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John Lacey edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 1 revision


Occasionally we release a minor updates or patch releases to the Connector Manager. These releases usually fix critical bugs or customer issues found since the previous release and it is strongly recommended that customers using the previous release of Connector Manager upgrade as soon as possible.

This document provides instructions for manually applying a new Connector Manager patch over a previously installed Connector Manager. This procedure works best when applying patch releases (version changes in the last digit - for instance, v2.0.0 -> v2.0.2). It is not recommended for major upgrades (for instance v1.3.2 -> v2.0.2).


Before applying an update you should have the following available to you.

  • Access to the computer running the Connector Manager and its Tomcat application server. You will need sufficient access rights to start and stop Tomcat and modify files in its deployment directory.
  • A binary distribution of a Connector Manager patch release, available on the Downloads page.
  • Familiarity with the command line environment of the deployment computer (cmd.exe on Windows or a shell environment on Unix/Linux).

Note: These instructions use environment variable syntax as an allusion. These are not actual environment variables, and you must substitute the actual path when entering the commands.

Updating a Connector Manager deployed on Windows

Note: %CATALINA_HOME% refers to the Apache Tomcat deployment directory for your Connector installation. If you installed the Connector using the Google Connector Installer (GCI), then %CATALINA_HOME% will be the Tomcat directory inside the Connector Installation (for instance: C:\GoogleConnectors\myConnector\Tomcat).

You will need to stop and restart the Tomcat web application server during the upgrade. The instructions here assume that Tomcat is running as a Windows Service. The instructions for doing so differ if Tomcat is running as a console application. You would typically stop and start the service via the Windows->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services control panel.

  1. Download the Google Connector Manager Binary Distribution from the Downloads page, and unzip it. Note the location of the connector-manager.war file that was extracted from the binary distribution. These notes will use %WAR_DIR% to refer to the directory that contains the connector-manager.war file.
  2. Shutdown the Tomcat web application server, either via the Services control panel, by using the Stop_*_Connector_Console command in the Connector installation directory, or by using Tomcat's shutdown or stopService command.
  1. Make a backup copy of the Connector Manager configuration properties file %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\connector-manager\WEB-INF\
cd %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\connector-manager\WEB-INF
  1. Deploy the new connector-manager.war over the old installation. This is done by using the Java jar command to unpack the war file directly into the Tomcat deployment. WARNING: Some versions of the Google Connector Installer mark the installed connector JAR files as Read-Only. Write permission for these files must be restored before deploying the patch.
cd %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\connector-manager
attrib -r WEB-INF\lib\*.jar
jar xvf %WAR_DIR%\connector-manager.war
  1. Restore the Connector Manager configuration properties file that was backed up earlier.
cd %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\connector-manager\WEB-INF
  1. Restart the Tomcat web application server, either via the Services control panel, by using the Start_*_Connector_Console command in the Connector installation directory, or by using Tomcat's startup command or startService command.

Updating a Connector Manager deployed on Unix or Linux

Note: ${CATALINA_HOME} refers to the Apache Tomcat deployment directory for your Connector installation. If you installed the Connector using the Google Connector Installer (GCI), then ${CATALINA_HOME} will be the Tomcat directory inside the Connector Installation (for instance: ~/GoogleConnectors/myConnector/Tomcat).

The syntax used here is Bash shell syntax. You may need to adjust the syntax appropriately if you are using a different command shell.

  1. Download the Google Connector Manager Binary Distribution from the Downloads page, and unzip it. Note the location of the connector-manager.war file that was extracted from the binary distribution. These notes will use ${WAR_DIR} to refer to the directory that contains the connector-manager.war file. GNU tar was used to generate the archive, and should also be used to extract its contents.
tar xzf connector-manager-2.0.2.tar.gz
  1. Shutdown the Tomcat web application server either by using the Stop_*_Connector_Console command in the Connector installation directory, or by using Tomcat's shutdown command.
  1. Make a backup copy of the Connector Manager configuration properties file ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/connector-manager/WEB-INF/
cd ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/connector-manager/WEB-INF
  1. Deploy the new connector-manager.war over the old installation. This is done by using the Java jar command to unpack the war file directly into the Tomcat deployment. WARNING: Some versions of the Google Connector Installer mark the installed connector JAR files as Read-Only. Write permission for these files must be restored before deploying the patch.
cd ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/connector-manager
chmod +w WEB-INF/lib/*.jar
jar xvf ${WAR_DIR}/connector-manager.war
  1. Restore the Connector Manager configuration properties file that was backed up earlier.
cd ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/connector-manager/WEB-INF
  1. Restart the Tomcat web application server, either by using the Start_*_Connector_Console command in the Connector installation directory, or by using Tomcat's startup command.