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Navigate to the course Wiki.
You should be at the Home page. Sign in and click the edit button on the homepage. Add your name (github id) next to the text you would like to adopt for this assignment.
When doing major changes write a small message explaining your edits and click Save Page.
Navigate to your text page and enter your edits.
Your encyclopedia entry should have at least the following sections:
## A. Synthesis
5-7 paragraphs synthesizing the material in the following sections. Do this part
last, in the second stage of the project, after the midterm.
## B. Social Context
Who was reading and how? In this section we will rely on 3-5 **secondary sources**
(jStore, Google Books, Butler Library) to create a sense of the social context
within which our texts circulated. This query should be driven by questions such
as: How many books / manuscripts were published in this period? What were the
literacy rates? Who (age, gender, class) reads? Where and how? What were the
practices of reading? Excerpt whole passages here with appropriate citations.
## C. Images of Reading
In this section we will review our texts for passages that explicitly depict
scenes of reading, storytelling, translation, adaptation, or interpretation.
What can the **primary sources** tell us about the practices and techniques
of reading and interpretation?
For the midterm it is enough to begin your research and add appropriate quotations from primary and secondary sources. For the final you are expected to synthesize the material into a concise encyclopedia entry.
Cite using Chicago Manual of Style.
For your final project I will also ask you to write a synthesis summary which attempts to unify the quotes and the examples into a coherent whole.
You are welcome to contribute to other people's pages as well or to work collaboratively on a wiki entry. The GitHub system will keep track of who has done what work. Think of yourself as the editor/moderator ultimately responsible for the quality of your contribution.
Email me or ask on Piazza if you have any questions.
We will use these Wiki pages to create the Reading Cultures website with appropriate attributions to the class.
The history of your edits will look like this.
The midterm Reading Cultures assignment is due by March 30. The final is due on April 30 with a chance for revisions by May 6.