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Releases: bp/resqpy

Enhancement to handle rotated grid imports

26 Feb 14:46
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Updates to surface imports from roxar grids to handle rotated inputs.

What's Changed

  • Update to handle rotated roxar grids by @emmanesbit in #885

Full Changelog: v5.1.9...v5.1.10

TriMesh.area() method

27 Jan 04:45
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This patch adds an approximate area() method to the TriMesh class, based on the proportion of non-NaN z values in the mesh.

Option to find K faces only

23 Jan 04:40
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This patch adds a direction argument to the find_faces...regular_optimised() function, defaulting to 'IJK". It can be set to any subset of I, J and K to limit the faces found to those axes.

Correction to FaultInterpretation normal & listric metadata

16 Jan 15:03
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This patch fixes a small issue affecting the interaction between listric and normal metadata in fault interpretation objects.

robust to stratigraphic units issue in grid

16 Jan 09:31
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This patch includes two enhancements:

  • if the optional list of stratigraphic units associated with a grid does not match the number of intervals (NK plus k gaps), an error is now logged (and the stratigraphic attributes of the resqpy Grid object are set to None), and no exception is raised. Previously an assertion error was raised and the grid load would fail.
  • The grid connection set returned from find faces... now includes only filtered faces when working with a regular grid and a multi-patch surface, and a patch index property on the grid cells is provided. Previously all faces from gridding of all patches of the surface were included in that situation. (To continue to include all faces, simply do not pass the grid cell patch indices array.)


15 Jan 09:26
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What's Changed

  • njit function for update of composite bisector
  • Patch box for packed composite bisector update
  • Enhancement to to allow for fault and geobody types on import

Full Changelog: v5.1.4...v5.1.5

Optimisation for finding faces for a patchwork surface

13 Jan 12:37
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This change adds an optimisation to reduce the search volume when building a composite bisector property for a multi-patch surface in find faces.

fix of bug affecting patches and packing in find faces

11 Jan 15:08
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This patch fixes a bug affecting the combined use of grid bisector packing and surface patches.

new vec utils function for normal vectors for triangles

08 Jan 07:29
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This patch adds a new njit function to the olio.vector_utilities package: triangles_normal_vectors(). The new function takes a (triangles, points) pair representation of a triangulated set and returns an array holding a normal vector for each of the triangles.

Fix of rare multi-reference consolidation bug

07 Jan 04:36
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This patch fixes an issue affecting consolidation of referenced objects during copying.

The bug manifested when an object had more than one reference to the same target referenced object, which itself had an equivalent in the destination model. (For example a multi-patch Surface where each patch referred to the same crs.) In those circumstances only one of the references was updated. This patch resolves this issue and ensures that all references are updated.