MoveIt! scripts for controlling UR5 with custom solenoid-based vacuum gripper.
Following the usage instructions in
located in will do the following:
- Setup ROS
- Setup catkin workspace
- Install UR5 ROS packages
After the setup is complete, the following commands can be used to test a simulated UR5:
NOTE: You will need running in a GUI session to use the simulators.
Multiple terminals will be needed, make sure to cd ~/ros_ws && source devel/setup.${0}
for each terminal session.
First terminal: roslaunch ur_bringup ur5_bringup.launch
Second terminal: roslaunch ur5_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
Third terminal: roslaunch ur5_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
Use the following terminal to subscribe to various topics to see what is being published by running ROS topics.
For example: rostopic echo /arm_controller/state
With Rviz running, you should be able to drag the end-effector to a random position within the UR5's workspace. Then from the 'planning' tab, you should be able to plan and execute a path which will be played back in real-time on both Rviz and the open Gazebo session.