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Export Rule Triggered Storage Commitment

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Storage commitment of objects can be triggered based on Forwarding of received instances which is triggered by an Export Rule.


Configure one or more Export Rule

Also, one may modify Export task polling interval, either by :

  • Using Archive UI : Go to Menu->Configuration, then on Devices page click on Edit of the dcm4chee-arc device. Go to Extensions and Edit extension of Device Extension. Again go to its Extensions and Edit extension of Archive Device. Here, the default value of the field Export Task Polling Interval may be modified as required.

  • Using LDAP :

      version: 1
      dn: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: modify
      add: dcmExportTaskPollingInterval
      dcmExportTaskPollingInterval: PT1M

    and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapmodify command line utility.

  • or use the Add Attribute... and Add Value... function of Apache Directory Studio to add attributes on Exporter Descriptor level (e.g.: dcmExporterID=STORESCP) in the Archive Configuration.

Verification Logs

Go through the Export triggered Storage Commitment Testing section and then verify logs similar to those indicated below.

  • Store object(s) to the archive using storescu tool, and after the configured delay see in the dcmqrscp tool window. Below is a snippet of the request-response logs

      17:12:23,537 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(8) >> 1:C-STORE-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. - CT Image Storage
        iuid= - ?
        tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian
      17:12:23,537 DEBUG - Command:
      (0000,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.] AffectedSOPClassUID
      (0000,0100) US [1] CommandField
      (0000,0110) US [1] MessageID
      (0000,0700) US [0] Priority
      (0000,0800) US [0] CommandDataSetType
      (0000,1000) UI [] AffectedSO
      17:12:23,538 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(8): M-WRITE /home/work/
      17:12:23,541 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(8): M-RENAME /home/work/
      17:12:23,541 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(8): ignore received object
      17:12:23,541 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(8): M-DELETE /home/work/DICOM/5E9204E8/5E9C00D5/6479206C
      17:12:23,541 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(8) << 1:C-STORE-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008. - CT Image Storage
        iuid= - ?
        tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian
      17:12:23,541 DEBUG - Command:
      (0000,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.] AffectedSOPClassUID
      (0000,0100) US [32769] CommandField
      (0000,0120) US [1] MessageIDBeingRespondedTo
      (0000,0800) US [257] CommandDataSetType
      (0000,0900) US [0] Status
      (0000,1000) UI [] AffectedSO
      17:12:23,602 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(9) >> 1:N-ACTION-RQ[pcid=1, actionID=1
        cuid=1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class
        iuid=1.2.840.10008. - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Instance
        tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian
      17:12:23,602 DEBUG - Command:
      (0000,0003) UI [1.2.840.10008.1.20.1] RequestedSOPClassUID
      (0000,0100) US [304] CommandField
      (0000,0110) US [1] MessageID
      (0000,0800) US [0] CommandDataSetType
      (0000,1001) UI [1.2.840.10008.] RequestedSOPInstanceUID
      (0000,1008) US [1] ActionTypeID
      17:12:23,602 DEBUG - Dataset:
      (0008,1195) UI [2.25.334560532751407191738551182553997903399] TransactionUID
      (0008,1199) SQ [1 Items] ReferencedSOPSequence
      >Item #1
      >(0008,1150) UI [1.2.840.10008.] ReferencedSOPClassUID
      >(0008,1155) UI [] Reference
      17:12:23,602 INFO  - DCMQRSCP<-DCM4CHEE(9) << 1:N-ACTION-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class
        iuid=1.2.840.10008. - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Instance
        tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian
      17:12:23,602 DEBUG - Command:
      (0000,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.1.20.1] AffectedSOPClassUID
      (0000,0100) US [33072] CommandField
      (0000,0120) US [1] MessageIDBeingRespondedTo
      (0000,0800) US [257] CommandDataSetType
      (0000,0900) US [0] Status
      (0000,1000) UI [1.2.840.10008.] AffectedSOPInstanceUID
      17:12:23,609 INFO  - DCMQRSCP->DCM4CHEE(10) << 1:N-EVENT-REPORT-RQ[pcid=1, eventID=1
        cuid=1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class
        iuid=1.2.840.10008. - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Instance
        tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian
      17:12:23,609 DEBUG - Command:
      (0000,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.1.20.1] AffectedSOPClassUID
      (0000,0100) US [256] CommandField
      (0000,0110) US [1] MessageID
      (0000,0800) US [0] CommandDataSetType
      (0000,1000) UI [1.2.840.10008.] AffectedSOPInstanceUID
      (0000,1002) US [1] EventTypeID
      17:12:23,609 DEBUG - Dataset:
      (0008,0054) AE [DCMQRSCP] RetrieveAETitle
      (0008,1195) UI [2.25.334560532751407191738551182553997903399] TransactionUID
      (0008,1199) SQ [1 Items] ReferencedSOPSequence
      >Item #1
      >(0008,1150) UI [1.2.840.10008.] ReferencedSOPClassUID
      >(0008,1155) UI [] Reference
      (0088,0130) SH [] StorageMediaFileSetID
      (0088,0140) SH [2.25.326260633870148203949558908192974950465] StorageMediaFile
      17:12:23,650 INFO  - DCMQRSCP->DCM4CHEE(10) >> 1:N-EVENT-REPORT-RSP[pcid=1, status=0H
        cuid=1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Class
        iuid=1.2.840.10008. - Storage Commitment Push Model SOP Instance
        tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian
      17:12:23,651 DEBUG - Command:
      (0000,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.1.20.1] AffectedSOPClassUID
      (0000,0100) US [33024] CommandField
      (0000,0120) US [1] MessageIDBeingRespondedTo
      (0000,0800) US [257] CommandDataSetType
      (0000,0900) US [0] Status
      (0000,1000) UI [1.2.840.10008.] AffectedSOPInstanceUID
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