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Implementation of inital contract state map with aliasing check
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zoep committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent 4f965ee commit ae21e8f
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 63 deletions.
105 changes: 42 additions & 63 deletions src/Act/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable (sequenceA_)
import Data.DoubleWord
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Type.Equality (TestEquality(..), (:~:)(..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -600,97 +601,75 @@ checkEquiv solvers l1 l2 = do
toEquivRes (Timeout b) = Timeout b

-- | Merge two contract states
-- mergeContractState :: App m => SolverGroup -> Constructor -> [ContractMap] -> m (Error String ())
-- mergeContractState solvers (Constructor _ _ _ _ _ _ _) cmaps =

-- | Checks that all the given addresses are mutually distinct in the context of given interface and preconditions
checkAliasing :: App m => SolverGroup -> Interface -> [Exp ABoolean] -> [Exp AInteger] -> m (Error String ())
checkAliasing solver iface@(Interface ifaceName decls) preconds addresses@(_:_) = do
let addressquery = [prelude <> SMT2 (fmap fromString $ lines . show . prettyAnsi $ mksmt) mempty mempty mempty]
res <- liftIO $ mapConcurrently (checkSat solver) addressquery
checkResult (makeCalldata iface) Nothing (fmap (toVRes msg) res)
-- declare vars
args = SMT.declareArg ifaceName <$> decls
envs = SMT.declareEthEnv <$> concatMap ethEnvFromExp preconds
-- constraints
asserts = SMT.mkAssert ifaceName <$> ((existEqual (combine addresses [])):preconds)
mksmt = SMT.SMTExp
{ SMT._storage = []
, SMT._calldata = args
, SMT._environment = envs
, SMT._assertions = asserts

combine :: [Exp AInteger] -> [[(Exp AInteger,Exp AInteger)]] -> [(Exp AInteger,Exp AInteger)]
combine [] acc = concat acc
combine (x:xs) acc = combine xs ([(x,y) | y <- xs]:acc)

existEqual :: [(Exp AInteger,Exp AInteger)] -> Exp ABoolean
existEqual ls = foldl (\p (x,y) -> Or nowhere (Eq nowhere SInteger x y) p) (LitBool nowhere False) ls

msg = "\x1b[1m Input addresses are not guaranteed to be unique!\x1b[m"

prelude :: SMT2
prelude = SMT2 src mempty mempty mempty
src = [ "; logic",
"(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)",
"(set-logic ALL)" ]
checkAliasing _ _ _ _ = pure $ Success ()

-- mergeContractaps cmaps fresh ctor

-- | Create the initial contract state before analysing a contract
-- | Assumes that all calldata variables have unique names
getInitContractState :: App m => SolverGroup -> Interface -> [Pointer] -> [Exp ABoolean] -> ContractMap -> ActT m ContractMap
getInitContractState :: App m => SolverGroup -> Interface -> [Pointer] -> [Exp ABoolean] -> ContractMap -> ActT m (ContractMap, Error String ())
getInitContractState solvers iface pointers preconds cmap = do
let casts = (\(PointsTo _ x c) -> (x, c)) <$> pointers
let casts' = groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) casts
cmaps <- mapM getContractState (fmap nub casts')
let finalmap = M.empty -- mergeContractaps (cmap : cmaps) fresh ctor in
pure $ pruneContractState initAddr finalmap
(cmaps, checks) <- unzip <$> mapM getContractState (fmap nub casts')

let finalmap = M.unions (cmap:cmaps)
check <- checkAliasing finalmap cmaps
pure (pruneContractState initAddr finalmap, check <* sequenceA_ checks)


getContractState :: App m => [(Id, Id)] -> ActT m ContractMap
getContractState :: App m => [(Id, Id)] -> ActT m (ContractMap, Error String ())
getContractState [(x, cid)] = do
let addr = EVM.SymAddr $ T.pack x
codemap <- getCodemap
case M.lookup cid codemap of
Just (Contract (Constructor _ iface' pointers' preconds' _ _ upds) _, _, bytecode) -> do
icmap <- getInitContractState solvers iface' pointers' preconds' M.empty
(icmap, check) <- getInitContractState solvers iface' pointers' preconds' M.empty
let contract = EVM.C { EVM.code = EVM.RuntimeCode (EVM.ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode)
, = EVM.ConcreteStore mempty
, EVM.balance = EVM.Lit 0
, EVM.nonce = Just 1
let icmap' = M.insert addr contract icmap
cmap' <- localCaddr addr $ applyUpdates icmap' icmap' upds
pure $ abstractCmap addr cmap'
pure $ (abstractCmap addr cmap', check)
Nothing -> error $ "Internal error: Contract " <> cid <> " not found\n" <> show codemap
getContractState [] = error "Internal error: Cast cannot be empty"
getContractState _ = error "Error: Cannot have different casts to the same address"

-- mergeContractMap ::
-- mergeContractMap cmaps
comb :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
comb xs = [(x,y) | (x:ys) <- tails xs, y <- ys]

checkAliasing :: App m => ContractMap -> [ContractMap] -> ActT m (Error String ())
checkAliasing cmap' cmaps = do
let allkeys = M.keys <$> cmaps
-- gather all tuples that must be distinct
let allpairs = concatMap (\(l1, l2) -> (,) <$> l1 <*> l2) $ comb allkeys
-- gatther all tuples that we know are distinct
-- TODO add pairs that we know are distinct because they have different types
fresh <- getFresh
let distpairs = (\(a1, a2) -> neqProp (makeSymAddr a1) (makeSymAddr a2)) <$> comb [1..fresh]
let dquery = EVM.por $ (\(x,y) -> EVM.PEq (EVM.WAddr x) (EVM.WAddr y)) <$> allpairs
preconds' <- mapM (toProp cmap') preconds
lift $ checkQueries (dquery:distpairs <> preconds')

checkQueries :: App m => [EVM.Prop] -> m (Error String ())
checkQueries queries = do
conf <- readConfig
res <- liftIO $ checkSat solvers (assertProps conf queries)
checkResult (makeCalldata iface) Nothing [toVRes msg res]

makeSymAddr n = EVM.WAddr (EVM.SymAddr $ "freshSymAddr" <> (T.pack $ show n))
neqProp a1 a2 = EVM.PNeg (EVM.PEq a1 a2)

msg = "\x1b[1mThe following addresses cannot be proved distinct:\x1b[m"

checkConstructors :: App m => SolverGroup -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Contract -> ActT m (Error String ContractMap)
checkConstructors solvers initcode runtimecode (Contract ctor _) = do
-- First find all casts from addresses and create a store where all asumed constracts are present
-- currently ignoring any asts in behaviours, maybe prohibit them
let actinitmap = M.empty -- TODO getInitContractState ctor store codemap 0
checkConstructors solvers initcode runtimecode (Contract ctor@(Constructor _ iface pointers preconds _ _ _) _) = do
-- Construct the initial contract state
(actinitmap, checks) <- getInitContractState solvers iface pointers preconds M.empty
let hevminitmap = translateCmap actinitmap
-- Create the Act state
-- let actenv = ActEnv codemap fresh (slotMap store) (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint") Nothing -- = flip runState actenv $
-- Translate Act constructor to Expr
(actbehvs, calldata, sig) <- translateConstructor runtimecode ctor actinitmap
-- check is any addresses casted to contracts can be aliased
-- checkAliasingCtor solvers ctor (map fst casts) calldata
-- Symbolically execute bytecode
-- TODO check if contrainsts about preexistsing fresh symbolic addresses are necessary
fresh <- getFresh
Expand All @@ -706,7 +685,7 @@ checkConstructors solvers initcode runtimecode (Contract ctor _) = do
res1 <- lift $ checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkEquiv solvers solbehvs actbehvs
lift $ showMsg "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor input spaces are the same.\x1b[m"
res2 <- lift $ checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkInputSpaces solvers solbehvs actbehvs
pure $ res1 *> res2 *> Success (abstractCmap initAddr $ getContractMap actbehvs)
pure $ checks *> res1 *> res2 *> Success (abstractCmap initAddr $ getContractMap actbehvs)
removeFails branches = filter isSuccess $ branches

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