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Local Overrides Sample: Add holiday lights on December 24th and 25th

bp2008 edited this page Dec 25, 2022 · 5 revisions

This script adds virtual Christmas lights to the UI on December 24th and 25th. Several configuration options are given at the top of the script.

The HTML and CSS markup for the lights was adapted from here:


To learn more about ui3-local-overrides, see: Local Overrides Scripts and Styles


$(function ()
	// Begin configuration
	var holidayMonth = 12;
	var holidayDays = { 24: true, 25: true };
	var numberOfLights = 75;

	var addLightsToTop = false;
	var addLightsToSidebar = false;
	var addLightsToVideoPlayer = true;
	var addLightsToAboutWindow = true;

	var lightsBehindVideo = false; // If true, the light string in the video player will not overlap the video
	var lightsOpacity = 1.0; // Decimal number between 0 and 1, e.g. 0 or 0.5 or 1.0
	// End configuration

	var now = new Date();
	var isHoliday = now.getMonth() === (holidayMonth - 1) && holidayDays[now.getDate()];
	if (!isHoliday)

	if (lightsBehindVideo)
		$("body").append('<style type="text/css">#layoutbody > .lightrope { z-index: 0; }</style>');

	if (addLightsToTop)

	if (addLightsToSidebar)

	if (addLightsToVideoPlayer)

	if (addLightsToAboutWindow)
		$("#aboutDialog").prepend('<div style="height: 26px;"><style type="text/css">#aboutDialog .lightrope { margin-left: -10px; margin-top: -23px; }</style></div>');

	function repeatStr(str, times)
		var arr = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < times; i++)
		return arr.join('');
	function getLightString()
		return '<ul class="lightrope">'
			+ repeatStr("<li></li>", numberOfLights)
			+ "</ul>";
	function getLightStringStyles()
		return '<style type="text/css">'
			+ "body {"
			+ "  background: #000;"
			+ "}"
			+ ""
			+ ".lightrope {"
			+ "  text-align: center;"
			+ "  white-space: nowrap;"
			+ "  overflow: hidden;"
			+ "  position: absolute;"
			+ "  z-index: 999;"
			+ "  margin: -15px 0 0 0;"
			+ "  padding: 0;"
			+ "  pointer-events: none;"
			+ "  width: 100%;"
			+ "  opacity: " + lightsOpacity + ";"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li {"
			+ "  position: relative;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;"
			+ "          animation-fill-mode: both;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;"
			+ "          animation-iteration-count: infinite;"
			+ "  list-style: none;"
			+ "  margin: 0;"
			+ "  padding: 0;"
			+ "  display: block;"
			+ "  width: 12px;"
			+ "  height: 28px;"
			+ "  border-radius: 50%;"
			+ "  margin: 20px 20px 33px 20px;"
			+ "  display: inline-block;"
			+ "  background: #00f7a5;"
			+ "  box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px #00f7a5;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-name: flash-1;"
			+ "          animation-name: flash-1;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-duration: 2s;"
			+ "          animation-duration: 2s;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:nth-child(2n+1) {"
			+ "  background: aqua;"
			+ "  box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5);"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-name: flash-2;"
			+ "          animation-name: flash-2;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-duration: 0.4s;"
			+ "          animation-duration: 0.4s;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:nth-child(4n+2) {"
			+ "  background: #f70094;"
			+ "  box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px #f70094;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-name: flash-3;"
			+ "          animation-name: flash-3;"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-duration: 1.1s;"
			+ "          animation-duration: 1.1s;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:nth-child(odd) {"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-duration: 1.8s;"
			+ "          animation-duration: 1.8s;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:nth-child(3n+1) {"
			+ "  -webkit-animation-duration: 1.4s;"
			+ "          animation-duration: 1.4s;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:before {"
			+ "  content: '';"
			+ "  position: absolute;"
			+ "  background: #222;"
			+ "  width: 10px;"
			+ "  height: 9.3333333333px;"
			+ "  border-radius: 3px;"
			+ "  top: -4.6666666667px;"
			+ "  left: 1px;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:after {"
			+ "  content: '';"
			+ "  top: -14px;"
			+ "  left: 9px;"
			+ "  position: absolute;"
			+ "  width: 52px;"
			+ "  height: 18.6666666667px;"
			+ "  border-bottom: solid #222 2px;"
			+ "  border-radius: 50%;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:last-child:after {"
			+ "  content: none;"
			+ "}"
			+ ".lightrope li:first-child {"
			+ "  margin-left: -40px;"
			+ "}"
			+ ""
			+ "@-webkit-keyframes flash-1 {"
			+ "  0%, 100% {"
			+ "    background: #00f7a5;"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px #00f7a5;"
			+ "  }"
			+ "  50% {"
			+ "    background: rgba(0, 247, 165, 0.4);"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(0, 247, 165, 0.2);"
			+ "  }"
			+ "}"
			+ ""
			+ "@keyframes flash-1 {"
			+ "  0%, 100% {"
			+ "    background: #00f7a5;"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px #00f7a5;"
			+ "  }"
			+ "  50% {"
			+ "    background: rgba(0, 247, 165, 0.4);"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(0, 247, 165, 0.2);"
			+ "  }"
			+ "}"
			+ "@-webkit-keyframes flash-2 {"
			+ "  0%, 100% {"
			+ "    background: aqua;"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px aqua;"
			+ "  }"
			+ "  50% {"
			+ "    background: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.4);"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.2);"
			+ "  }"
			+ "}"
			+ "@keyframes flash-2 {"
			+ "  0%, 100% {"
			+ "    background: aqua;"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px aqua;"
			+ "  }"
			+ "  50% {"
			+ "    background: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.4);"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.2);"
			+ "  }"
			+ "}"
			+ "@-webkit-keyframes flash-3 {"
			+ "  0%, 100% {"
			+ "    background: #f70094;"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px #f70094;"
			+ "  }"
			+ "  50% {"
			+ "    background: rgba(247, 0, 148, 0.4);"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(247, 0, 148, 0.2);"
			+ "  }"
			+ "}"
			+ "@keyframes flash-3 {"
			+ "  0%, 100% {"
			+ "    background: #f70094;"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px #f70094;"
			+ "  }"
			+ "  50% {"
			+ "    background: rgba(247, 0, 148, 0.4);"
			+ "    box-shadow: 0px 4.6666666667px 24px 3px rgba(247, 0, 148, 0.2);"
			+ "  }"
			+ "}"
			+ '</style>';
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