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Power on the obdh module

André Mattos edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

This tutorial covers how to power-on the OBDH board in test benches during development stage. There are two different possibilities, supply through the JTAG interface or the PC104 header.

Power supply through JTAG

In this case, to power on the OBDH, just connect jumpers to the P7 connector and the P1 connector in the JTAG position and after, connect a MSP-FET debbuger to the JTAG connector.

Power supply through PC104

To power-on the board through an external connection (PC104), follow this steps:

  1. Put a jumper to the P7 connector in the PC104 position and other one to the P1 connector in the WDRST position.
  2. Connect a voltage source: positive cable to the pins H1-45 or H1-46 (labeled R_OBDH/Transc/SP) of PC104 header and negative cable in any "GND" pin of PC104 header
  3. Configure the voltage source to 3.3 V and the maximum current source to 35 mA
  4. Power-on the supply channel

Power-on verification

In both cases (JTAG and PC104), when the power was correctly supplied a green LED turn on and a orange LED start to blink.