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Regular Expressions
Added by dholton dholton
You surround the regular expression with / /,
or @/ / for more complex expressions that contain whitespace.
Boo even has an =~ operator like Perl.
Here are some samples of using regular expressions in boo:
//pattern matching using perl's match operator (=~)
samplestring = "Here is foo"
if samplestring =~ /foo/:
print "it's a match"
//sample regex object
re = /foo(bar)/
print re.GetType() //-> System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
//split a line on spaces:
words = @/ /.Split(samplestring) //you can also use \s for any type of whitespace
print join(words, ",")
//similar example with unpacking
s = "First Last"
first, last = @/ /.Split(s)
//another way to do matching without =~
m = /abc/.Match("123abc456")
if m.Success:
print "Found match at position:", m.Index
print "Matched text:", m.ToString()
//more complex example with named groups
s = """
Joe Jackson
131 W. 5th Street
New York, NY 10023
r = /(?<=\n)\s*(?<city>[^\n]+)\s*,\s*(?<state>\w+)\s+(?<zip>\d{5}(-\d{4})?).*$/.Match(s)
print r.Groups["city"]
print r.Groups["state"]
print r.Groups["zip"]
//just for reference, the match operator (=~) works with regular strings, too:
if samplestring =~ "foo":
print "it matches"
//the "not match" operator (!~) has not been implemented yet, but you
//can simply prefix the expression with "not":
if not samplestring =~ /badfoo/:
print "no match"
Specifying regex options
One limitation of using built-in support for regular expressions is that you can't use non-standard regex options like regex compiled.
Actually there is a way to use the ignore case option. Add a (?i) to the beginnning of your regex pattern like so:
pattern = /(?i)google/
print "google" =~ pattern
print "Google" =~ pattern
But in other cases you may want to just use the .NET Regex class explicitly:
import System.Text.RegularExpressions
samplestring = "Here is foo"
re = Regex("FOO", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled)
//one way:
if samplestring =~ re:
print "we matched"
//another using Match
if re.IsMatch(samplestring):
print "we matched"
Regex Replace method
This would be an equivalent to using perl's switch/replace statement: s/foo/bar/g.
import System.Text.RegularExpressions
text = "four score and seven years ago"
print text
//replace each word with "X"
t2 = /\w+/.Replace(text, "X")
print t2 //-> X X X X X X
//replace only the first occurence of a word with X,
// starting after the 15th character:
t3 = /\w+/.Replace(text, "X", 1, 15)
print t3 //-> four score and X years ago
//use a closure (or a regular method) to capitalize each word:
t4 = /\w+/.Replace(text) do (m as Match):
s = m.ToString()
if System.Char.IsLower(s[0]): //built-in char type will be added soon
return System.Char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s[1:]
return s
print t4 //-> Four Score And Seven Years Ago
//Back References are supported too! using the dollar sign
phonenumber = "5551234567"
phonenumber = /(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/.Replace(phonenumber, "($1) $2-$3")
print phonenumber //-> (555) 123-4567
regex primitive type
Also note, Boo has a built-in primitive type called "regex" (lowercase) that means the same thing as the .NET Regex class. So you can do for example:
import System.Text.RegularExpressions
re = /foo(bar)/
if re isa regex:
print "re is a regular expression"
//or declare the type explicitly:
re2 as regex = /foo(bar)/
print re2 isa regex
//using the regex primitive constructor
//(You'll need an import statement for RegexOptions)
re3 = regex("FOO", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled)
print re3 isa regex
See also:
- Using Regular Expressions in .NET
- .NET Framework Regular Expressions
- The Regular Expression Library has hundreds of user-contributed regex samples.
- txt2regex - command line to assist with constructing regular expressions