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svcfmtm edited this page Aug 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Conflating External Datasets

This project is the merging of several programs for conflating external datasets with OpenStreetMap data developed at HOT. These were originally developed for large scale building imports using MS Footprints in East Africa, and to also work with conflating data collected with OpenDataKit for the Field Mapping Tasking Manager project.

The Data Files

While any name can be used for the OSM database, I usually default to naming the OpenStreetMap database the country name as used in the data file. Other datasets have their own schema, and can be imported with ogr2ogr, or using python to write a custom importer. In that case I name the database after the dataset source. Past versions of this program could conflate between multiple datasets, so it's good to keep things clear.

Overture Data

The Overture Foundation ( has been recently formed to build a competitor to Google Maps. The plan is to use OpenStreetMap (OSM) data as a baselayer, and layer other datasets on top. The currently available data (July 2023) has 13 different datasets in addition to the OSM data. It is available here. It also includes a snapshot of OSM data from the same time frame. Other than the OSM data and MS Footprints, all the current additional data is primarily US specific, and often contains multiple copies of the same dataset, but from different organization.

The osm-rawdata python module has a utility that'll import the Parquet data files into the postgress database schema used by multiple projects at HOT. That schema is designed for data analysis, unlike the standard OSM database schema. There is more detail in these notes I've written about importing Overture Data into postgres.

Duplicate Buildings

This is the primary conflation task. Because of offsets in the satellite imagery used for the original buildings, there is rarely an exact duplicate, only similar. The only times when you see an exact duplicate, it's because the same source data is in multiple other datasets. The orientation may be different even if the same rough size, or it'll be roughly in the same position, but differing sizes. Several checks are made to determine duplicates. First is to check for any intersection of the two polygons. If the two polygons intersection it's an overlapping building or possibly duplicate. Any building in the footprint data that is found to be a duplicate is removed from the output data file.

Overlapping Buildings

It is entirely possible that a new building in the footprints data may overlap with an existing building in OSM. It wouldn't be overlapping in the footprints data. Since this requires human intervention to fix, these buildings are left in the output data, but flagged with a debugging tag of overlapping=yes. There is also many occurances where the building being imported has a better building geometry than OSM, so the best one should be selected.

Using the HOT Underpass project, it is possible to scan the building geometries and either delete the bad geometry one, or flag it in the result data files for a human to validate the results.

Known Problems

There are two main issues with ML/AI derived building footprints, Buildings that are very close together, like the business section in many areas of the world, do not get marked as separate buildings. Instead the entire block of buildings is a single polygon. This will eventually get fixed by drone mapping, where there can be more of a street view of the buildings that you can't get using existing satellite imagery.

The other problem is that as processing satellite imagery is that buildings are recognized by shading differences, so often features are flagged as buildings that don't actually exist. For example, big rocks in the desert, or haystacks in a field both get marked as a building. Any building in the footprints data that has no other buildings nearby, nor a highway or path of some kind, is flagged with a debugging tag of false=yes. Usually this is easy to determine looking at satellite imagery, since these are often remote buildings. The tags can be searched for when editing the data to visually determine whether it's a real building or not.

Conflating Other Than Buildings


Data collected in the field using ODK Collect is a specific case. If using using data extracts from OpenStreetMap, the data extract has the OSM ID, so it's much simpler to conflate the new tags with either the existing building polygon or POI. For this workflow, any tag in the feature from ODK will overwrite any existing values in the existing feature. This allows for updating the tags & values when ground-truthing. When the OSM XML file is loaded into JOSM, it has the modified attribute set, and the version has been incremented. In JOSM under the File menu, select the Update Modified menu item. This will sync the modified feature with current OSM. At that point all that needs to be done is validate the modified features, and upload to OSM.

When ODK Collect is used but has no data extract, conflation is more complicated. For this use case, a more brute force algorythm is used. Initially any building polygon or POI within 7 meters is found by querying the database. Most smartphone GPS chipsets, even on high-end phones, are between 4-9m off from your actual location. That value was derived by looking at lots of data, and can be changed when invoking the conflation software in this project. Once nearby buildings are identified, then the tags are compared to see if there is a match.

For example, if collecting data on a restaurant, it may have a new name, but if the nearby building is the only one with an amenity=restaurant* (or cafe, pub, etc...) it's considered a probable match. If there are multiple restaurants this doesn't work very well unless the name hasn't changed. If there are multiple possible features, a fixme= tag is added to the POI, and it has to be later validated manually. Every tag in the ODK data has to be compares with the nearby buildings. Often it's the name tag that is used for many amenities.

If a satellite imagery basemap is used in Collect, conflation is somewhat simpler. If the mapper has selected the center of the building using the basemap, conflation starts by checking for the building polygon in OSM that contains this location. If no building is found, the POI is added to the output file with a fixme=new building tag so the buildings can traced by the validator. Any tags from the POI are added to the new building polygon.

Points Of Interest (POI)

It is common when collecting datasets from non-OSM sources each feature may only be single node. This may be a list of schools, businesses, etc... with additional information with each POI that can be added to the OSM building polygon (if it exists). Obviously any imported data must have a license acceptable for importing into OSM.

Similar to how conflating ODK data when not using a data extract, the tags & values are compared with any nearby building. Since often these imports are features already in OSM with limited metadata, this adds more details.


Highways are more complex because it uses relations. A relation is a groups of highway segments into a single entity. Some times the tags are on the relation, other times each highway segment. The segments change when the highway condition changes, but the name and reference number doesn't change. External datasets don't use relations, they are OSM specific.

MVUM Highways

The USDA publishes a dataset of Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) highways in the National Forest. Some of this data has already been imported into OSM, although the metadata may be lacking, but the LineString is there. MVUM roads are primarily compacted dirt roads. While some can be driven in a passenger vehicle, most are varying degrees of bad to horrible to impassable. These highways are often used for recreational traffic by off-road vehicles, or for emergency access for a wildland fire or backcountry rescue.

Another key detail of MVUM highways is each one may have 4 names! There is of course the primary name, for example "Cedar Lake Road". But it may also have a locals name, common in remote areas. And then there is the reference number. A MVUM highway may have two reference numbers, the country designated one, and the USDA one. Luckily OSM supports this. Many of these tags effect both how the highway is displayed, as well as routing for navigation.

"name": "Platte Lake Road",
"alt_name": "Bar-K Ranch Road",
"surface": "dirt",
"smoothness": "bad",
"highway": "track",
"ref": "CO 112",
"ref:usfs": "FR 521.1A"
"tracktype": "grade3"

A bad highway is something I'd be comfortable driving in a 4x4 high-clearance vehicle. Smoothness values can be a bit misleading, as often what is in OSM may be years out of date. And most MVUM roads get zero maintainance, so get eroded, pot-holed, and or exposed rocks. And people's perception of road conditions is subjective based on one's experience driving these highways.

All of this metadata makes conflation interesting. Since existing OSM features were added by more than one person, the tagging may not be consistent. For example, the existing data may have Forest Service Road 123, which should really be ref:usfs=FR 123. And the real highway name Piney Pass Road is in the MVUM dataset. The goal of highway conflation is to merge the new metadata into the existing OSM feature where possible. This then needs to be validated by a human being. There is still much tedious work to process post conflation data before it can be uploaded to OSM.

But sometimes conflation works well, especially when the LineString in OSM was imported from older versions of the MVUM data. But often highways in OSM were traced off satellite imagery, and may have wildly different geometry.

If you ignore conflating the tags other than name or ref, the process is somewhat less messy. And tags like surface and smoothness really should be ground-truthed anyway. So I do ignore those for now and stick to validating the name and the two reference numbers which are usually lacking in OSM. That and addding consistency to the data to make it easier to make data extracts.

To conflate OSM highways with external data, initially each entry in the external dataset does a distance comparison with the existing OSM data. There is an optional threshold to set the distance limit. Since currently this is focused on conflating files without a database, this is computationally intensive, so slow. For data that was imported in the past from MVUM datasets, a distance of zero means it's probably the same segment. The external dataset needs to have the tagging converted to the syntax OSM uses. Tagging can be adjusted using a conversion program, but as conversion is usually a one-off task, it can also be done using JOSM or QGIS. Usually it's deleting most of the tags in the external dataset that aren't appropriate for OSM. Primarily the only tags that are needed are the name and any reference numbers. Since the MVUM data also classified the types of road surface, this can also be converted. Although as mentioned, may be drastically out of data, and OSM is more recent and ground-truthed.

Then there is a comparison of the road names. It's assumed the one from the MVUM dataset is the correct one. And since typos and weird abbreviations may exist in the datasets, fuzzy string matching is performed. This way names like FS 123.1 can match FR 123.1A. In this case the current name value in OSM becomes alt_name, and the MVUM name becomes the official name. This way when validating you can make decisions where there is confusion on what is correct. For an exact name match no other tags are checked to save a little time.

Any other processing is going to be MVUM highway specific, so there will be an additional step to work through the reference numbers not supported by this program.

Output Files

If the data files are huge, it's necessary to conflate with a subset of all the data. For projects using the Tasking Manager or the Field Mapping Tasking Manager you can download the project boundary file and use that. For other projects you can extract administrative bondaries from OpenStreetMap, or use external sources. Usually county administrative boundaries are a good size. These can be extracted from OSM itself, or an external data file of boundaries.

After conflation, an output file is created with the new buildings that are not duplicates of existing OSM data. This is much smaller than the original data, but still too large for anyone having bandwidth issues. This output file is in GeoJson format, so can be edited with JOSM or QGIS

Since this software is under development, rather than automatically deleting features, it adds tags to the features. Then when editing the data, it's possible to see the flagged data and validate the conflation. It also makes it possible to delete manually the results of the conflation from the output file once satisfied about the validation of the results.

Validating The Conflation

The conflated data file can't be uploaded to OSM until it is validated. While QGIS can be used for this purpose, JOSM is preferred because it does validation checks, and uploads directly to OpenStreetMap. I start by loading the conflation data file, and then enabling the OpenStreetMap imagery for the basemap. Existing buildings in OSM are grey polygons, so it's possible to see existing buildings with the conflated new buildings as a layer on top.

Once the buildings are loaded, you can then download the OSM data for that view. Then use the SelectDuplicateBuilding script to find any buildings that have been added since the initial data file for conflation was used. Once selected, those can be deleted in a single operation.

The next step is validating what is left that is considered to be a new building. This is done using satellite imagery. Most commercial satellite imagery available for public use comes from Maxar. But the different providers (Bing, ESRI, Google, etc...) have different update cycles, so I often double check with ESRI imagery.

If there is drone imagery available from Open Aerial Map, that's also a good surce of imagery, but often doesn't cover a large area.

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