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John Lacey edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Version Info: Connector Manager 2.6.9, build 2727: Required for JBoss. JBoss5.1.0.GA Open JDK Java 1.6

  1. Download JBoss5.1.0.GA

  2. Build and deploy JBoss. When running JBoss, you may have want to use

./ -b 

to start up the jboss if you are planning on connecting to the server remotely and not using http://localhost:port

  1. Download CM 2.6.9, build 2727 from:

  2. Deploy the extracted war file (connector-manager.war)

  3. Updated applicationContext.xml to use jboss.server.home.dir and instead of catalina.base

<prop key="feed.logging.FileHandler.pattern">${jboss.server.home.dir}/logs/google-connectors.feed%g.log</prop>

<prop key="jdbc.datasource.url">jdbc:h2:${jboss.server.home.dir}/webapps/connector-manager/WEB-INF/connector_manager.dbstore/connector-manager</prop>

Update the log directory in to use logs -- default directory in jboss.

  1. Connect using the following url: http://servername:port/connector-manager
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