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~100 CE Gospel of Luke @MylesHanson
~100 CE Gospel of John @lolawilliams
400 CE Augustine's Confessions @yk2760
900-1200 CE Arabian Nights @mehrdaddariush
~1200 CE Ibn Tufayl's A Philosophical Tale
1260-1270 The Prophet's Biography, Ibn al-Nafis
~1350 The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio @xperalta @yk2760
1532 Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais @SolomonFountain
1605 Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes @michellechan98, @libernicole
1606 Shakespeare's Macbeth @doria-chen, @SrivatsavPyda99
1759 Voltaire, Candide @aaron-kranzler
1818 Frankenstein @samanthazinman, @J-Flow
1845 Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë @e-epstein @slt2143
~1900 Chekhov's Short Stories @francesca18
1894 Short Stories by Kate Chopin @shellstar123
1915 Kafka's Metamorphosis @milesvant @swiftwya
1934 The Ways of White Folks by Langston Hughes @trukwava
1937 Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God @TheThirteenth @TBibbs33