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JamieSullivan12 edited this page Aug 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

Certain features are only accessible to Database Administrators and System Administrators. These usually concern the management of data beyond the scope of a general user, or the management of OCEAN itself.

Archive Mode

A way to view the program in a historical state. Archive mode can be activated through the Administration Portal or via Audit History tables provided on most data pages.

When in archive mode, a red bar is consistently shown at the top of each page, giving the date and time of the program snapshot, and a button to return back to a live program state.

Note: archive mode restricts access to the program in a view-only state. All insertion, modification and deletion actions are disabled.

Administration Portal

An area where program and user data can be created, modified or deleted.

User Management

Users are used to track individual process and organise data through assignments. Users may take on the following roles, each having different access permissions:

Note: the term modify is used to describe any action on data the changes it (insert, update, delete).

View Only General User Database Administrator System Administrator
View encounters X X X X
View recordings X X X X
View selections X X X X
Modify selections X X X
View archive mode X X
View administration portal X X
View data hub X X
View health centre X X
Modify encounters X X
Modify recordings X X
Modify data sources X X
Modify recording platforms X X
Modify species' X X
Modify users X

Users can be added, updated or deleted by clicking on the Users buton in the Administration Portal.

This section is only accessible by system administrators.

Types of Users

Users and temporary users differ in the following ways:

Metric User Temporary User
Login method Email and password Access code and password
Default expiry 1 year 1 month
Role Any of the available roles View only

Modify Users

Two tables are shown (one for users and the other for temporary users).

Users and temporary users are identical, besides the fact that users use email (mutable) to log in and temporary users use an access code (immutable). The email and access code are collectively referred to as a Login ID

Field Description
Login ID (email or access code) The login ID for the user
Status Either Active or Inactive (can be toggled when editing a user)
Name The name of the user
Expiry The date after which the user will no longer be able to access their account
Role The role of the user (see roles)
Actions A button to view the user (temporary users also have abutton to copy their access code and password to the clipboard)

Note: Inactive users are shown at the bottom of the table with a red background.

A user can be modified by selecting the View button accessible on each row in the user table. A user can be created by selecting the Add New User or Add New Temporary User buttons. The menu for modifying or editing users are the same:

Field Details
Login ID (email) Change the user's login ID. Not available for temporary users as the access code is immutable
Password Change the password of a user. It is impossible to see a password, so resetting is the only option in the case of a lost password
Expiry Set the expiry date
Is Active Activate or deactivate the user by clicking a checkbox

Data Sources

A data source can be added, modified or removed using the menu provided.

A filter is provided to limit the data sources visible in the table. To add a new data source, click Add New Data Source above the table. To access/edit a data source, click the View button for the respective row in the table. To delete a data source, click the Delete button for the respective row in the table.

Recording Platforms

A recording platform can be added, modified or removed using the menu provided.

A filter is provided to limit the recording platforms visible in the table. To add a new recording platform, click Add New Recording Platform above the table. To access/edit a recording platform, click the View button for the respective row in the table. To delete a recording platform, click the Delete button for the respective row in the table.


A species can be added, edited or deleted using the menu provided.

A filter is provided to limit the species' visible in the table. To add a new species, click Add New Species above the table. To access/edit a species, click the Edit button for the respective row in the table. To delete a species, click the Delete button for the respective row in the table.

Warning: editing the scientific name* of a species has the unlikely chance of introducing inconsistencies into the File Space as many paths need to be renamed. It is recommended that scientific names remain unchanged.


Adding an Encounter

Click on Add New Encounter in the Encounters page.


The page shows a form with entry fields and dropdowns for attributes of an Encounter. See here for data requirements - if these requirements are not upheld, an error is shown on submission of the form.


Editing an Encounter

To edit an Encounter, navigate to that Encounter via the Encounters page and then click on Edit.


A menu is shown of a form with entry fields and dropdowns, pre-populated with the attributes of the Encounter being edited. See here for data requirements - if these requirements are not upheld, an error is shown on submission of the form.


Deleting an Encounter

Click on the Delete button for the desired Encounter in the Encounters page. Upon clicking this button, a confirmation box appears, on which *OK should be pressed to confirm the deletion.


Note: that all Recordings in an Encounter must first be deleted before deleting the Encounter. Failure to do so is met with an error message.



Adding a Recording

Navigate to an Encounter View page for an encounter for which you want to add a recording. There exists a menu allowing for the creating of a recording. All data integrity requirements (here) must be followed - failure to do so it met with an error message.

The recording can also be assigned to a user via a user dropdown menu. This is not required and can be done later when editing a recording.


Editing a Recording

Administrators have a number of responsibilities with regards to a Recording. These can all be completed in a Recording View page.


Change the Recording's status to 'Reviewed' using the Mark as Complete button or 'On Hold' with the Reject button under the Review section. See here for more information about a recording status, as well as when it should be updated.


Assigning Users

Use the Search Users dropdown field to create a new Assignment for a particular User for the Recording (see Assignments). Once a User is assigned their name and login IDs appear in a table below the dropdown. In the table there are two options:

  • Flag as Completed or Remove Completed Flag to toggle the assignment completion status.
  • Unassign User to remove the Assignment from the User and Recording.


Recording Summary

See metadata fields of the Recording including the Start Date, Number of selections (dynamic), and Number of recordings (unchangeable), and Notes. The start date is unable to be changed, and the notes box can be modified and updated using the Update Notes button below.

The following buttons are available for extracting data:

  • Download Contour Stats for Encounter: download a Contour Statistics file for all Selections and Recordings in the Encounter.
  • Download Contour Stats: download a Contour Statistics file for all Selections in the Recording.
  • Recalculate Contur Statistics: re-run data extraction and contour statistic calculations from all uploaded Contour Files.
  • Download CTR Files: download the all CTR Files for the Recording, automatically generated from each Contour File in a compressed folder.
  • Download Contour Files: download all Contour Files uploaded to the Recording.
  • **Download Selection Files: download all Selection Files uploaded to the Recording.

Data Hub

The Data Hub is a page on which you can see a number of statistics relating to the overall functionality of OCEAN.


Upon the selection of a filter, all statistics on the page are refreshed, and limited only to the selected filters.

  • Date range: filter by a historical time period (in days, months, or years) or select a particular date to view data statistics from.
  • Select individual species: use the checkbox to limit the results to one or more species.
  • User filter: begin typing to search users and limit the statistics to those pertaining to a particular user.

Selection Statistics

A number of statistics pertaining to selections:

Statistic Description
Selections uploaded The number of selection files that have been uploaded
Contours uploaded The number of contour files that have been uploaded
Annotation rejection rate The rate of times the traced value of a selection has differed from its annotation (e.g. annotation is Y and traced False. If an annotation is M, regardless of the trace being True or False, it is not counted as a rejection)

Traced Contours

A number of statistics pertaining to the status of individual selections, broken down by species. Note that filtering by species (above) will impact this table by only showing species in the table that have been selected.

Statistic Description
Traced The number of selections that have been traced (note this refers to whether they have been confirmed or not)
Deactivated The number of selections that have been deactivated
Not traced The number of selections that have been created but not yet traced (note this refers to whether they have not been confirmed yet

Number of Uploaded Selection and Contour File Contributions

A bar graph over time showing Selection File and Contour File uploads for different species (see legend).

User Contributions

Species Aggregate Traces

A line graph showing the aggregate of traces for a particular species over time. Note that the aggregate count begins at 0 as at the date range selected in the filter. It will not necessarily be indicative of the overall number of traces if the date range is set to begin after the first trace was done.

The date of a trace is assumed to be the date of which the contour file was uploaded.

Selection File Contributions By User

A broken down summary of selection file uploads for each user.

Contour File Contributions By User

A broken down summary of contour file uploads for each user.

Recordings and Assignments

Recording Statistics

A summary of all recordings broken down by species (rows) and recording status (columns). The Progress column is a measure of the number of recordings that have been reviewed in comparison to the total number of recordings for each species.

Unassigned Reccordings

All recordings that have been created but not yet assigned to a user. The table is not shown if there are no unassigned recordings. Access the recording by clicking the hyperlink in the Recording column.

Completed Recrordings

All recordings that have been reviewed and marked as complete by an administrator. The table is not shown if there are no complete recordings for the selected filters. Access the recording by clicking the hyperlink in the Recording column.

On Hold Recordings

Recordings that have been rejected by an administrator. The table is not shown if there are no complete recordings for the selected filters. Access the recording by clicking the hyperlink in the Recording column.

Assignment Statistics

A broken down summary by species of all assignments that have been made for recordings.

Statistic Description
Assignments Total number of assignments for a species (total of Open Assignments and Completed Assignments)
Open Assignments Total number of assignments that have not yet been completed for a species
Completed Assignments Total number of assignments that have been completed for a species (note this does not necessarily refer to whether they have been reviewed by an administrator)

Current Open Assignments

A table of all recordings which are in progress (i.e. they have been assigned however not yet completed nor reviewed by an administrator). Access the recording by clicking the hyperlink in the Recording column. Note that the number of recordings in this table should correspond with the total count of the Open Assignments table above.

Health Centre

A page displaying a metric of the health of all data in OCEAN.


Upon the selection of a filter, all statistics on the page are refreshed, and limited only to the selected filters.

  • Date range: filter by a historical time period (in days, months, or years) or select a particular date to view data statistics from.
  • Select individual species: use the checkbox to limit the results to one or more species.
  • User filter: begin typing to search users and limit the statistics to those pertaining to a particular user.

Health Score

The health score is a percentage describing any issues apparent in the database. An aim should be to have as high a health score as possible.

The following impact the health score:

  • No selection file: when a selection is created but no selection file uploaded.
  • Abandoned selections: when a selection is created but not confirmed.

A detailed list of all selections with issues (above) is given below the health score. A button is provided for each recording to give easy access to those selections.