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Using Iora Lite in Practice

Prakash Ramaswamy edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Here are some example scenarios that demonstrate typical Iora Lite workflows.

Admin Explores Org for Slow Dashboards and Reports

In this scenario, the admin of a Salesforce org uses Iora Lite to get an overview of the overall health of the dashboards and reports in the org.

  1. Admin logs into Salesforce org using a web browser.
  2. Admin starts a new browser window and launches Iora Lite in Selective mode.
  3. On the Org Overview page, admin sees in the Scalability Assessment chart that there are many Critical reports, and drills into those reports.
  4. On the Org Reports page, admin uses the Reports Assessments chart configured to group the count of Critical reports by user, sees that two users are responsible for the majority of Critical reports.
  5. Admin sends email to each user, requesting them to use Iora Lite to analyze their reports for tuning opportunities.

Admin Identifies Common Design Flaws in Reports

In this scenario, the admin of a Salesforce org uses Iora Lite to learn that a certain report builder repeatedly uses suboptimal filter conditions that include negative operators and leading wildcard searches.

  1. Admin logs into Salesforce org using a web browser.
  2. Admin starts a new browser window and launches Iora Lite in Random mode.
  3. On the Org Overview page, admin sees in the Design Assessment chart that there are many Suboptimal reports, and drills into those reports.
  4. On the Org Reports page, admin uses the Reports Assessment chart configured to group the count of Suboptimal reports by user, sees that one user is responsible for the majority of Suboptimal reports. Admin click on the bar that corresponds to this user.
  5. The Reports Assessment chart of the Org Reports page updates to reveal that this user is repeatedly creating reports with filter conditions that do not follow best practices.
  6. Admin sends email to user with link on report building best practices.
Iora Lite In Practice

User Notified of Specific Reports to Tune

In this scenario, the admin of an org has notified a user of one or more reports that might benefit from tuning.

  1. User logs into Salesforce org using a web browser.
  2. User starts a new browser window and and launches Iora Lite in Selective mode.
  3. The user can find all reports in the collected set that he/she owns by going to Report page, then using the Search feature of the Org Reports table below the charts. The user click on a report.
  4. The user can use the Filters, Performance, and Tuning Advisor tabs of the Report page to learn more about the current structure of the report and suggestions for tuning its performance.
  5. Using the other browser window, the user optimizes the report definition so that it executes faster.
  6. The user logs out of and back into Iora Lite to reassess this report's performance (assuming it appears in the collected set of reports).

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