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Live Preview Overview

ScanuNicco edited this page Sep 25, 2021 · 30 revisions

State of Live Preview (formerly known as "Live Development") as of January, 2015.


Live Preview has been implemented 2 ways:

  1. Original implementation uses Chromium Dev Tools Web Socket to connect to browser

  2. New Multibrowser implementation uses Injected Scripts to connect to browser

    • Currently disabled and can be switch to with a feature flag
    • Connects to default browser
    • URL can be pasted into any other browser
    • See Live Preview MultiBrowser for details about this implementation.

Implementation used in Brackets is set in LiveDevelopment/main.js `_setImplementation()' method.

Live Preview Server

Servers defined in LiveDevelopment/Servers:

  1. BaseServer: Built-in nodejs server - this is the default connection type.
  2. UserServer: Use local server - this is done by specifying Base URL in Project Settings... dialog.
  3. FileServer: Fallback is file:// protocol.

For more info see Server API and URL Mapping docs.

Interstitial page

Loaded to ensure a connection before starting agents and then navigating to document url.

brackets-shell Native Implementation

NativeApp.openLiveBrowser() and NativeApp.closeLiveBrowser() defined in appshell/appshell_extensions.js calls operating system specific native OpenLiveBrowser() and CloseLiveBrowser() methods, respectively. Defined in:

Toolbar Icon

Used to toggle Live Preview on/off. Can also use File > Live Preview menu item.

Icon shows 3 different states: disconnected, connecting, and connected. Tooltips display more detailed state information. Twipsy is displayed at icon when browser is disconnected for external reasons.

Remote Functions

Agents/RemoteAgent.js injects Agents/RemoteFunctions.js into Live Preview page for:

  • Highlighting
  • Live HTML
  • Live Preview MultiBrowser Connection

Live CSS


CSS in browser is updated immediately as it is edited, so no need to save to disk:

a. LiveDevelopment.js _styleSheetAdded() creates a CSSDocument for each stylesheet b. Updates trigger CSSDocument.onChange() which sends entire updated stylesheet to browser


All elements that apply to rule being edited are highlighted. LESS and SCSS are also supported:

  • Can enable/disable with View > Live Preview Highlight menu item
  • Implemented using remote function injection & calling


Currently only supported with nodejs server

All Other File Types

Live Preview is reloaded on File Save in LiveDevelopment.js function _onDocumentSaved().

Live JavaScript has been researched, but has not yet been implemented.

User Docs

Other Use Cases:

  • Live Preview works for files:

    • When using built-in server: file extensions defined in FileUtils.isStaticHtmlFileExt()
    • When a Base URL is provided for a local server: file extensions defined in FileUtils.isServerHtmlFileExt() will also work.
    • Note: These lists should really be preferences
  • When starting Live Preview...

    • if .css or .js file is selected, Brackets searches for nearest index.html
    • if .php is selected and Base URL is not specified, prompt for Base URL
  • If Live Preview is running...

    • and another HTML file is selected, it switches to that file
    • and switch to a different project, Live Preview is disconnected


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