This site archives explicit solvent trajectory data, scripts, and figures for the following publications:
Soreen Cyphers, Emily F Ruff, Julie M Behr, John D Chodera, and Nicholas M Levinson.
A water-mediated allosteric network governs activation of Aurora kinase A.
DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.2296
Emily F. Ruff, Joseph M. Muretta, Andrew Thompson, Eric Lake, Soreen Cyphers, Steven K. Albanese, Sonya M. Hanson, Julie M. Behr, David D. Thomas, John D. Chodera, Nicholas M. Levinson A dynamic mechanism for allosteric activation of Aurora kinase A by activation loop phosphorylation DOI: 10.7554/eLife.32766
Complete Folding@home simulation data analyzed for the Cyphers publication is available via the Open Science Framework. Complete Folding@home simulation data analyzed for the Ruff publication will be made available soon!
- The software in this repository is made available under the MIT License - a copy of this license is provided as
- The data in this repository is made available under the CC BY 4.0 License - a copy of this license is provided as