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Fatema Boxwala edited this page Aug 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the intro-git-py-workshop wiki!

This goal of this workshop is to introduce participants with little or no experience with git and github to open source projects. Participants will learn how to submit a pull request to an open source python project, and all the steps required to get there. Hopefully participants will be able to expand and apply this knowledge to contribute to other open-source projects in the future.

All the documentation and instructions for the workshop can be found in this repository.

Get started with the Part 1: Intro to Git page.

The content for this workshop was developed by Fatema Boxwala based on a previous workshop she developed and held at the University of Waterloo for the Women in Computer Science Undergraduate Committee. Much of the knowledge Fatema has was contributed by Elana Hashman, who has also run a Python Workshop for Beginners that you can check out.