Releases: bourgesl/marlin-renderer
Release v0.7.3.3:
- marlin- (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin- (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe + imageio PNGImageWriter): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading) and 50% faster PNG encoding
This release provides a single fix:
- Handle properly coordinate overflow ie ignore (NaN / Infinity) point coordinates i.e. skips invalid path segments (see
(in synch with OpenJDK9 b112)
Please give us your your feedback, as usual !
You can also post your questions or comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy the Marlin renderer,
Release v0.7.3.2:
- marlin- (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin- (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe + imageio PNGImageWriter): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
This release provides several critical bug fixes:
- reentrance issue with custom paint / composite (see
- NaN values leads to incorrect array cleanup in Renderer (see
Please upgrade and give your feedback !
You can also post your questions or comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy the Marlin renderer,
Release v0.7.3.1:
- marlin- (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin- (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe + imageio PNGImageWriter): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
This release provides several bug fixes:
- Fixed unsafe address alignment (4 bytes) in MarlinCache (may occur on non-x86 platforms)
- Added patched imageio.PNGImageWriter (see
- default Deflater level changed from 9 (best) to 4 (medium)
- added compression parameter support (mode, quality)
- Minor code style changes (merged with OpenJDK9 2016.01)
- Improved regression tests (+ travis CI)
Please give us your your feedback: it is VERY important !
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Marlin-renderer 0.7.3
Release v0.7.3:
- marlin-0.7.3-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.7.3-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
This release provides several bug fixes:
- Stroker.drawBezApproxForArc() generating NaN point curves for shapes having huge coordinates with round joins (rounding error). Thanks to Martin Janda for his bug report and test code !
- a configuration issue with doChecks / doMonitors flags
- added overflow checks (2Gb)
- improved regression tests
See benchmark report:
Please tell me if Marlin works well in your environment... your feedback is VERY important !
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Release v0.7.2.1:
- marlin-0.7.2-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.7.2-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
This release provides some performance gains to pixel filling loops again using inlined array cleanup (RLE+flags), bug fixes (2Gb limits) and minor syntax changes due to OpenJDK9 integration.
It also fixes:
- an issue with created threads (Marlin-Disposer, MarlinStatsHook) in web server environments.
- a configuration issue with doChecks / doMonitors flags
See benchmark report:
Please tell me if Marlin works well in your environment... your feedback is VERY important !
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Marlin-renderer 0.7.1
Release v0.7.1:
- marlin-0.7.1-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.7.1-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
This release provides important improvements to pixel filling loops using an hybrid approach (raw or RLE+flags) to efficiently copy pixel AA coverages into the mask tile buffer.
See benchmark report:
Please tell me if Marlin works well in your environment...
Your feedback is VERY important !
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Release v0.7.0.1:
- marlin- (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin- (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
Changes (fixed bugs):
- Fixed edgePtrs array resizing for large extent (AIOB) in Renderer._endRendering()
- Use adaptive growing strategy for the edge off-heap array + handle overflow if greater than 2Gb
Your feedback is VERY important !
Please tell me if your appreciate Marlin...
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Marlin-renderer 0.7.0
Release v0.7.0:
- marlin-0.7.0-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.7.0-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
- Compatible with the Marlin-Graphics project
- Improved subpixel accuracy to pixel centers (quality improvement)
- Use Fixed-point 32.31 arithmetic to perform DDA in scanline edge processing
- Optimized cubic / quad flattening
- Improved FloatMath performance and accuracy
- Fixed findbugs warnings (default switch case, member syntax)
- Moved Marlin settings into MarlinProperties class to fix circular dependency
- NormalizingPathIterator improvements using two different instances
- Fixed MinPenSize depending on the subpixel norm
Your feedback is VERY important !
Please tell me if your appreciate Marlin...
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Marlin-renderer 0.5.7
Release v0.5.7:
- marlin-0.5.7-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.5.7-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
- Compatible with the Marlin-Graphics project
- Moved java.awt.geom.Path2D patch to org.marlin.geom (security issue) + removed FastPath2D
- Merged with openjdk branch (minor changes)
- Added (incorrect) Gamma correction to adjust contrast: use -Dsun.java2d.renderer.gamma=1.8 or 2.2
Your feedback is VERY important !
Please tell me if your appreciate Marlin...
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !
Marlin-renderer 0.5.6
Release v0.5.6:
- marlin-0.5.6.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.5.6-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster
note: wait a bit before using this release: testing & benchmarks in progress
This release is using sun.misc.Unsafe
to use off-heap storage for edge data: it was intensively tested and is considered stable:
~ 5 to 10% faster on JDK 1.8 (no gain on jdk7).
This release is then recommended for JDK 1.8 only; for JDK 1.7, please use Marlin 0.4.5
- Improved sorting implementations = custom merge sort with less data copy: ~ 3 to 5% faster (depending on the shape complexity)
- Fixed potential bug in Dasher (bad array capacity check)
See Benchmarks
See How to use
See Tuning options
Your feedback is very important !
Please tell us if your appreciate marlin and if it fits well your workload, use cases...
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !