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Felipe Machado edited this page May 8, 2018 · 1 revision

Developing bokeh apps for QLF

Assuming you have followed the QLF installation instructions

  1. Make sure you activate the quicklook environment
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate quicklook
export QLF_ROOT=$HOME/quicklook
  1. Start QLF
cd $QLF_ROOT/qlf/qlf

At this point you should have a database populated with data to feed the apps.

  1. Run another instance of the bokeh server (using, for instance, port 5007)

bokeh serve --port 5007 dashboard/bokeh/<name of the app>/
  1. Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:5007

  2. Make changes in the code

Edit the file at dashboard/bokeh/<name of the app>/

  1. Restart the bokeh server
bokeh serve --port 5007 dashboard/bokeh/<name of the app>/
  1. See the changes in the browser at http://localhost:5007

  2. Have fun!

Deployment at is the testing server for QLF at LIneA. Follow these instructions to deploy a new QLF build. QLF builds are pushed to lineait docker hub account on demand as new features are implemented.

  1. Install Docker

This step was already done at server, but is documented here for completeness: (webback5) runs CentOS 7, follow this installation steps to install docker. A sudo user is required.

After the installation add the quicklook user to the docker group.

sudo usermod -aG docker quicklook
  1. Follow the instructions if you need to create a new build for QLF, otherwise go to step 3.

  2. Run the docker image

Verify that docker is running:

sudo systemctl status docker

Change to quicklook user at

sudo su quicklook

and run the latest docker image available. Suppose it is tagged v0.5, then

docker run -it -p 5006:5006 -p 8000:8000 lineait/qlf:v0.5

docker will pull the lineait/qlf:v0.5 image from docker hub and deploy it. The application will run at:

To check the docker processes running use:

docker ps -a

Data Ingestion (test data)