This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 25, 2019. It is now read-only.
Release notes - HopsWorks - Version 0.3.0
- [HOPSWORKS-3] - Possibility of data leakage between projects
- [HOPSWORKS-7] - Unshare Datasets
- [HOPSWORKS-9] - No warning page when DB is not working
- [HOPSWORKS-10] - File upload not auto-starting while interface shows they should
- [HOPSWORKS-13] - Cannot create project with capital letter as a project name
- [HOPSWORKS-31] - Unclear "can edit" datasets sharing option
- [HOPSWORKS-37] - kafka schema update not working
- [HOPSWORKS-38] - Topic Creation Dialog - create button doesn't work sometimes
- [HOPSWORKS-39] - Logs for jobs that fail during initialization are not available
- [HOPSWORKS-40] - Fix metadata
- [HOPSWORKS-41] - UI fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-42] - Metadata search not working correctly.
- [HOPSWORKS-43] - search in project and datasets returning results of other projects
- [HOPSWORKS-49] - Lazy load of job logs in Jobs UI
- [HOPSWORKS-52] - folders created by job directly in a project can't be accessed
- [HOPSWORKS-54] - Project certs are not deleted when member is removed by a project
- [HOPSWORKS-56] - wrong regexp in HdfsUsers result in wrong user being removed
- [HOPSWORKS-57] - Disallow special characters from job name
- [HOPSWORKS-58] - Project quotas are not displayed
- [HOPSWORKS-59] - Kafka UI Advanced view tries to fetch all topics
- [HOPSWORKS-60] - Cannot delete an imported public dataset from a project
- [HOPSWORKS-61] - Fixes for Kafka ACLs UI, enabling job logs for shared projects
- [HOPSWORKS-63] - Job monitor should persist after AppServer restart
- [HOPSWORKS-65] - Close zeppelin interpreters upon project deletion
- [HOPSWORKS-66] - Fix starting and stoping services in the the admin interface
- [HOPSWORKS-82] - webapp.address badly configured in yarn-site.xml
- [HOPSWORKS-83] - Tour tips do not appear
- [HOPSWORKS-84] - Example jars TestJob dataset of tour projects is owned by superuser
- [HOPSWORKS-86] - Sanitize Logs
- [HOPSWORKS-87] - Telegraf log rotation policy
- [HOPSWORKS-89] - Fix Jupyter Websockets Proxy
- [HOPSWORKS-91] - Telegraf influxdb user
- [HOPSWORKS-92] - Error with kompics snapshot repo
- [HOPSWORKS-93] - Set python to project conda repo for Zeppelin Livy interpreter
- [HOPSWORKS-95] - project disk size blocked to MB and limited to int
- [HOPSWORKS-96] - Cleaning up a Project after an unsuccessful creation should not delete the user
- [HOPSWORKS-97] - String interpolation in hopsworks-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-98] - telegraf user is not created
- [HOPSWORKS-104] - Fix tensorflow download url in tensorflow-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-105] - Disable cuda installation in karamel-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-106] - Fix Jupyter PYSPARK_PYTHON env variable
- [HOPSWORKS-107] - executors jvm metrics lost in influxdb structure update
- [HOPSWORKS-108] - not overwritten when installin hops
- [HOPSWORKS-109] - admin.js forgoten when running hops-monitor-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-110] - grafana dashboards not scalling
- [HOPSWORKS-111] - Checkout specific version of Tensorflow
- [HOPSWORKS-112] - Fix typos in hops-hadoop-chef yarn-env template
- [HOPSWORKS-114] - iframe in admin UI breaking the session
- [HOPSWORKS-116] - Handle tensorboard when job is in state Killed
- [HOPSWORKS-117] - Randomize IP address space in karamel-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-120] - Remove NN ip from URI in HDFS files
- [HOPSWORKS-123] - foreing key to hops broken
- [HOPSWORKS-126] - Formatting DB before starting any HDFS service
- [HOPSWORKS-127] - User reappearing after project deletion
- [HOPSWORKS-129] - forgoten table moddification in HOPSWORKS-63
- [HOPSWORKS-131] - TensorFlow tour creates both jobs when a new one is created
- [HOPSWORKS-132] - Pin VM image version
- [HOPSWORKS-133] - Logs of jobs that fail before YARN submission are not displayed
- [HOPSWORKS-134] - Kafka tour does not allow creation of new jobs with non default topics
- [HOPSWORKS-137] - Kibana allows users to view logs of other projects they are members of
- [HOPSWORKS-138] - Directory creation - give error for spaces in UI
- [HOPSWORKS-144] - File preview does not work
- [HOPSWORKS-146] - Upgrade zeppelin to support spark 2.2.0.
- [HOPSWORKS-147] - [TensorflowOnSpark] Change user that writes to HDFS
- [HOPSWORKS-148] - Spark Shuffle Jar file not tracking spark version increments
- [HOPSWORKS-149] - Change Java Properties to Environment Variables when launching Yarn jobs from Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-151] - Jupyter Livy sessions showing up in Zeppelin View
- [HOPSWORKS-154] - Jupyter Livy problems with PYSPARK_PYTHON
- [HOPSWORKS-155] - [hopsworks-chef] Pydoop cannot be installed
- [HOPSWORKS-160] - Cleaning up and fixing admin Monitoring and Control
- [HOPSWORKS-161] - kagent return status for conda is too long for DB table
- [HOPSWORKS-164] - Validate a request to get a keystore's password against the CN
- [HOPSWORKS-170] - Data Scientists cant delete their own files
- [HOPSWORKS-172] - Fix bug when adding members to project
- [HOPSWORKS-173] - Python 3 not working in Conda
- [HOPSWORKS-174] - Skip setting PATH env in TFoS
- [HOPSWORKS-175] - User/Group for each service broken
- [HOPSWORKS-177] - Jobs monitoring timer is not updating the state of jobs
- [HOPSWORKS-180] - Vizops UI fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-181] - Project Administration
- [HOPSWORKS-185] - [hopslog-chef hopsmonitor-chef spark-chef] Move creation of and to hopslog-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-186] - Kafka service uses wrong keystore and truststore password
- [HOPSWORKS-187] - Remove creation of projects_management view
- [HOPSWORKS-189] - Jupyter not working with per-service usernames
- [HOPSWORKS-190] - Zeppelin broken for per-user services
- [HOPSWORKS-191] - Fix versioning of hops-util and hops-examples in chef
- [HOPSWORKS-192] - Kibana broken for Zeppelin and Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-195] - Deleting a project can leave orphaned jupyter notebooks
- [HOPSWORKS-196] - Search Bar has no spinner to indicate that it is busy searching
- [HOPSWORKS-200] - Chef should add parquet dependencies in spark archive
- [HOPSWORKS-201] - Fix logging dataset creation
- [HOPSWORKS-203] - Make sure is installed on the machine where ePipe runs
- [HOPSWORKS-207] - Remove user jobs when they are removed for a project
- [HOPSWORKS-209] - Fix ownership of files belonging to a removed project member
- [HOPSWORKS-211] - Jupyter admin ui regression
- [HOPSWORKS-214] - Zeppelin per-user interpreter leads to awful behaviors
- [HOPSWORKS-216] - Job scheduer fails due to missing ExecutionId
- [HOPSWORKS-217] - jobs not writing metrics to influxDB
- [HOPSWORKS-218] - Jupyter with tensorflow fails with SSL enabled
- [HOPSWORKS-219] - Stopping and Starting services in admin UI not working when SSL activated
- [HOPSWORKS-222] - Cluster utilization bar has wrong colour
- [HOPSWORKS-223] - Duration of a launched job continues counting
- [HOPSWORKS-227] - Spark Executor should not export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=""
- [HOPSWORKS-228] - Duplicate "GPUs" option for TensorFlow in Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-230] - NullPointerException when two user working on same zeppelin notebook
- [HOPSWORKS-234] - CertificateMaterializer should throw an exception if transient dir does not exist
- [HOPSWORKS-235] - Don't delete materialized certificates when closing udfso if SSL is not enabled
- [HOPSWORKS-239] - Redirection on viewing a big job log lead to blank page
- [HOPSWORKS-241] - HDFS path for has a white-space character
- [HOPSWORKS-245] - Fix jobUi dropdown menu to select the tensorboard
- [HOPSWORKS-246] - Zeppelin Interpreter Conf table failed to persist/update if project with the same name is created
- [HOPSWORKS-248] - Refactor initialization of BaseHadoopServices
- [HOPSWORKS-250] - User Administration send to the wrong user page
- [HOPSWORKS-253] - Hadoop files are copied to YARN containers with Jupyter and Zeppelin
- [HOPSWORKS-255] - ApplicationService retrieves wrong project name
- [HOPSWORKS-260] - Buttons on Jupyter console not showing up
- [HOPSWORKS-261] - NPE for project mgmt due to quotas
- [HOPSWORKS-262] - Spark job staging dir should be unique per application
- [HOPSWORKS-263] - Sanitize TensorFlow configuration in JupyterConfig
- [HOPSWORKS-266] - Removing a member from a project does not remove them from Kafka ACLs
- [HOPSWORKS-267] - Set default livy session expiration to 1 hour for Zeppelin
- [HOPSWORKS-268] - Multiple fixes for hops-hadoop-chef to work with SSL
- [HOPSWORKS-269] - cannot remove a dataset shared with your project
- [HOPSWORKS-279] - front page not scalling well with some resolutions
- [HOPSWORKS-287] - Jupyter and Zeppelin buttons not working due to missing function
- [HOPSWORKS-289] - Check for user's password and sessionid in one REST call
- [HOPSWORKS-298] - Service status tooltip getting out of the window
- [HOPSWORKS-301] - Fix broken Jobs UI and tour tips
- [HOPSWORKS-303] - Kafka brokers addresses in HopsUtil must be retrieved from ZooKeeper
- [HOPSWORKS-304] - Wrong update of false login
- [HOPSWORKS-308] - When removing a file a log for dataset delete is written into ops_log
- [HOPSWORKS-311] - Orphaned elastic result?
- [HOPSWORKS-313] - Conda Block-Report Protocol fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-314] - Jupyter does not lower case project name for elasticsearch
- [HOPSWORKS-316] - Limit in number of projects should be a hard limit
- [HOPSWORKS-318] - Security Question makes entries lowercase
- [HOPSWORKS-319] - Adjust certificate services to new project generic user
- [HOPSWORKS-321] - Executors tab in Spark web UI is not working
- [HOPSWORKS-325] - Telegraf configuration is problematic
- [HOPSWORKS-328] - Livy sessions should use projectgenericuser for Zeppelin
- [HOPSWORKS-329] - Zeppelin notebooks cannot be deleted
- [HOPSWORKS-330] - Remove hardcoded hive user from start-llap script launcher
- [HOPSWORKS-331] - Set interpreter binding mode for projectgenericuser
- [HOPSWORKS-332] - Check if superuser UGI when closing DFS client
- [HOPSWORKS-335] - Add project generic user to Zeppelin connection list
- [HOPSWORKS-336] - Kafka schema dropdown list does not expand
- [HOPSWORKS-342] - Encrypted password stored in DB should be updated when user change their password
- [HOPSWORKS-343] - Project under creation cause NPE on promectsManagement page
- [HOPSWORKS-344] - numCreatedProjects should be annotated with NotNull
- [HOPSWORKS-348] - Spam Requests admin page not working
- [HOPSWORKS-360] - Cluster utilisation should not be based on price multiplicator
- [HOPSWORKS-362] - "-" hyphen in project name causes jupyter to fail to start
- [HOPSWORKS-364] - Allow data scientist project role to download projectgenericuser files
- [HOPSWORKS-366] - In the ProjectManagementUI the Hive quota should be -1 by default
- [HOPSWORKS-368] - Rollback all handlers when changing master encryption key
- [HOPSWORKS-372] - hopsworks-cluster profile
- [HOPSWORKS-375] - Session ID is not updated when admin user navigates away from hopsworks-admin
- [HOPSWORKS-377] - Adding a member in a project, does not automatically add them in the Kafka ACLs
- [HOPSWORKS-379] - Uploaded files permissions
- [HOPSWORKS-387] - CertificateMaterializer does not work as expected with Livy/Spark and Hive interpreter
- [HOPSWORKS-388] - FilePreview tries to display entire file
- [HOPSWORKS-393] - Notification when trying to start Jupyter but out of Quota
- [HOPSWORKS-396] - Certificate password file is not cleaned up in HDFS
- [HOPSWORKS-397] - Pyspark throws NoClassDefFoundError: io/hops/leaderElection/HdfsLeDescriptorFactory
- [HOPSWORKS-401] - Roles should be cleaned up with Hosts
- [HOPSWORKS-404] - Changing payment type in admin UI not working
- [HOPSWORKS-407] - Data scientists can install python deps but cannot list them
- [HOPSWORKS-408] - java.lang.NumberFormatException in LlapClusterFacade
- [HOPSWORKS-413] - Log level in Jupyter settings is ignored
- [HOPSWORKS-425] - Changing user password front-end not working
- [HOPSWORKS-433] - Fix namenode metrics collection/visualisation
- [HOPSWORKS-436] - Miscellaneous fixes for TensorFlow Serving
- [HOPSWORKS-62] - API /user/profile returns the username
- [HOPSWORKS-119] - Add support for GPU scheduling in Spark for TensorFlowOnSpark
- [HOPSWORKS-152] - Add worker and parameter server properties in Hopsworks Jobs Service
- [HOPSWORKS-153] - Backwards compatibiliy of old jobs due to tfspark field
- [HOPSWORKS-168] - Add support to TFoS using GPU in Job UI
- [HOPSWORKS-184] - Remove from DatasetService assumption datasets are under /Project directory
- [HOPSWORKS-199] - Integrate TFoS with Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-213] - REST API for user administration UI
- [HOPSWORKS-225] - rest api for kmon
- [HOPSWORKS-233] - tensorboard for jupyter jobs
- [HOPSWORKS-237] - Deny creation of dataset with same name as shared in the same project
- [HOPSWORKS-265] - Tensorflow Inference support in Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-282] - REST API for project administration UI
- [HOPSWORKS-290] - Write certificates' password to a file and add as local resource
- [HOPSWORKS-307] - Integration of Hive with HopsWorks
- [HOPSWORKS-346] - Change encryption scheme for stored secrets in DB
- [HOPSWORKS-395] - HopsKafkaAuthorizer periodically poll database for ACLs
- [HOPSWORKS-398] - Temporary alert system
- [HOPSWORKS-427] - Fixes for User AdminUI
- [HOPSWORKS-430] - Disable TFSPARK job launcher
New Feature
- [HOPSWORKS-1] - Explicitly refresh settings cache from Administration page. We need a REST API for this as well - for the Cloud.
- [HOPSWORKS-2] - Support for Grafana
- [HOPSWORKS-4] - Support for Logstash and Kibana
- [HOPSWORKS-5] - Support for PySpark in the Jobs service
- [HOPSWORKS-6] - Support for Jupyter-as-a-service
- [HOPSWORKS-17] - Custom python libraries per project using Conda.
- [HOPSWORKS-28] - Backup NDB from Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-44] - Import/Export jobs in the JobUI using json
- [HOPSWORKS-51] - Tensorboard support for TfoS
- [HOPSWORKS-94] - Dela - Global Dataset sharing
- [HOPSWORKS-99] - Tour for distributed TensorFlow
- [HOPSWORKS-100] - Set spark properties per job
- [HOPSWORKS-113] - LDAP support for Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-115] - Spark visualization dashboard
- [HOPSWORKS-130] - Support for Google Facets Extension to Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-136] - Support for RPC TLS modifications in HOPS-FS
- [HOPSWORKS-139] - Unzip support for Dataset Browser
- [HOPSWORKS-142] - Dela Cluster Certificate Registration
- [HOPSWORKS-145] - [hopsworks-chef] Auto-configuration for RPC TLS support at Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-157] - Modify Livy to work with Hops-GPUs
- [HOPSWORKS-162] - Jupyter UI upgrade for tensorflow
- [HOPSWORKS-163] - Add support to TensorFlowOnSpark for using GPU scheduling in YARN
- [HOPSWORKS-193] - Visualization of GPU utilization in Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-242] - Python Kernel for Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-305] - Textarea for arbitrary spark params when starting jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-312] - Quota for GPU hours
- [HOPSWORKS-315] - Stop users from starting yarn app when out of quota
- [HOPSWORKS-320] - Disable requests logging for LlapMonitorProxyServlet and refactor VariablesFacade
- [HOPSWORKS-380] - Remove partially created Projects from Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-381] - Log access to REST endpoint
- [HOPSWORKS-382] - Conda channels, Conda Fixes, Flyway, Big Cleanup of Code
- [HOPSWORKS-386] - Create Project as different user
- [HOPSWORKS-389] - Ability to Add and Remove Hosts from the Admin panel
- [HOPSWORKS-392] - Monitor health CertificateMaterializer
- [HOPSWORKS-14] - spark UI for Zeppeling jobs
- [HOPSWORKS-15] - Kafka guided tour
- [HOPSWORKS-16] - Tours notification
- [HOPSWORKS-20] - update zeppelin to zeppelin-0.7
- [HOPSWORKS-23] - Rest end point to send emails from application
- [HOPSWORKS-26] - Support for TensorFlowOnSpark
- [HOPSWORKS-29] - Refactor projects creation and removal
- [HOPSWORKS-30] - Differentiate between applications for HDFS certificates directory
- [HOPSWORKS-32] - show that a dataset is shared
- [HOPSWORKS-33] - Close file uploader dialogue on success
- [HOPSWORKS-35] - Store metrics from spark, hadoop into influxdb and turn them into tables
- [HOPSWORKS-36] - Access Spark history server for old job executions
- [HOPSWORKS-64] - Launch Jupyter as user 'jupyter' with a private directory that can be used by Python
- [HOPSWORKS-67] - Add possibility to start a service on all the nodes at once
- [HOPSWORKS-70] - Improve Kafka tour to use StructuredStreaming
- [HOPSWORKS-71] - Configure defaultManagedExecutorService with sane values
- [HOPSWORKS-73] - Deploy Hopsworks with different users for running services
- [HOPSWORKS-74] - admin dashboard
- [HOPSWORKS-78] - Reverse Websocker proxy for Jupyter
- [HOPSWORKS-81] - Automate port-forwarding for mysqld
- [HOPSWORKS-88] - Fix log rotation policy for auth.log
- [HOPSWORKS-90] - Tensorflow 1.2
- [HOPSWORKS-103] - Add support for to hops-hadoop-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-122] - [hops-hadoop-chef] RPC TLS configuration
- [HOPSWORKS-140] - Break up application submission for Tensorflow
- [HOPSWORKS-159] - Whitelist system users from logging them every time they login
- [HOPSWORKS-165] - add possibility to access HDFS and YARN UI from admin page
- [HOPSWORKS-166] - [hopsworks-chef] Add column to service_certs table for storing password
- [HOPSWORKS-167] - [hops-hadoop-chef] Add Hopsworks REST endpoint to core-site.xml
- [HOPSWORKS-169] - [hopsworks-chef] Change truststore password
- [HOPSWORKS-178] - kill job button not workin in YarnUI
- [HOPSWORKS-179] - All services in red in admin ui
- [HOPSWORKS-182] - [hops-hadoop-chef] SSL Attribute renaming
- [HOPSWORKS-194] - Change chef cookbooks from dot notation to bracket notation
- [HOPSWORKS-210] - Upgade Kafka to
- [HOPSWORKS-212] - Jupyter tour
- [HOPSWORKS-220] - Improve CertificateMaterializer on force delete certificates
- [HOPSWORKS-221] - Update Hopsworks dependency of hadoop-client to
- [HOPSWORKS-226] - Error when trying to recover code for non-existent user
- [HOPSWORKS-238] - Dela sharing options
- [HOPSWORKS-247] - Project creation is getting slow
- [HOPSWORKS-249] - User system helth indicator
- [HOPSWORKS-254] - In project creation use only superuser DFS client
- [HOPSWORKS-271] - Make use of Dynamic executors for non-distributed TensorFlow
- [HOPSWORKS-273] - Improve Jupyter UI for TensorFlow and Spark
- [HOPSWORKS-275] - Download project user certificates from Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-277] - Only set HADOOP_USER_NAME for jupyter and zeppelin
- [HOPSWORKS-286] - @AllowedRoles is confusingly named and the semantics need to change
- [HOPSWORKS-292] - Use showdown instead of ng-showdown to set showdown params
- [HOPSWORKS-294] - Cluster shared dataset catalog is slow to load
- [HOPSWORKS-317] - Set Livy as the default Zeppelin interpreter
- [HOPSWORKS-338] - Remove virtual cores configuration for TensorFlow in Jupyter.
- [HOPSWORKS-339] - Show error message to the user if LLAP cluster fails to start
- [HOPSWORKS-341] - Dynamic executors for TensorFlowOnSpark
- [HOPSWORKS-345] - Salt user password stored in database
- [HOPSWORKS-354] - list of user owned projects is not sorted
- [HOPSWORKS-359] - Add REST endpoint for LLAP cluster admin
- [HOPSWORKS-365] - Cluster utilization is not very pretty
- [HOPSWORKS-367] - Replace TensorFlowOnSpark executor configuration with worker
- [HOPSWORKS-371] - Admin user should be able to delete a project
- [HOPSWORKS-376] - Dynamic executors for Horovod
- [HOPSWORKS-405] - Spark jobs should not retry 4 times in case of failure when running TensorFlow