Android file browser that works via ADB
This is a file browser for Android that works via ADB. If you want to use it, please (please!) use the latest version (seriously, there are buggy alpha versions on there, and you do NOT want to use those). At this point, Aneissa and I have both been using it without any issues for a few months, and I’ve put a good deal of effort into ironing out any kinks. At the very least, it should not erase anything on your phone (which it did do at one point!) I created this because Aneissa and I both got the Samsung Galaxy S4 from AT&T, which includes a locked (and encrypted) bootloader, which means we can’t put a custom kernel on the phones without things exploding, which means we can’t use Cyanogenmod, which means we are using a custom rom based on the stock kernel, which unfortunately doesn’t support regular USB file browsing currently. P.S. Thanks AT&T for ruining a perfectly good phone
View readme.txt for more information.
This game's source code is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for the full license text.
This game's data is not under the same license as the source code. See CONTENT-LICENSE.txt for game data licensing details.
Binaries are currently available to download from the project's Releases section on GitHub: