Releases: bp/resqpy
Resolving build failure
This patch attempts to resolve the build failure seen with v4.17.3. That failure is believed to have been a difference of behaviour in an integration test, when using the older versions of the python and/or numpy dependencies.
Fix of bug affecting find faces when no faces in I or J
This patch fixes a bug affecting find faces regular optimised when fetching the bounding box if there are no faces present in the I or the J direction.
Fix of bug affecting find faces for curtain faults
This patch fixes a typo bug affecting return of properties from find faces regular optimised when one or more axes has no faces. This typically arises when gridding 'curtain' (vertical) boundary surface.
Optimisation of find faces for surface
This patch consists of optimisations, particularly of the find faces functionality.
numpy int dtypes optimised
This release changes the dtypes of some numpy arrays.
Selected int arrays which are likely to be large are now given a dtype of int32 (or int8 in some cases) where it is safe to do so. Float arrays being imported from a Nexus vdb are set to float32.
Nexus is a trademark of Halliburton.
GitHub actions updates
This patch does not affect resqpy functionality. It is an update of the publish pipeline to use the latest version of GitHub actions.
Fix of minor bug affecting GridConnectionSet.grid_face_arrays()
This patch fixes a bug affecting the active_only option in GridConnectionSet.grid_face_arrays() method.
boolean property packing improvements
This patch includes:
- use of numpy.uint8 as the dtype for surface extrapolation flange boolean properties
- exposure of dtype argument in GridConnectionSet.grid_face_arrays() function
Reworking of GridConnectionSet.grid_face_arrays() method
This patch is a reworking of the GridConnectionSet.grid_face_arrays() method, including minor bug fixes and unit tests.
hdf5 full array overwrite method
This patch introduces a Model method for overwriting an entire hdf5 dataset (array). (There was already a method for overwriting a slice.)