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JamieSullivan12 edited this page Aug 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

The primary functionality of OCEAN, to store and process passive acoustic audio files, is found under the Encounters page in the Navigation Bar --.


The Encounters page is accessed via the respective button on the Navigation Bar --. This page contains a tabular view on all encounters -- in OCEAN's database. Encounters are ordered by their created or last updated date and time.

Encounters can be filtered using the text input box at the top of the page. The filter works by comparing any text input against the Name, Location, Species, and Cruise columns from the table. It is not case sensitive, and a blank input removes all filters.



As recordings are attributed to an encounter, they can the found in the respective Encounter page.


If the Encounter has no recordings, a message is displayed to the user. Otherwise, a tabular view of all the Encounter's recordings is spread over two tables: those assigned to the user, and those not. WARNING: users are advised only to access recordings assigned to them, unless otherwise instructed by administrators.


A copy of the Recording File can be accessed via the Download button found in each row of both tables. If there is no Recording File for a particular Recording, the option to download the file is removed. In the event of seeing a missing Recording File, contact a database administrator to ensure no errors have been made. A recording can be accessed using the View Selections button found in the final column of the table.

Viewing a Recording

A Recording contains information about selections and contours, as well as other metadata fields such as a status, the start date, and a notes field. The Flag as Complete button is used to change the Assignment Status from In Progress to Awaiting Review (where a database administrator must then confirm all tasks have been completed properly). This button should only be pressed once all the actions below have been completed.


The remainder of the page shows an option to add selections, add contours, and manage a selection table.

Selections and Contours

At the bottom of the page is a table containing information on all selections and contours pertaining to the Recording. The table contains the following data:

  • A View button to see each selection in more detail
  • A column containing each selection number and a file download button to download each selection file
  • A column containing an annotation for each selection (automatically inserted on the provision of a selection table)
  • A column containing a download and delete link for a contour file, or blank if no contour file has been provided
  • A confirmation column where if a disrepancy exists between the existence of a contour file and that Selection's annotation, it can be confirmed as accurate

Using the checkboxes provided in the first column, any number of existing selection records can be deleted. This will delete all contents of the Selection, including information from the Selection Table, the Selection File, the Contour File (and all accompanying calculations), and the CTR File. A checkbox is provided in the header row to select all records in the table.


Adding Selections and Contours


The menu to add selections and conturs are identical. Upon clicking the Choose Files buttons, a number of either selection or contour files for the Recording should be highlighted. Upon closing the file system browsing menu, an import table appears containing all the selected files. More specifically:

  • Filename
  • A selection number that is extracted from the filename, or blank if not one was able to be found
  • Validity flag
  • Information such as errors and warnings
  • Action to delete a file from the import (note: this does NOT delete the file in your file system)

Before all files are able to be imported, the a set of validity requirements must be met (failure to do so will prevent uploading all files and will be shown as errors in the Information column):

  • There must be an integer selection number entered
  • There must be no duplicate selection numbers
  • There must be no selection numbers which already have files uploaded in the Recording
  • (For contour file upload only): There must be an existing selection record for the selection number entered

Once all issues have been fixed, the Validate button may be pressed, only after which the Upload button will appear. The Reset button cancels the import and removes the import table.

The Information column also shows warnings in orange, when:

  • The entered selection number differs from the one extraced from the filename (if one was extracted in the first place)
  • The date extracted from the filename differs from the date and time stored in the metadata for the recording (the Start Time)
  • (For contour file upload only): The selection record for the contour exists, but has not yet been annotated (usually occurs when the selection table has not yet been uploaded)

Uploading a Selection Table

See: Selection Table for information on file formats and internal file structure.

A selection table can be uploaded using the Choose File button and selecting the correct file. Once the file is loaded, the Upload button may be pressed to assign the Selection Table to the present Recording. This will process all the rows inside the tabular structure of the selection table and validate all the data. An invalidity found will cancel the import and an error message shown at the top of the page.

The selection table should have a record for each selection in the recording, whether it has been contoured or not. If a row is found with a selection number not yet uploaded to the Recording (as opposed to the Selection File already having been uploaded using the menu above), a new selection record will be created without a selection file, and one can be uploaded at a later date.

Uploading a Selection Table will reset all traced confirmation statuses for each selection.

Deleting a Selection Table

WARNING: This should only be done in the event of an accidental error in the Selection Table.

The Selection Table can be deleted using the Delete which is only shown if a selection table exists in the first place. Deleting the selection table will remove all its metadata from the selections (such as annotations). It will not, however, remove any selection records that were automatically created with the upload of the selection table. These should be deleted manually, if required.

Deleting a Selection Table will reset all traced confirmation statuses for each selection.

Confirming a selection

A critical part of the data pipeline includes confirming whether a selection has or has not been traced. In the following cases will result in an automatic confirmation:

  • A contour was uploaded.
  • An annotation of 'N' was made and no contour file was uploaded.

Where an annotation of 'M' or 'Y' are made and no contour file uploaded, a manual confirmation is needed.

View All Assignments

All recordings currently assigned to you are found in the Home page. The recordings can be accessed through the hyperlink on the recording start date.


It is your goal to ensure all Assignments are completed. All non-completed assignments are shown at the top of the Current Assignments table, whilst all completed assignments at the bottom. Any assignments which have been flagged by administrators show ACTION REQUIRED in the Admin Review column, and are placed at the top of the table.