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Releases: dc-sics/hopsworks
Releases · dc-sics/hopsworks
Release notes - Hopsworks - Version 0.5.0
- [HOPSWORKS-443] - Job service UI should hanldle error when creating jobs with same name
- [HOPSWORKS-465] - Spark chef must check if glassfish cert exists
- [HOPSWORKS-469] - CertificateMaterializer wipes out password in wrong order
- [HOPSWORKS-470] - tensorflow-serving-api requires tensorflow and will uninstall tensorflow-gpu on python 2.7
- [HOPSWORKS-471] - Fix for path bug introduced in 415, make email activation link disabled by default.
- [HOPSWORKS-472] - 471 fix and other fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-473] - bug - dela_client_type removed from variables
- [HOPSWORKS-474] - Fix how Jobs service parses Spark properties
- [HOPSWORKS-475] - kagent reports negative memory usage
- [HOPSWORKS-479] - Kagent reporting if a host has GPUs not working
- [HOPSWORKS-483] - NPE when creating a Spark job with no main class specified
- [HOPSWORKS-485] - Fix bug with multiple kagent libOp commands
- [HOPSWORKS-486] - Fix flyway sql for HOPSWORKS-443
- [HOPSWORKS-494] - Approving User Accounts still broken
- [HOPSWORKS-495] - Dela retry timeout at ~0ms
- [HOPSWORKS-496] - Configuration option to disable services certificate rotation
- [HOPSWORKS-497] - R should be installed in spark-chef, not zeppelin-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-502] - Fix bug when revoking old Host certificate
- [HOPSWORKS-503] - Remove unused js from admin
- [HOPSWORKS-504] - Add hops::ndb as a dependency for hops:nn
- [HOPSWORKS-506] - Pia saving bug
- [HOPSWORKS-508] - Libraries installed by the Kagent should say auto-yes
- [HOPSWORKS-515] - Increase validity period for Host certificates if rotation is disabled
- [HOPSWORKS-521] - [hopsworks-chef] Wrong ownership of CRL
- [HOPSWORKS-522] - Kafka max projects is set to '10'
- [HOPSWORKS-528] - Pydoop with Python2 and Python3 support are now available in the same PyPi library
- [HOPSWORKS-534] - Qr code recovery password check not working
- [HOPSWORKS-535] - Allow the exclusion of machines from the conda environment creation
- [HOPSWORKS-538] - Remove spark.metrics.conf from Jupyterc config file
- [HOPSWORKS-539] - Job parameters not set correctly
- [HOPSWORKS-544] - Kafka work with DNS hosts and other user names
- [HOPSWORKS-545] - Force deleting of remote material should not try to acquire the lock
- [HOPSWORKS-549] - Fixes for Horovod
- [HOPSWORKS-557] - Remove typo and fix for /app
- [HOPSWORKS-562] - HopsLog - copy into hops fails
- [HOPSWORKS-572] - [chef] Fix random failure of spark::yarn on multi-node environments
- [HOPSWORKS-573] - TensorFlow Serving API not installed correctly
- [HOPSWORKS-576] - AppendConfigReplacementPolicy should not append whitespace for all spark properties
- [HOPSWORKS-581] - Add missing HADOOP_HDFS_HOME variable in kernel.json for Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-588] - Horovod UI bug in Jupyter configuration
- [HOPSWORKS-589] - Hosts table in Admin UI should be scrollable
- [HOPSWORKS-590] - DataScientist role must be added in GET PIA endpoint
- [HOPSWORKS-455] - Decouple host registration from certificate generation
- [HOPSWORKS-460] - Extend kagent command protocol
- [HOPSWORKS-490] - Merge Openssl operation into a single EJB
- [HOPSWORKS-491] - Remove usage of and
- [HOPSWORKS-492] - Spark 2.3.0 - Hops release
- [HOPSWORKS-525] - TensorFlow Sample Notebooks broken for version 1.7.0
- [HOPSWORKS-540] - Replace spark-submit options with spark properties for Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-567] - Export environment variables for Jupyter
New Feature
- [HOPSWORKS-454] - Service key rotation
- [HOPSWORKS-468] - Kagent restart button and upgrading hopsworks fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-476] - Support for zipping directories inside project
- [HOPSWORKS-477] - Allow custom mirror configuration in conda
- [HOPSWORKS-489] - Revoke users/services certificates from Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-513] - TensorFlow Debugger support
- [HOPSWORKS-536] - Speed up Conda Environment creation using 'clone'
- [HOPSWORKS-541] - Export and Create Anaconda environment using "conda env export" and "conda env create"
- [HOPSWORKS-542] - REST endpoints for signing and revoking application certificates
- [HOPSWORKS-551] - Conda UI for admins to see conda logs and retry failed operations
- [HOPSWORKS-554] - Show versions of software used in Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-458] - Restrict Horovod to GPU machines only
- [HOPSWORKS-461] - ...
Release notes - Hopsworks - Version 0.4.1
- [HOPSWORKS-465] - Spark chef must check if glassfish cert exists
- [HOPSWORKS-469] - CertificateMaterializer wipes out password in wrong order
- [HOPSWORKS-470] - tensorflow-serving-api requires tensorflow and will uninstall tensorflow-gpu on python 2.7
- [HOPSWORKS-471] - Fix for path bug introduced in 415, make email activation link disabled by default.
- [HOPSWORKS-472] - 471 fix and other fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-473] - bug - dela_client_type removed from variables
- [HOPSWORKS-474] - Fix how Jobs service parses Spark properties
- [HOPSWORKS-475] - kagent reports negative memory usage
- [HOPSWORKS-466] - Hive-chef fix for certs group
- [HOPSWORKS-457] - Miscellaneous fixes for pip
- [HOPSWORKS-459] - Incorrect default values introduced in JupyterSettings
- [HOPSWORKS-462] - Cluster-published dataset details is slow. Use quota cached dataset size instead.
Release notes - HopsWorks - Version 0.4.0
- [HOPSWORKS-420] - Transient directory of CertificateMaterializer should not be readable by user code
- [HOPSWORKS-440] - Random number of executors displayed in the job metrics panel
- [HOPSWORKS-444] - Fix spark local dir attribute in Spark-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-446] - The hard drive full alert is spammy
- [HOPSWORKS-447] - Grafana not working in yarn and hdfs admin pages
- [HOPSWORKS-449] - User activation fails with ejb transaction error
New Feature
- [HOPSWORKS-412] - Support for pip in Anaconda
- [HOPSWORKS-434] - [ndb-chef] Bash script to periodically perform NDB backups
- [HOPSWORKS-445] - Downloader for pre-downloading binaries for installation
- [HOPSWORKS-415] - Make HopsUtil work with http and improvements for https in HopsWorks, add HopsUtil support in Zeppelin and Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-438] - Refactor CertificateMaterializer service
Release notes - HopsWorks - Version 0.3.0
- [HOPSWORKS-3] - Possibility of data leakage between projects
- [HOPSWORKS-7] - Unshare Datasets
- [HOPSWORKS-9] - No warning page when DB is not working
- [HOPSWORKS-10] - File upload not auto-starting while interface shows they should
- [HOPSWORKS-13] - Cannot create project with capital letter as a project name
- [HOPSWORKS-31] - Unclear "can edit" datasets sharing option
- [HOPSWORKS-37] - kafka schema update not working
- [HOPSWORKS-38] - Topic Creation Dialog - create button doesn't work sometimes
- [HOPSWORKS-39] - Logs for jobs that fail during initialization are not available
- [HOPSWORKS-40] - Fix metadata
- [HOPSWORKS-41] - UI fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-42] - Metadata search not working correctly.
- [HOPSWORKS-43] - search in project and datasets returning results of other projects
- [HOPSWORKS-49] - Lazy load of job logs in Jobs UI
- [HOPSWORKS-52] - folders created by job directly in a project can't be accessed
- [HOPSWORKS-54] - Project certs are not deleted when member is removed by a project
- [HOPSWORKS-56] - wrong regexp in HdfsUsers result in wrong user being removed
- [HOPSWORKS-57] - Disallow special characters from job name
- [HOPSWORKS-58] - Project quotas are not displayed
- [HOPSWORKS-59] - Kafka UI Advanced view tries to fetch all topics
- [HOPSWORKS-60] - Cannot delete an imported public dataset from a project
- [HOPSWORKS-61] - Fixes for Kafka ACLs UI, enabling job logs for shared projects
- [HOPSWORKS-63] - Job monitor should persist after AppServer restart
- [HOPSWORKS-65] - Close zeppelin interpreters upon project deletion
- [HOPSWORKS-66] - Fix starting and stoping services in the the admin interface
- [HOPSWORKS-82] - webapp.address badly configured in yarn-site.xml
- [HOPSWORKS-83] - Tour tips do not appear
- [HOPSWORKS-84] - Example jars TestJob dataset of tour projects is owned by superuser
- [HOPSWORKS-86] - Sanitize Logs
- [HOPSWORKS-87] - Telegraf log rotation policy
- [HOPSWORKS-89] - Fix Jupyter Websockets Proxy
- [HOPSWORKS-91] - Telegraf influxdb user
- [HOPSWORKS-92] - Error with kompics snapshot repo
- [HOPSWORKS-93] - Set python to project conda repo for Zeppelin Livy interpreter
- [HOPSWORKS-95] - project disk size blocked to MB and limited to int
- [HOPSWORKS-96] - Cleaning up a Project after an unsuccessful creation should not delete the user
- [HOPSWORKS-97] - String interpolation in hopsworks-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-98] - telegraf user is not created
- [HOPSWORKS-104] - Fix tensorflow download url in tensorflow-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-105] - Disable cuda installation in karamel-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-106] - Fix Jupyter PYSPARK_PYTHON env variable
- [HOPSWORKS-107] - executors jvm metrics lost in influxdb structure update
- [HOPSWORKS-108] - not overwritten when installin hops
- [HOPSWORKS-109] - admin.js forgoten when running hops-monitor-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-110] - grafana dashboards not scalling
- [HOPSWORKS-111] - Checkout specific version of Tensorflow
- [HOPSWORKS-112] - Fix typos in hops-hadoop-chef yarn-env template
- [HOPSWORKS-114] - iframe in admin UI breaking the session
- [HOPSWORKS-116] - Handle tensorboard when job is in state Killed
- [HOPSWORKS-117] - Randomize IP address space in karamel-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-120] - Remove NN ip from URI in HDFS files
- [HOPSWORKS-123] - foreing key to hops broken
- [HOPSWORKS-126] - Formatting DB before starting any HDFS service
- [HOPSWORKS-127] - User reappearing after project deletion
- [HOPSWORKS-129] - forgoten table moddification in HOPSWORKS-63
- [HOPSWORKS-131] - TensorFlow tour creates both jobs when a new one is created
- [HOPSWORKS-132] - Pin VM image version
- [HOPSWORKS-133] - Logs of jobs that fail before YARN submission are not displayed
- [HOPSWORKS-134] - Kafka tour does not allow creation of new jobs with non default topics
- [HOPSWORKS-137] - Kibana allows users to view logs of other projects they are members of
- [HOPSWORKS-138] - Directory creation - give error for spaces in UI
- [HOPSWORKS-144] - File preview does not work
- [HOPSWORKS-146] - Upgrade zeppelin to support spark 2.2.0.
- [HOPSWORKS-147] - [TensorflowOnSpark] Change user that writes to HDFS
- [HOPSWORKS-148] - Spark Shuffle Jar file not tracking spark version increments
- [HOPSWORKS-149] - Change...