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High Level Architecture

salma-s edited this page May 23, 2020 · 6 revisions

High Level Architecture

Project structure and packages

Detailed below is the simplified project structure used and npm packages used to achieve the architecture above.

State Store

  • redux for centralised state management.


  • react-redux as the helper binder between Redux and React.
  • redux-thunk middleware to control the dispatching of Redux actions, based on API response.


  • react to build the SPA.
  • react-router for client-side routing.
  • axios for sending asynchronous HTTP requests to the WediumAPI.
  • material-ui for styled components.

Project structure (Simplified)

  /apis           The API service that defines axios http calls to the WediumAPI.

  /components     Calls the thunk to make an API call and modify and keep track 
                  of the state.


    /actions       Defines the different action types which modify the state.

       /thunk      Makes an API call and depending on the response, dispatches the
                   appropriate action.

    /reducers      Performs the modification on the state based on the action received.

    store.js       Stores the application state.
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