Pingcheng Jian,
Easop Lee,
Zachary Bell,
Michael M. Zavlanos,
Boyuan Chen
Duke University
This repo contains the implementation for paper Policy Stitching: Learning Transferable Robot Policies.
If you find our paper or codebase helpful, please consider citing:
title={Policy Stitching: Learning Transferable Robot Policies},
author={Jian, Pingcheng and Lee, Easop and Bell, Zachary and Zavlanos, Michael M and Chen, Boyuan},
booktitle={7th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},
- The development tools of this project can be installed with conda:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml .
- Train modular policy of the Panda Robot arm in simulation from scratch
mpirun -np 7 python -u --env-name='PandaPush-v2' --n-epochs=200 --device cuda:0 --seed 101 --save_data --save_model
- Few-shot fine-tune the stitched policy of the Panda Robot arm in simulation
mpirun -np 7 python -u --env-name='PandaL3Push-v2' --ro-env-name PandaL3Push-v3 --ta-env-name PandaPush-v2 --n-epochs=200 --device cuda:0 --seed 101 --save_data --save_model
- Train modular policy of the UR5 Robot arm in simulation from scratch
mpirun -np 7 python -u --env-name='Ur5Push1' --n-epochs=200 --device cuda:0 --seed 101 --control_type='joint' --save_data --save_model
- Few-shot fine-tune the stitched policy of the UR5 Robot arm in simulation
mpirun -np 7 python -u --env-name='Ur5Push1' --ro-env-name Ur5Push4 --ta-env-name Ur5L5Push1 --n-epochs=200 --device cuda:0 --seed 101 --control_type='joint' --save_data --save_model
- Few-shot fine-tune the stitched policy of the UR5 Robot arm in real world
mpirun -np 7 python -u --env-name='Ur5Push1' --n-epochs=200 --device cuda:0 --seed 101 --control_type='joint' --save_data --save_model
- test modular policy of the Panda Robot arm in simulation
python --device cpu --env-name PandaL3Push-v2 --ro-env-name PandaL3Push-v3 --ta-env-name PandaPush-v2 --ta_seed 101 --ro_seed 101
- test modular policy of the UR5 Robot arm in simulation
python --device cpu --env-name='Ur5Push1' --ro-env-name Ur5Push4 --ta-env-name Ur5L5Push1 --ta_seed 101 --ro_seed 101
- test modular policy of the UR5 Robot arm in real world
python --device cpu --env-name='Ur5Push1' --ro-env-name Ur5Push4 --ta-env-name Ur5L5Push1 --ta_seed 101 --ro_seed 101
Experiment setup for the Panda robot arm in the simulation
Experiment setup for the UR5 robot arm in the simulation and the real world
This project refers to the github repositories panda-gym, pybullet_ur5_robotiq, and hindsight-experience-replay.