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Getting Started

JainalGandhi edited this page May 23, 2020 · 18 revisions


  • Ensure you have installed the .NET Core 3.1 SDK. If using Visual Studio, also ensure the ASP.NET and Web Development Tools package is installed.
  • Ensure NPM / NodeJS is installed to run the frontend.

We recommend the usage of Visual Studio for the development of the backend and your choice of text editor for the frontend.

Installing Wedium

Backend Setup

  1. Find and open WediumBackend.sln in ./WediumBackend.
  2. Add the WediumDatabase connection string and JwtSecret into appsettings.json (contact a team-member to obtain values).
  3. Build the project and launch WediumAPI in Visual Studio. This will install the necessary NuGet packages and launch IISExpress.

Frontend Setup

  1. Naviagate to the frontend folder in ./WediumFrontend in a command line tool.
  2. Run npm install in the command line tool to download and install frontend dependencies.
  3. Edit the .env.development file in ./WediumFrontend. Add the required settings (contact a team-member to obtain values).
  4. Run npm run start in the command line tool to start the React development server.
  5. The default internet browser will redirect to the home page (http://localhost:3000/). This should be successfully connected to the backend.


Contact a team member to obtain details regarding the database.

Before Contributing

Also, be sure to read about our license, code and GitHub conventions and our Git Workflow.

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