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Select Timer

ermaccer edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Select Timer is a feature added in 0.6.5 update. It adds a timer that automatically selects a character if none was chosen.

Setting up

This feature is screenpack/system.def controlled! New entries are added to the Select Info section.


;Character select definition
[Select Info]
fadein.time = 10
fadeout.time = 10
rows = 4
columns = 3
wrapping = 0              ;1 to let cursor wrap around
pos = 480,128             ;Position to draw to
showemptyboxes = 1        ;1 to show empty boxes
moveoveremptyboxes = 1    ;1 to allow cursor to move over empty boxes = 1
screentimer.text = TIME\n
screentimer.font = font\arcade.def
screentimer.color.r = 255
screentimer.color.g = 255
screentimer.color.b = 255
screentimer.scale.x = 1.0
screentimer.scale.y = 1.0
screentimer.x = 640
screentimer.y = 600
screentimer.align = 0
screentimer.amount = 300
screentimer.ticks = 1
screentimer.zeros = 2

1 or 0. Enables or disables select timer feature.


Text data, defines what will display. \n means a line break. Can be empty to disable text.


Font file to use. Seperate from system fonts.


0 to 255. Defines text color in RGB values.


Defines text and timer size.


Defines text and timer position.


Defines the text and timer alignment. Possible values:

  • -1 - Right
  • 0 - Center
  • 1 - Left


Defines the timer amount.


Defines how many game ticks need to render/update to subtract a value. If your project is running at 60FPS, setting ticks to 60 means 1 will be subtracted each second.


Defines number padding. A value of 1 will make 1-9 look like 01, 02, 03... A value of 2 will make 10-99 look like 011, 012, 013...

Only 0, 1, 2 are accepted. Setting to -1 will disable timer (if text is also empty).


  • Auto selection won't be performed on an empty cell - disable empty cells in your system.def to make full use of this feature.