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svcfmtm edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

Conflation Calculations

Part of the fun of external datasets, especially some that have been around long time like the MVUM data is the the variety of inconsistencies in the data. While OpenStreetMap itself is a bit overly flexible at time, so is external data. And some of the old data has been converted from other formats several times, with bugs getting introduced each time.


OpenStreetMap has relations, which are a collection of references to other features. External data may have LineStrings, MultiLineStrings or a GeometryCollection, all in the same file! For all calculations the MultiLineString and GeometryCollections are taken apart, so the calculations are between OSM data and that segment of the external data. Since this may product multiple values, those need to be evaluated and the most likely one returned.


A simple distance calculation is performed after transforming the coordinate system from global degrees to meters. The result is compared to a threshold distance, and any feature within that threshold is added to a list of possible matches. After a few features are found in the required distance, matching stops and then the next feature to be conflated is started on the same process.

If the highway is a GeometryCollection or MultiLineString, then it's split into segments, and each one is checked for distance. The closest one is what is returned.

Slope and Angle

Distance often will return features that are close to each other, but often they are spur roads off the more major one. So when two highway segments are found close to each other, the angle between them is calculated. This works well to differentiate between the more major highway, and the spur road that splits off from that.

If the highway is a GeometryCollection or MultiLineString, then it's split into segments, and each one is checked for the angle. The closest one is what is returned.

Tag Checking

Once there is at least one candidate within the parameters of distance and angle, then the tags are checked for matches. The tags we are primarily interested in are name(s) and reference number(s) of each MVUM road or trail. Some of the existing features in OpenStreetMap may be inaccurate as to the proper name and reference. And of course each feature may have an alt_name or both a ref and a ref:usfs. Due to the wonders of inconsistent data, a fuzzy string comparison is done. This handles most of the basic issues, like capitalization, one or 2 characters difference, etc... Anything above the threshold is considered a probably match, and increments a counter. This value is included in the conflated results, and is often between 1-3.

The reference numbers between the two datasets is also compared. There is often a reference number in OSM already, but no name. The external dataset has the name, so we want to update OSM with that. In addition, the external datasets often have access information. Seasonal access, private land, or different types of vehicles which can be added to OSM.

Tag Merging

The conflation process for merging tags uses the concept of primary and secondary datasets. The primary is considered to have the true value for a highway or trail. For example, if the name in the two datasets doesn't match, the secondary will then rename the current value to old_something. The primary's version becomes the same. Some with reference numbers.

Other tags from the primary can also be merged, overriding what is currently in OSM. Once again, the old values are renamed, not deleted. When validating in JOSM, you can see both versions and make a final determination as to what is the correct value. Often it's just spelling differences.

For all the features in OSM that only have a highway=something as a tag, all the desired tags from the primary dataset are added.

For some tags like surface and smoothness, the value in OSM is potentially more recent, so those are not updated. For any highway feature lacking those tags, they get added.

Optionally the various access tags for private, atv, horse, motorcycle, etc... are set in the post conflation dataset if they have a value in the external dataset.

Debug Tags

Currently a few tags are added to each feature to aid in validating and debugging the conflation process. These should obviously be removed before uploading to OSM. They'll be removed at a future date after more validation. These are:

  • hits - The number of matching tags in a feature
  • ratio - The ratio for name matching if not 100%
  • dist - The distance between features
  • angle - The angle between two features
  • slope - The slope between two features


Conflation is never 100% accurate due to the wonderful um... "flexibility" of the datasets. Minor tweaks to the steering parameters for the distance, angle, and fuzzy string matching can produce slightly different results. I often run the same datasets with different parameters looking for the best results.


Where a feature crosses the task boundary, the calculations have to deal with incomplete features, which is messy. This is particularly a problem when conflating small datasets.

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