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Using the evoke slot

hflicka edited this page Sep 14, 2012 · 4 revisions

As of September 2012, it is possible to declare events in the evoke slot of a MLM.

An example would be:

data: ...;;
evoke: every 5 seconds for 99 years starting 2012-01-01;;
logic: conclude true;;
action: ...;;

Using the above evoke slot, the MLM is executed every 5 seconds.
The syntax of the evoke slot is documented in the Arden Syntax standard.

For the evoke slot, you may as well use:

  • Fixed dates or timestamps in ISO format
    evoke: 1992-01-03T14:23:17.0;;
  • Event variables declared in the data slot
    evoke: penicillin_storage;; // must be declared in data slot
  • A blank evoke statement
    evoke: ;;
  • A combination of duration, "AFTER TIME OF" and an event the time of which is known evoke: 3 days after time of penicillin_storage;;
  • A periodic schedule as above

You can start Arden2ByteCode with the --daemon option instead of -r or -c to start a daemon that invokes the MLM on the desired schedule.
If this does not suit your needs, you can write an own wrapper that accesses the MLMs evoke slot via getEvoke() in the MedicalLogicModule interface.
Also you can override the ExecutionContexts getEvent() method to provide own events.