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Intro to everything

Enrico Spinielli edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 31 revisions

WikiIntro to Everything

Table of Contents

Introduction to R and RStudio

Introduction to Git and GitHub, and Unix tools

Introduction to HTML, CSS, Javascript and D3.js (and Visualization)

Introduction to R and RStudio

R is a free/open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

R and its libraries implement a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, including linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, and others.

The best way to start learning some basics and witness the potentials of R and its ecosystem is to subscribe to few of the Data Science Specialization classes on Coursera (you can still access them for free, but you can always propose to your manager to join the specialization...):

  1. The Data Scientist’s Toolbox
  2. R Programming
  3. Getting and Cleaning Data
  4. Exploratory Data Analysis

Here are other resource that could be of help:

  • R for Data Science. It covers a lot of material previously scattered in different publications:

    • Tidy data (tidyr): see this (slightly outdated) article.

      See also Chapter 9 Data Transformation in the second edition of "ggplot2 - Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis" (Hadley Wickham, the author, posted a pdf version of the book: use you search skills to have a look.) [It looks like there is a github repo of the book]

    • Data manipulations (dplyr): The goal of dplyr is to provide verbs (functions) that help you solve the most common 95% of data manipulation problems.

      See also Chapter 10 Data Analysis in the second edition of "ggplot2 - Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis" (Hadley Wickham, the author, posted a pdf version of the book: use you search skills to have a look). [It looks like there is a github repo of the book]

      Data Wrangling cheatsheet (PDF).

  • Create graphics that help you understand your data (ggplot2):

    • ggplot2 is the R package that you should have a look at.

      We, PRU, have a physical copy of the first edition of "ggplot2 - Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis", ask Enrico.

      The second edition contains two interesting chapters, Chapter 9 Data Analysis on tidy data via tidyr and Chapter 10 Data Transformation on data wrangling via dplyr.

      Data Visualization Cheat Sheet

    • Fundamentals of Data Visualization and its companion github repo where you can see how the plots are done in ggplot2

  • For report, documentation, articles, website production

If you are interested in developing packages

  • R Packages: a book about how to most efficiently write and document R packages.

  • Advanced R: a book about the nitty gritty details of the R system.

    We, PRU, have a paper copy of the book, ask Enrico if interested.

RStudio Desktop is an integrated development environment that makes it easy to organise your R work. RStudio, the company, makes a huge contribution to the R ecosystem, see for example their Cheatsheets.

R in the social media: I personally learn a lot from Twitter searching for #rstat and following people like @hadleywickham, @drob, @lenkiefer, @rdpeng, @JennyBryan, @xieyihui and many others.

Introduction to Git and GitHub, and Unix tools

Unix is an example of operating system where automation (via scripting) is the norm.

Version control with git (and possible on GitHub)

Introduction to HTML, CSS, Javascript and D3.js (and Visualization)


Data Visualization Books

Check Eurocontrol's internal library if not available in PRU.

  • Stephen Few, "Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring," Analytics Press; Second Edition (August 15, 2013)
    The book is available in our PRU library (ask Enrico)
    Read (at least) Chapters 1-6.

  • Stephen Few, "Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten," Analytics Press; Second edition (June 1, 2012)
    The book is available in our PRU library (ask Enrico)

  • Alberto Cairo, "The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization," New Riders; 1 edition (September 1, 2012)
    The book is available in our PRU library (ask Enrico)
    Read (at least) part I and II.

  • Alberto Cairo, "The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication," New Riders; 1 edition (February 28, 2016)
    The book could become available in our PRU library (ask Enrico)
    Probably you need to read it all ;-)

  • Edward R. Tufte, "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information," Graphics Pr; 2nd edition (January 2001)
    The book is available in our PRU library (ask Enrico)
    Read (at least) Chapters 2,3,4,5,6 and 8.

  • Edward R. Tufte, "Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative," Graphics Press (February 1997)

  • Edward R. Tufte, "Envisioning Information," Graphics Press (January 1990)
    The book is available in our PRU library (ask Enrico)
    Read (at least) Chapters 2 and 4.

Notable Examples

Notable Tools