builtin.
Split a sequence p into a list of n tuples,
repeatedly taking next unused element of p and adding it to the next tuple.
Each of the resulting tuples is of the same length; if p%n != 0, the shorter
tuples are padded with null (closer to the behavior of map than to that of zip--
in python at least.)
>>> unzip(['a','b','c','d','e'],3)
def unzip(p as List, n as int) as List:
//First, find the length for the longest sublist.
lft as int
mlen = System.Math.DivRem(p.Count, n, lft)
if lft != 0:
mlen +=1
//Then, initialize a list of lists with suitable lengths
lst as List = [[null]*mlen for i in range(n)]
//Loop over all items of the input sequence (index-wise), and Copy
// a reference to each into the appropriate place.
k as int
for i in range(p.Count):
j = System.Math.DivRem(i, n, k) //Find sublist-index and index-within-sublist
(lst[k] as List)[j] = p[i] //Copy a reference appropriately
//Finally, turn each sublist into an array, since the unzip function
//is specified to return a list of arrays, not a list of lists.
return [array(val) for val in lst ]
x = unzip(['a','b','c','d','e'],3)
print x
Recipe 1.12: Flattening a nested sequence
import System.Collections
def flatten(sequence as List, isScalar as callable, result as List) as List:
if result is null:
result = []
for item in sequence:
if isScalar(item):
return result
//Using Generators
def flattenWithGenerators(sequence as List, isScalar as callable) as object:
for item in sequence:
if isScalar(item):
yield item
for subitem in flattenWithGenerators(item as List,isScalar):
yield subitem
//Checking if an item is loopable
def canLoopOver(item) as bool:
ie = item as System.Collections.IEnumerable
return not ie is null
def isStringLike(obj) as bool:
x = obj + ''
return true
return false
def isScalar(obj) as bool:
return isStringLike(obj) or not canLoopOver(obj)
//Provided by Doug Holton:
//In boo you can do it like this:
def flatten2(seq as List):
l = []
for subseq as List in seq:
l += subseq
return l
//or a more general solution perhaps:
def flatten3(obj) as List:
l = []
if obj isa IEnumerable and not (obj isa string):
for item in obj:
l += flatten3(item)
return l
print flatten2([[0], [1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7,8,9], []]) //->[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print flatten3([[0], [1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7,8,9], []]) //->[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print flatten3(1) //-> [1]
print flatten3([[[[1]]],[2],3,[[4,5]]]) //-> [1,2,3,4,5]
y as List= [[1,2],2,3,[4,5]]
print flatten(y,isScalar,[])
print flattenWithGenerators(y,isScalar)
Recipe 1.13: Looping in Parallel over Index and Sequence Items
//Looping over a list and knowing the index of a particular item.
import System.Reflection
//This (A):
class Indexed(List):
seq as List
def constructor(seq as List):
self.seq = seq
def Item():
for idx in range(seq.Count):
yield seq[idx],idx
def something(item, index):
print "something + " + item +" + " + index
sequence = ["Cat", "Dog", "Elephant"]
indices = range(System.Int32.MaxValue)
//(A) Cont'd
//(A) Cont'd
for item, index in Indexed(sequence).Item():
something(item, index)
//or this (B):
for item, index in zip(sequence, indices):
something(item, index)
//is approximately equivalent to this (C):
for index in range(len(sequence)):
something(sequence[index], index)
Recipe 1.14: Loop through every item of multiple lists
//To loop through multiple lists .. one element at a time..
def loop(a as List, b as List):
for i in range(a.Count):
if i < b.Count:
yield (a[i], b[i])
yield (a[i],null)
a = ['a1','a2','a3']
b = ['b1','b2']
//Python map approach is not valid.
print "Zip:"
for x,y in zip(a,b):
print x,y
print "3rd iteration: a3 is not done"
print "List Comprehension:"
for x,y in [(x,y) for x in a for y in b]:
print x,y
print "Generators: Methods"
for x,y in loop(a,b):
print x,y
print "Generators: Expressions"
for x,y in ((a[i],b[i]) for i in range(a.Count)):
print x,y
//Exception at the last one.
Recipe 1.15 Spanning a Range Defined by Floats
def frange(start as double, end as double, inc as double):
//A range-like function that does accept float increments...
assert inc>0, "Increment must be greater than 0."
L = []
while 1:
next = start + len(L) * inc
if next >=end:
return L
def frange(start as double, inc as double):
end = start
start = 0.0
return frange(start, end, inc)
def frange2(start as double, end as double, inc as double):
//A faster range-like function that does accept float increments..
assert inc>0, "Increment must be greater than 0."
count as int = (end-start) / inc
if start + count * inc != end:
//Need to adjust the count. It comes up one short.
count +=1
L = [start] * count
for i in range(1, count):
L[i] = start + i * inc
return L
def frange2(start as double, inc as double):
end = start
start = 0.0
return frange2(start,end, inc)
def frangei(start as double, end as double, inc as double):
//A generator version of xrange that accepts floats
assert inc>0, "Increment must be greater than 0."
i = 0
while 1:
next = start + i * inc
if next >= end:
yield next
def frangei(start as double, inc as double):
end = start
start = 0.0
return frangei(start,end, inc)
print "frange: "
print frange(-5,5,1.7)
print "frange2: "
print frange2(-5,5,1.7)
print "frangei: "
print frangei(-5,5,1.7)
Recipe 1.16 Transposing Two-Dimensional Arrays
//Recipe 1.16 - Transposing Two-Dimensional Arrays
arr = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]]
//Simple route: List comprehension:
x = [[r[col] for r as duck in arr] for col in range(len(arr[0]))]
print x
//or if one line matters:
print( [[r[col] for r as duck in arr] for col in range(len(arr[0]))])
Recipe 1.17 - Creating Lists of Lists Without Sharing References
//Dont use macro when first character is left-bracket. Causes callable does not support slicing error.
print( [0]*5)
multi = [[0] * 5]*3
print multi
i as List = multi[0]
i[0] = -999999
print multi //Note that all 3 arrays had their first value changed!!
print string.Empty
//To prevent this:
//Use list comprehension:
multilist = [[0 for col in range(5)] for row in range(3)]
print multilist
i = multilist[0]
i[0] = -999999
print multilist //Note that the data is protected.