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Running ApacheDS on Docker

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Run Apache DS server using Docker


  1. Follow Build and Installation sections as mentioned in above link. If you also have openLDAP running by default, it is advisable to use port mapping as 10389:10389 instead of 389:10389.
  2. Using Apache Directory Studio, change default password for admin and also create a new partition for dc=dcm4che,dc=org.
  3. Import the dicom.ldif, dcm4che.ldif, dcm4chee-archive.ldif and dcm4chee-archive-ui.ldif into the newly created partition.
  4. Import the init-config.ldif and default-config.ldif (or alternatively sample-config.ldif) to be able to start using ApacheDS with archive.
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