This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 25, 2019. It is now read-only.
Release notes - Hopsworks - Version 0.5.0
- [HOPSWORKS-443] - Job service UI should hanldle error when creating jobs with same name
- [HOPSWORKS-465] - Spark chef must check if glassfish cert exists
- [HOPSWORKS-469] - CertificateMaterializer wipes out password in wrong order
- [HOPSWORKS-470] - tensorflow-serving-api requires tensorflow and will uninstall tensorflow-gpu on python 2.7
- [HOPSWORKS-471] - Fix for path bug introduced in 415, make email activation link disabled by default.
- [HOPSWORKS-472] - 471 fix and other fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-473] - bug - dela_client_type removed from variables
- [HOPSWORKS-474] - Fix how Jobs service parses Spark properties
- [HOPSWORKS-475] - kagent reports negative memory usage
- [HOPSWORKS-479] - Kagent reporting if a host has GPUs not working
- [HOPSWORKS-483] - NPE when creating a Spark job with no main class specified
- [HOPSWORKS-485] - Fix bug with multiple kagent libOp commands
- [HOPSWORKS-486] - Fix flyway sql for HOPSWORKS-443
- [HOPSWORKS-494] - Approving User Accounts still broken
- [HOPSWORKS-495] - Dela retry timeout at ~0ms
- [HOPSWORKS-496] - Configuration option to disable services certificate rotation
- [HOPSWORKS-497] - R should be installed in spark-chef, not zeppelin-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-502] - Fix bug when revoking old Host certificate
- [HOPSWORKS-503] - Remove unused js from admin
- [HOPSWORKS-504] - Add hops::ndb as a dependency for hops:nn
- [HOPSWORKS-506] - Pia saving bug
- [HOPSWORKS-508] - Libraries installed by the Kagent should say auto-yes
- [HOPSWORKS-515] - Increase validity period for Host certificates if rotation is disabled
- [HOPSWORKS-521] - [hopsworks-chef] Wrong ownership of CRL
- [HOPSWORKS-522] - Kafka max projects is set to '10'
- [HOPSWORKS-528] - Pydoop with Python2 and Python3 support are now available in the same PyPi library
- [HOPSWORKS-534] - Qr code recovery password check not working
- [HOPSWORKS-535] - Allow the exclusion of machines from the conda environment creation
- [HOPSWORKS-538] - Remove spark.metrics.conf from Jupyterc config file
- [HOPSWORKS-539] - Job parameters not set correctly
- [HOPSWORKS-544] - Kafka work with DNS hosts and other user names
- [HOPSWORKS-545] - Force deleting of remote material should not try to acquire the lock
- [HOPSWORKS-549] - Fixes for Horovod
- [HOPSWORKS-557] - Remove typo and fix for /app
- [HOPSWORKS-562] - HopsLog - copy into hops fails
- [HOPSWORKS-572] - [chef] Fix random failure of spark::yarn on multi-node environments
- [HOPSWORKS-573] - TensorFlow Serving API not installed correctly
- [HOPSWORKS-576] - AppendConfigReplacementPolicy should not append whitespace for all spark properties
- [HOPSWORKS-581] - Add missing HADOOP_HDFS_HOME variable in kernel.json for Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-588] - Horovod UI bug in Jupyter configuration
- [HOPSWORKS-589] - Hosts table in Admin UI should be scrollable
- [HOPSWORKS-590] - DataScientist role must be added in GET PIA endpoint
- [HOPSWORKS-455] - Decouple host registration from certificate generation
- [HOPSWORKS-460] - Extend kagent command protocol
- [HOPSWORKS-490] - Merge Openssl operation into a single EJB
- [HOPSWORKS-491] - Remove usage of and
- [HOPSWORKS-492] - Spark 2.3.0 - Hops release
- [HOPSWORKS-525] - TensorFlow Sample Notebooks broken for version 1.7.0
- [HOPSWORKS-540] - Replace spark-submit options with spark properties for Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-567] - Export environment variables for Jupyter
New Feature
- [HOPSWORKS-454] - Service key rotation
- [HOPSWORKS-468] - Kagent restart button and upgrading hopsworks fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-476] - Support for zipping directories inside project
- [HOPSWORKS-477] - Allow custom mirror configuration in conda
- [HOPSWORKS-489] - Revoke users/services certificates from Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-513] - TensorFlow Debugger support
- [HOPSWORKS-536] - Speed up Conda Environment creation using 'clone'
- [HOPSWORKS-541] - Export and Create Anaconda environment using "conda env export" and "conda env create"
- [HOPSWORKS-542] - REST endpoints for signing and revoking application certificates
- [HOPSWORKS-551] - Conda UI for admins to see conda logs and retry failed operations
- [HOPSWORKS-554] - Show versions of software used in Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-458] - Restrict Horovod to GPU machines only
- [HOPSWORKS-461] - kagent message handler should be non-blocking
- [HOPSWORKS-463] - Kafka log rotation should me bounded by size, fix log location
- [HOPSWORKS-478] - Anaconda as a separate service
- [HOPSWORKS-484] - Anaconda service UI improvements
- [HOPSWORKS-498] - Retrieve Readme file from hops published datasets
- [HOPSWORKS-511] - Metadata inspector in datasets UI improvements
- [HOPSWORKS-514] - Upgrade Hops version to
- [HOPSWORKS-516] - Improve admin UI
- [HOPSWORKS-519] - [hops-hadoop-chef] Refactor Hops RPC TLS/CRL configuration
- [HOPSWORKS-529] - TensorBoard UI and naming Refactoring
- [HOPSWORKS-531] - Fault-tolerant hyperparameter search using Spark blacklisting
- [HOPSWORKS-537] - Timed-out log aggregation should copy logs from hdfs
- [HOPSWORKS-555] - Upgrade Hopsworks from 0.4 to master
- [HOPSWORKS-569] - Disable blacklisting by default for TensorFlow
- [HOPSWORKS-198] - Zeppelin - Disable all interpreters except hopshive
- [HOPSWORKS-480] - Upgrade to Kafka 1.1.0
- [HOPSWORKS-481] - Upgrade to Spark 2.3.0
- [HOPSWORKS-488] - Enable SparkR kernel in Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-505] - Licenses and dependencies list
- [HOPSWORKS-507] - Add shuffle queue property in MapReduce config
- [HOPSWORKS-527] - Upgrade to Tensorflow 1.7
- [HOPSWORKS-543] - Version TensorFlow notebooks
- [HOPSWORKS-548] - Update ndb version to 7.5.10
- [HOPSWORKS-550] - Update Tensorflow to 1.8
- [HOPSWORKS-570] - Cluster published dataset size
- [HOPSWORKS-571] - [chef] Set kafka-logs dir outside kafka install dir
- [HOPSWORKS-574] - Remove whitespace from HADOOP_CLIENTS_OPTS due to new pydoop. Update pydoop version.
- [HOPSWORKS-593] - Exclude commons-lang from Flink dependencies in HopsUtil