u-blox gnss modem library
A more elaborate description will follow later.
Code samples can be found in the examples folder. Execute them from the project directory as modules.
python3 -m examples.show_version
The following code is from examples/show_version.py
Simple demonstrator that gets modem version
import logging
from ubxlib.server import GnssUBlox
from ubxlib.ubx_mon_ver import UbxMonVerPoll, UbxMonVer
FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger('gnss_tool')
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# Create UBX library
# Note: tty is only used to address modem in gpsd.
# the library does not use the tty directly
ubx = GnssUBlox('/dev/ttyS3')
# Register the frame types we use
# Poll version from modem
poll_version = UbxMonVerPoll()
res = ubx.poll(poll_version)
# Simple print of received answer frame
print(f'Received answer from modem\n{res}')
# Can also access fields of UbxMonVer via .f member
print(f'SW Version: {res.f.swVersion}')
print(f'HW Version: {res.f.hwVersion}')