Variable Discharge Stream Power Incision Model
This repository contains the code for a FastScape process that includes the effect of discharge variability arising from a variable rainfall on erosional efficiency assuming a discharge threshold that may depend on slope. The full mathematical description of the model can be obtained from the following preprint of a manuscript submitted to JGR-Earth Surface on February 28, 2023: Archive Doc
The main inputs to the model are:
- daily rainfall frequency
- storm depth
- storm size
- soil moisture capacity
- potential evapo-transpiration
- daily stream power law exponent
- recession exponent (values of b=1 or b=2 only implemented)
- threshold erosion rate (rescaled discharge threshold)
- slope dependence of threshold (exponent)
in addition to the usual SPIM slope (n) and area (m) exponents and the rate coefficient, Kf