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CI Configuration Testing CI
You can use phobos-CI also to run consistency checks for every model - even though it is not processed by the phobos-CI pipeline.
Copy the following your repo and rename it to e.g. test_config.yml
and adapt it to your needs. (see below)
model_in_repo: urdf/$MODEL.urdf
submechanisms_in_repo: submechanisms/submechanisms.yml # needed but will be ignored when hyrdoynChecks are not used
floating_base: False
floatingbase_submechanisms_in_repo: None # submechanisms/submechanisms_floatingbase.yml
swing_my_robot: False
default: 0.01
mass: 0.01
rad: 0.03
distance: 0.003
git: "https://git.hb.dfki.de/models-robots/$MODEL_GROUP/$MODEL_REPO" # has to be https address for this repo
branch: "master"
model_in_repo: "urdf/$MODEL.urdf"
submechanisms_in_repo: "submechanisms/submechanisms.yml"
- process_double_check
- load_in_pybullet
- compare_link_masses
- compare_link_transformations
- topological_self_consistency
- compare_amount_joints
- hyrodynChecks:
- load_in_hyrodyn
- compare_masses
- compare_com
- compare_torques
- compare_link_positions: [] # List of Linknames
- symmetry_check:
- "A Left Link"
- "The symmetric Right Link"
- move_hyrodyn_model: 0.1
- compare_com
- compare_torques
Then you simply have to use the following config file to configure the pipeline in gitlab. See also the GitLab-CI-Documentation.
image: ${PHOBOS_CI_DOCKER_IMAGE}:20.04
- test
DOCKER_WORKSPACE: /opt/workspace
WORKING_DIR: /opt/workspace/${CI_ROOT_PATH}
- echo "Testing model using phobos-CI."
## Let's see where we are
- pwd
- mkdir -p ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/public
- git rev-parse HEAD > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/public/commit_ref.txt
- export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
- source ${DOCKER_WORKSPACE}/env.sh
# ## Update package sets and directories to get freshly added models
# - aup --config
# ## comment the following lines to process faster and not change the working bootstrap from the buildserver
# - autoproj envsh
- source ${DOCKER_WORKSPACE}/env.sh
## list the installed python packages
- python -m pip list
stage: test
- phobos test_model test_config.yml # 1>> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/public/test_log.txt 2>> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/public/test_err_log.txt
# after_script:
# - cat ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/public/test_log.txt
# - cat ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/public/test_err_log.txt
when: always
- temp/
- public/
As soon as you push these documents the GitLab-CI will start running and test your model. As with this initial commit nothing changed in the model it should pass all consistency checks. Only structural checks like symmetry might fail.
You'll get the test report in the pipelines job log.
The configuration file is quite self-explanatory and is basically the same as the model definition file, but reduced to only the text section. For the available tests see here
It is recommended, that you give as compare model, the https(!)-URL of the repo you are working in. And as branch the master-branch.
The pipeline will compare pushes on other branches always with the latest commit on master (or whatever you have configured as branch).
When you commit to master the pipeline compares with the previous commit (git rev-parse HEAD^1
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