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Compiling Arden2ByteCode from source

hflicka edited this page Sep 22, 2011 · 1 revision

Getting the source

To use Arden2ByteCode, first download or clone the source.

You can use git clone as follows:
git clone git://

Alternatively, you can download a zipball or tarball from the following URLs:

Clone or extract the files to a directory of your choice.

Building the source

Now that you got the source, you can build (compile) it. There are 2 different ways to build it:

  1. Using Eclipse (recommended)
    If you want to use Eclipse, import the Eclipse project coming with the source code.
    1. Choose File -> Import... from the Eclipse menu.
    2. In the import dialog choose "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click "Next"
    3. As root directory, choose the directory where you put the source tree and click "Finish"
    4. Now the project arden2bytecode should be imported and opened on the left side of your Eclipse IDE window (in the Package Explorer).
    5. Build the project by choosing Project -> Build Project... from the Eclipse menu.
  2. Using Apache Ant
    Ant is a command-line utility mainly used to compile Java programs like arden2bytecode.
    1. First of all, you need to have ant installed and the binary being in the path of your environment.
    2. Further, you need a Java Development Kit of at least version 6 to be able to compile the Java Sources.
    3. Using a shell (command line interpreter), switch to the directory containing the source code (build.xml should be located in that directory).
    4. Type ant, to start the compile procedure.

The compiled Java program should now reside in subdirectory bin/ of the source tree.
Also, a JAR package of all the binaries should be built in the 'dist/' subdirectory.

Launching Arden2ByteCode

Having built the source, you can now launch the Arden2ByteCode compiler.

  1. Do this by switching to the bin/ subdirectory of the source tree.
  2. Enter java arden.MainClass -r <Path to MLM-File> on the command prompt.
    E.g. java arden.MainClass -r ../src/arden/tests/x2.1.mlm

Alternatively: Launching the .jar file

You can also launch the .jar binary package as explained in Getting started with Arden2ByteCode.

  1. Switch to dist/ subdirectory: cd dist
  2. Enter arden2bytecode -r ../src/arden/tests/x2.5.mlm on the command prompt to run x2.5.mlm.
    On Linux, type ./arden2bytecode -r ../src/arden/tests/x2.5.mlm.

More information about the command line options are given in Arden2ByteCode Command Line Reference.