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ermaccer edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 7 revisions


MugenHook is distributed as an .ASI extension file, there is no way for M.U.G.E.N to detect these kind of files, we need an external solution. You need to use Ultimate ASI Loader by ThirteenAG ( M.U.G.E.N is a 32bit application, that is why you should download the file without _x64 suffix.

NOTE: Even if you have a 64bit operating system, do not use the x64 version, it will not be compatible.

After downloading the file, extract the .zip file in your main mugen folder (main folder beign the place where executable is) You will find dinput8.dll there, rename the file to ddraw.dll, as that is the library M.U.G.E.N can detect. Make sure that ddraw.dll is near the executable!

NOTE: Check if you do not have enabled hide known extensions feature, if you do, remember that there is no need to add .dll suffix in just that case, else if the file by default shows up with the .dll extension in name, just do the thing above.

Download latest release of MugenHook from releases section in Code tab (first tab), if you do use Windows XP, download _xp version. Place folder (cfg) and all files (.ini/asi/txt) in your main mugen folder.

If you done this correctly, a message should pop up saying that MugenHook is installed.

Linux users using WINE, please configure library overwrite for ddraw.dll.


Protected games

MugenHook will most likely refuse to run with any project that has been protected using Molebox (for example), no solution.

Error 998

This might be a rather common error across many users, there is no 100% working fix for this, but usually it narrows down to this:

  • Antivirus blocking the .asi file

    • Solution: Please disable your antivirus or add mugenhook.asi/ddraw.dll to a whitelist.
  • Missing C++ redist package

  • Other software blocking access

    • Solution: Please disable any software that might block .asi file, this would include any optimalization program or some overlay (although MSI Afterburner/Steam overlay works just fine).
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