A workshop introducing concepts of open source Python development with Git and Github
To get started with the workshop, head over to the wiki.
Caduceus is a python package containing tools to work with data about snakes. Caduceus understands csv files about snakes.
To use caducues:
cd intro-git-py-workshop
pip install .
Now you can import caduceus into your python projects! An example of usage:
import caduceus.core as c
snakes = c.build_snakes('data/snakes_by_name.csv', 'data/snake_stats.csv')
This code is written in example.py, so you can just do:
python example.py
Running the above snippet with python will return:
Blood Python: 500g
Children's Python: 600g
Spotted Python: 700g
Ball Python: 1500g
Indian Python: 2700g
Rock Python: 3000g
Olive Python: 4500g